Forums Discussions For Fashion Enthusiasts With a Knack for Sewing

  • For Fashion Enthusiasts With a Knack for Sewing

    Posted by LondonCalling on July 12, 2009 at 2:35 pm

    I was looking for cool new patterns for costumes and came across an awesome site with lots of how-to’s and free templates. I ended up finding much more than just costume ideas, I found tons of innovative creations for daily wear. Most of the patterns are free but there are some you can purchase for very little. The most I’ve seen one cost is 5 bucks. But for seamstresses and craft junkies alike this is a really cool site. The patterns all look easy to modify, so if you find a pattern for a mini skirt or any other, it’d be easy to alter it for a sexy tear away skirt for a dance If you guys know about other cool sites like these, please share. I’m looking for a corset template to make an underbust corset and it would be my first. I know PoleDanceABC’s does a lot of period work so if you notice this thread please share your knowledge

    Happy Poling

    Veena replied 15 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • lily

    July 12, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    Awesome site – thanks for posting! I love to sew my own clothes, though I’ve never done something as involved as a corset so I have no advice – but best of luck, your ideas for dancewear sound so cute!

  • Veena

    July 12, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    Great site!! Now I wish I had a spot for my sewing machine I might have to make room for it some how!! I did see a DIY episode where this girl makes her own corsets. If I can find it I’ll let you know….from what I remember it wasn’t too tough. It was fit you your own body making it perfect.

  • Veena

    July 12, 2009 at 5:47 pm

    Ok sooo I looked and can’t seem to find that show! All I remember is it was on after the show knitty gritty so I think that was HGTV not DIY but…it was 2 years ago so the show probably isn’t on anymore booo. I will try and rack my brain to remember how they did the pattern, if I can remember I’ll post it for you all. THINK THINK THINK!

  • LondonCalling

    July 12, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    With how a lot of series post clips and highlights on the websites for the channels their shows come on, I might be able to find a clip for it on there. I did find one website with beginner kits, like with the boning and stuff included. But they were all sold out But I’ll keep looking. So far I have costume ideas for three songs : Circus – Britney Spears, Smooth Criminal – Micheal Jackson, and the Moulin Rouge song Lady Marmalade that Christina Aguilera, Mya, P!nk, and Lil’ Kim did. So I’ll be busy busy whenever I get my hands on all the right patterns

  • PoleDanceABCs

    July 13, 2009 at 8:43 am

    Are we talking corsets???? …………………
    Hahaha, got a little excited over here. You know you might regret asking me for help because I give too much.


    There is a wide range of lengths for corsets. Anything from short to long to extreme.

    You can make an underbust cincher that almost looks like a belt.

    Or you can have a corset that just covers up to the top of the hips.

    Or just below the hip line.

    Or all the way down to upper thighs.


    Think about the look you are going for. Do you want the top to have a straight edge or an upside-down "V" that sort of comes in between your boobs? And what sort of edge will the bottom have? You can make it almost totally straight or it can also point to a V or it can be rounded. Are you going to add lace or other embelishments?


    What materials you use will depend on what your corset will be used for. Are we talking about tight-lacing and training? Or will your corset be worn a couple times a year?
    For day-to-day wear you will need something sturdy and several layers to make a good base. Even for costume corsets I recommend at least two layers or three layers (two for the base and one as the "nice" top fabric.) I have seen corsets made of all kinds of materials so that is totally up to you. What I will absolutely stress upon is the boning. Do not settle for plastic because it has a tendency to "melt", get out of shape, and isn’t very supportive (even for smaller frames). Spring steel is always best and there are several good on-line stores that sell them with a special protective coating so that they don’t rust and ruin your corset from the inside-out.


    Experience, Patterns, Etc.
    I have seen plenty of beginners make very nice corsets. I think it all depends on your patience and willingness to learn-as-you-go. I have a costume group on MySpace and I have several professional corset makers ask questions about corset-making! It isn’t the easiest thing to do and I avoid making a new corset if I have to. hahaha. I don’t want to turn you away from making your own corset but expect some sweat and tears… and sometimes blood.

    I think a really good pattern helps too. If you find a pattern you like but it only has one size and you have to resize it… avoid that pattern. Sorry, resizing and drafting your own patterns is best left to those who know how.

    When you find a good pattern and they have your size, remember that every BODY is different. Every costumer/sewer will make a mock-up of a pattern. Basically you cut out the fabric according to the pattern, quickly stitch it together, and throw it on. Then they can see if something needs to be taken in or let out. Once you have a good mock-up you can cut out your nice fabric. Do not make the mistake of just jumping in and cutting into your nice silk or brocade without knowing that the pattern fits!


    OK, those are my basic pointers. Hahaha! I can go on forever and ever and ever and ever…..

    I’m just going to give you a bunch of links now.

    General Resources
    The Costumer’s Manifesto Awesome all-around costume website – sometimes their links are old
    Your library – you would be surprised how many costume books can be found at your local library. And if your library doesn’t have a copy then I’m sure they can order a book from another one. Unfortunately the books can just give you info and pictures, some books might have patterns but they aren’t always scaled right.
    Historical Costume Lovers My costume group on MySpace… had to give a shout-out, yo. hahaha

    Pattern Reviews Not sure which pattern to buy and which to skip? Check this out.
    Truly Victorian They only have a few corset patterns but I love their catalog. They make high-quality, really authentic patterns. (They also have some supplies).
    Laughing Moon From what I hear from other people this is a good company. (They also have some supplies).

    Corset Supplies
    Farthingale’s They have a store on Canada and one in LA. Choose the LA one if you live in the States. This is my favorite corset supply store, their prices are good and they also have some corset patterns for sale.

    Lara Corsets Some extant corsets for some inspiration

    I hope all this helps! Message me if you need more info!

  • LondonCalling

    July 13, 2009 at 12:52 pm

    I know exactly what style I want. I want an underbust corset with a small V shape to come between, but accentuate boobs, for it to sit just above the top of the hips because I’ll still need a good range of motion for pole dancing, and the bottom hem will be flat and rounded completely. I’ll be wearing a garter skirt with this. I want the fabric to be sort of a tight woven embroidered brocade pattern, much like what you would see on the typical lingerie corset from Fredericks of Hollywood. I was considering going for steel boning, just because the plastic does have the tendency to sort of bend and warp and lose its shape no matter how good a care I take of it. I also want it to be easy to remove. I was thinking of using an invisible zipper for closure on the side, but still including closure in the front with the Edwardian look. Does that sound like the type of corset you can wear a bra to match it with or do you just go with a shirt?
    I’m not completely sure on what type of fabric I should use for the inner layers. I don’t want anything stretchy because of the fit I’m hoping for. I read about coutil and I’m not sure if that’s a fabric for the outside or the inside. It seemed to have all of the properties I’m looking for. Any tips for what fabric would provide the best support and structure?

    Thanks for all of the help

  • Veena

    July 13, 2009 at 3:50 pm

    Ok the ones I saw them make on TV didn’t require much sewing. The fabric they use was the same fabric you would see an kimono or clothing of that nature, but really anything you like and isn’t too thick would be ok. I like shimmer and sparkles! If your gonna pole dance in it I would go with plastic boning, I have a corset with steel and it is REALLY hard to dance OR breath in. My plastic boning corsets are easier to pole in. If you buy the thicker plastic boning you should be fine the thin stuff gets really bendy. Don’t forget to make sure you can breath so you don’t pass out while dancing I would be careful about placement if you want to use a zipper. A zipper could scratch your pole, I would think a zipper at the back is best. I would go with hook and eyes (which are a pain) or better yet strings/ties, then it would be really adjustable. You could make your own ties for it or buy some. You could even use ribbon or something.

    If anyone else has some good thoughts let us know!!

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