For the ‘booty challenged’
Just a thought (and 'tip') I had regarding my ?? how you say ?? HUGE A*S and finding pole wear!!
One day last week, while wearing my bathing suit, I realized "hey.. this is keeping my butt covered'! It was an extreme revelation.. so I marched out to the nearest GoodWill store (in Austin) and found some more 'bottoms' for about $6 bucks apiece.
🙁 Okay.. only 2 fit, but .. it was cheap, and they make me happy knowing I finally found SOMETHING that would cover this…… THING! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif (and at a price that doesn't matter! 😉
I STILL love my Pole Skivves, but I may need a smaller size. lol I guess for some of us only the heavy duty elastic in swimwear makes the grade? 🙂
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