Forums Discussions Forgetting Moves?

  • monica kay

    February 27, 2010 at 10:54 pm

    to also start incorporating new moves:
    it helps to practice the move as the beginning, middle, or end of a combo— as opposed to
    just mastering the trick and just doing it alone. That way the new trick is paired up with one when you practice. It will come natural to move into it when the spotlight is on you.
    To avoid repeating the order of tricks when you are performing, do similar to above. Practice doing the combo’s in a different order over and over again. After an afternoon of switching up the combo, it will be second nature.
    (that is advice I got from a fire dancing forum a while ago- but i think it applies here…)

  • azzwoo

    February 27, 2010 at 11:20 pm

    I totally forget moves and find myself aimlessly spinning…. either that or I always seem to remember the same few moves!
    I’ll often write lists, or a few key ones that I always forget, and stick them somewhere I can see them while dancing. You could do something like those words where each letter relates to a move, that might help you remember some?
    For example CATS….. could translate to:-
    (just an example, you could make a longer word if you were doing a routine)

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