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  • Trena

    October 7, 2009 at 10:49 pm

    When someone replies to forums you have posted you will recieve an email to your email address to let you know. When you see a forum that you wana keep an eye on you can click ‘subcribe’ down at the bottom and you’ll get an email whenever someone has posted a response to it.
    Or if you post a response to someone else’s forum thread you’ll get a notification to your email address whenever someone else posts a response to that same thread. Hope this helps you somehow. (And that it hasnt totally confused you!!!)

  • Veena

    October 7, 2009 at 10:49 pm

    You will receive an email when you get a response on a topic

  • amy

    November 18, 2009 at 3:05 am

    hi, how do we turn off topic reply notifications?

  • Veena

    November 18, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    The unsubscribe button at the bottom of the page when you in the forum. Make sure your logged in to see it.

  • amy

    November 18, 2009 at 4:06 pm

    Sorry, i should have been more clear. is there a setting so that we don’t receive any topic reply notifications, ever, without having to opt-out? i log in daily and the notification emails are kind of superfluous, especially since every time i visit the board, it seems to re-set the notifications and i get them all over again.

  • Veena

    November 18, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    Sorry, i should have been more clear. is there a setting so that we don’t receive any topic reply notifications, ever, without having to opt-out? i log in daily and the notification emails are kind of superfluous, especially since every time i visit the board, it seems to re-set the notifications and i get them all over again.

    Just use your email client to filter it then if you don’t want to see others responses.

  • amy

    November 18, 2009 at 6:00 pm

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