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Fund Raisers ?
Posted by Judy Jovanelly on March 23, 2010 at 8:37 pmHi Everyone,
We are a new pole studio wanting to do a fundraiser of some sort for cancer research….. Has anybody out there ever done or been to one ? We’re not sure how we should run it — offer marathon classes, proceeds go to benefit cancer ? Any ideas or suggestions or tips are welcome !!!! thanks !
Judy Jovanelly replied 14 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
My pole instructor has done 2 fundraisers. They were pole shows! The dancers (students) all danced for free and people donated 5 or 10 bucks to get in. We raised a few thousand dollars.
Hi im about to do one in april. we are colaborating with hairdressers, beauty therapists, Ann Summers and a few others who may be looking to promo their business into a ladies charity night. I am going to be demonstrating and teaching those who want to give pole fitness a go. So its a whole host of girlie things to try on the night whilst raising money for a good cause…plus free publicity. Might be an idea for you too?
collaboration ! that is a great idea. we will definitely look into that…. girly stuff ! yess !!!!!!
At Xpose we do a few things to support various causes. Portion of Ms Xpose competition tickets supports a cause, we also do a naughty bingo night. I do like the showcase idea!
naughty bingo !!!! how does that work ???????? i want to do it NOW cuz it sound like tons of fun !!!!!!!
good luck with your fundraiser jayjay! can’t wait to hear about it =)
naughty bingo !!!! how does that work ???????? i want to do it NOW cuz it sound like tons of fun !!!!!!!
basically instead of longerberger basket full of junk, the prizes are various sex toys/novelty items. We have a few rules, if the letter is O everyone yells O in a sexy way. If the number is 69, you take a drink. Its a BYOB event. Usually the gifts are donated by a local sex toy rep (slumber parties, Party Gals, Brown Bag etc). Its a win win b/c the rep gets lots of bookings (ive heard when Xpose does vendor events or companies sponsor, thier customer base literally explodes) and some come home as happy campers.
basically instead of longerberger basket full of junk, the prizes are various sex toys/novelty items. We have a few rules, if the letter is O everyone yells O in a sexy way. If the number is 69, you take a drink. Its a BYOB event. Usually the gifts are donated by a local sex toy rep (slumber parties, Party Gals, Brown Bag etc). Its a win win b/c the rep gets lots of bookings (ive heard when Xpose does vendor events or companies sponsor, thier customer base literally explodes) and some come home as happy campers.
SIGN ME UP !!!!!!!! OMG – what fun !!!! thanks mini !
amyxshi on Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:37 am
good luck with your fundraiser jayjay! can’t wait to hear about it =)
thanks much for your good wishes amy ! we’ve been getting a lot of attention, so our first few business baby steps have been going pretty well. maybe over the summer we can have a polejam out in the ‘burbs. i know our lovely dani would be very happy to meet you and tracee !
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