Forums Discussions Getting new boobs but need advice on poling….. :(

  • Getting new boobs but need advice on poling….. :(

    Posted by VirginPoleGirl on February 28, 2014 at 12:56 pm

    Hey my fellow veenas! Hope your all well! I just need a bit of advice on my back and forth decision about getting a breast augmentation. I am truly unhappy with myself and since starting poling 2 years ago have lost a lot of my breasts due to using pec muscles etc. I am constantly comparing myself to others and decided to treat myself on my 30th birthday to a boob job!
    My only worry is how long I will be out of poling for and does anyone have any advice that’s had them done about going over the muscle as I’ve been told this is the best option due to using chest muscles when getting back to pole?
    Also has anyone done it and found it harder to pole with the extra ‘girls!’ 🙂
    Any help I will love you forever!!

    Brittanyshanah1663 replied 5 years, 7 months ago 16 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Amiloo

    February 28, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    My instructor has just got her boobies and she took 10 or 12 weeks off, she’s soming back next week she had them done just before Christmas!
    I would say, if your truly unhappy and this will make you feel better then go for it.
    My instructor has been doing other exercise just not pole, I can find out details if you like xx

  • Phoenix Hunter

    February 28, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    I had my implants long before I started poling. I love them! mine are under the muscle and it took a couple of months to heal before I could do any stenuous activity. under the muscle requires a longer healing period than above the muscle. under the muscle usually has a more natural look because there is more tissue covering the implant. but with the new silicone implants ,they also provide a very natural look and feel even when above the muscle. I used to lift weights when I first got mine. I lost a lot of chest strength that I had to rebuild. when they are under the muscle, your chest will look strange when you contract your pec muscles to do a pull up, push up, etc. you wont see much of this because your clothers will be on. you will see your cleavage contract in your pole top. when I see it on me, it just looks like I have really strong pec muscles contracting. hehe! really ask the plastic surgeon what is best for your lifestyle. tell him what you do and really explain to him how stenuous this is on your upper body. show him videos of what pole dancers really do. he needs to know that you are an “athlete” for lack of a better description and this is important to you. he may suggest going above the muscle. No, your boobs will not get in the way. they will become a part of your body and you will learn to work with them. they will feel foreign at first. what ever you do, take the appropriate time off the pole!!!! do not cheat and go back early. if you do, you may tear the implant pocket. this will require more surgery.

  • grayeyes

    February 28, 2014 at 8:22 pm

    I’ve had mine since before I started poling so I can’t give advice about what is best with regard to poling. Mine are under the muscle and they don’t cause me any trouble. As Lilredrobinhoob said they do move a bit weirdly with pec muscle contraction but it’s mostly covered by clothing. Silicone wasn’t available when I got mine so I don’t know much about that either. Agree with Lilred that talking with your surgeon about your activities is the best way to determine which way to go. I would also recommend talking with more than one surgeon for an opinion.

  • PinkPony

    February 28, 2014 at 8:30 pm

    I was poling for several years before I got my boobs done. I did a lot of research & interviewing before I made my decision. A key factor for me was that every woman I spoke to said she would have the surgery again if she were to do things over again. Even the ones who has complications said so. No one regretted their surgery.
    It concerns me slightly to read that you’re unhappy with yourself. Surgery is a big decision & if you’re insecure, a boob job won’t fix that. So I hope you’re doing it for the right reasons. I loved my body very much before surgery & didn’t suffer from low self esteem. But I wanted a change & felt a breast augmentation would balance my figure out a little. I was an A cup and now I’m a C or D, depending on the brand of bra. Like you, my boobs were a gift to myself when I turned 30 🙂
    If you’re sure a boob job is for you, then the best advice I can give you is to very carefully research your surgeon. He is everything and will determine what kind of experience you have. Make sure he has all the proper certifications, lots of experience, positive patient reviews, pictures of his work. Start asking every girl you know who has the surgery. Maybe we are very open about these things in Vegas, but every girl I spoke to was happy to tell me about her experience & helpful.
    Your surgeon will also be the best person to select for you over or under muscle, silicon or saline implant, number of CCs. You can see why it’s so important that he be someone you trust. I explained to my doctor that I was active in the aerial arts & used my upper body a great deal & that really affected his choices.
    Mine were under the muscle, “gummy bears,” a type of silicone that is very thick to prevent leakage in the event of a rupture. I was never in pain. I was very sore, but that was the worst. I used pain medication (at my doctor’s request) for only one day after the surgery. It is a good idea to have someone to help you in your home for at least maybe 3 days after surgery. Bring you water, keep track of your meds. I slept a lot after my surgery.
    I was back on the pole about 3 months after surgery. I was surprised that I had not lost all my strength. But the muscles around the boobs have tightened and will have to stretch out to feel like they used to. Only now, 2 years later, do my implants really feel like part of my body. But that’s normal from what I have heard, don’t let it scare you. It took many more months before I could do a pull-up but now it’s not an issue. The only pole move I have felt my boobs get in the way of is a version of the flag where the pole is basically pressed right against your boobs. I have done it, but found it kinda painful. I asked my doctor if I should avoid the pose in case of rupture but he said it was fine.
    I love my boobs & am so happy that I had the surgery. No regrets at all.
    I hope this was helpful. Good luck 🙂

  • Missantonia

    February 28, 2014 at 11:59 pm

    I got mine for my 30th bday too 🙂
    Although it was years before I started poling, I was still very athletic, including weightlifting. I remember it was a good 2 years before I got all my strength back. What is really important to remember is how important it is to not ever overuse those muscles (pectoral) while you are healing. Scarring can occur that often leads to tightening of the tissue surrounding the implant (capsular constricture), and it looks unnatural and strange. If they don’t jiggle and move like they are supposed to, then what’s the point, right? To correct it, you have to have them removed and start all over again. I’m not trying to discourage you, because to me, it would be worth the year or two it may take to FULLY recover. I’d do it again in a heartbeat! Everybody heals at different rates so who knows how long really, but just take whatever time your body may need.

  • poleall217564

    March 1, 2014 at 1:54 am

    hey is it possible to lose your breasts by poling? This worries me because my breasts are small…

  • Meg Smith

    March 1, 2014 at 3:12 am

    I dont know about poling @poleall217564 but having baby does – I went from a 34B to a 36DD (while breastfeeding)to a NOW 32A – BUT since pole they appear firmer then before i guess as there may be muscle underneath giving the illusion they all fuller?! (my random guess) (only so full my 32A can look though haha) x

  • VirginPoleGirl

    March 3, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    Thank you so much girls, Pinkpony that’s great advice and I will be thinking carefully about it all before I jump into it. Lots of things to consider and I am insecure (as much as I hate to admit it) but compare myself to others when I see their chest alllll the time so I know that’s what the root of my problem is. Will let you know what happens and thanks again! xxxx

  • calipolepixie

    March 3, 2014 at 4:19 pm

    I got mine done under the muscle about 6 months after I started pole. I didn’t get back on the pole until 8 weeks post op & even then I took things really slow until I built my strength back up. I’ve had no weird bulges or contortion of my breast implant because of pole. They definitely get in the way for some moves particularly armpit grip moves ouch! But I love my boobies & if I had the choice to do it again, I would in a heartbeat…best thing I have ever done for myself.

  • PoleMoves

    March 5, 2014 at 2:32 am

    So, it seems like most women at my studio have them and you’d never know. I have had mine for almost 15 years and I have popped them twice. I had saline the first time and they were under the the top section of the chest muscle and over the lower half. It was god-awful painful (but I love them)..the two times they were fixed they didn’t hurt. I got saline because I thought it was safer for breastfeeding and what not. Now I have the gummy bear kind and they do not go under my armpits like the saline ones did. I probably popped the saline implant the second time from pole…but it was old anyway. The first time one popped it was under warranty (under 5 years) and it was free. My surgeon said he has never had anyone pop an implant and I popped both. I do sometimes get a “farting sound” from my armpit when I climb… right after I got them done the first time I would get that sound with push-ups so I am sure it is implant related. I am not going to do the Fongi because I don’t want to risk smashing them (or my pubic bone)…but the Kamakazi is still okay because I can control it more.

  • JessicaAnn

    March 6, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    I had a breast augmentation after poling for several years. I was off completely for 3 months and its taken an additional 6 months to gain my strength. I love the new girls but I HATE how limiting it made me…almost like starting all over again.

  • Val Pepper

    July 29, 2019 at 12:03 am

    I have a BA about 17 months ago. It is silicone under muscle and I just started pole dancing (like a week haha). It is so hard to pull myself up on the pole. Most of the movements feel that my boobs are about to pop-up. I hope it gets better.

  • Lovey

    July 30, 2019 at 5:10 pm

    So many are explanting now because their implants are making them sick. You are beautiful the way you are!

  • Sammy Sparkles

    July 30, 2019 at 11:19 pm

    Not breast related but when I had part of my bowel removed I was told to not pole or hoop for 8 weeks. But 8 weeks to the day I was on the pole lol.

  • Veena

    July 30, 2019 at 11:24 pm

    Yes our bodies are beautiful as they are but I also support those who choose to make a change they feel is right for them. 😍

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