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Getting new boobs but need advice on poling….. :(
Brittanyshanah1663 replied 5 years, 7 months ago 16 Members · 21 Replies
I implore you, as a leader of this community, to reconsider your position.
I think Veena’s position is very reasonable too. BA and any other plastic surgery is an extremely personal decision. I support every woman to be who they want to be. Love to you all!
They make people sick and suffer. Please please please learn more about it so you can help people too.
You are right though… we get to choose. Much love to all.
I’m an R.N. and I do know what type of illness you are referring to, I wouldn’t personally do it but I don’t feel it’s my place to say what other people should do with their bodies. I’m sure you have good intentions and are just trying to look out for others.
My advice is only get them done for yourself, not bc of the other girls in your class. This is a a serious surgery with risks. That being said I’ve had mine since 2009 and I love them! I have saline under the muscle. I got mine bc after I had my child I lost all my breasts from losing weight, I didn’t breastfeed. I wanted my fullness back for ME to fill sexy and full out my bras and clothes the way I was used to. I asked the surgeon to just make me proportionate and he did an amazing job. NO ONE can tell my breasts are fake. They always say that they couldn’t tell when I let them know. You need to take into consideration that you are supposed to have the implants replaced after about 10 years. You can start to see rippling in the implants after you’ve had them for a while. I would highly recommend you do not get them above the muscle. Not many ppl do that anymore especially bc you can see the rippling of the implants later on than you can if they are under the muscle. I wish I wouldn’t have gotten the gummy bears when I got mine but they were so new my Dr didn’t offer them. I am going to have my salines replaced with the gummy bears as soon as I can. They are WAY more expensive but they feel amazing almost like real breast tissue. I love it!! Make sure you pick a good Dr do lots of research. I was a dancer at the time so I saw sooooo many booby jobs. I went to the Dr that the girls with the best breasts in my club went to. It was funny bc the girl who made the most money and no one knew they had fake breasts bc the Dr was so good, he didn’t advertise like some plastic surgeons do in magazines and stuff like that he was word of mouth. He is amazing if you were in ARIZONA I would totally reccomend him. Anyway girl definitely listen to the ppl saying if you get them take the time they say to stay off the pole plus some just to be safe and don’t lift too much bc you don’t want to cause any complications or get one those capsule contractions those are no good. Also take into consideration if you gain or lose weight or get pregnant it could effect your overall look too. Anyway so much I could say but good luck on whatever you decide to do!
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