Forums Discussions Getting rid of belly fat!!

  • Getting rid of belly fat!!

    Posted by ellieRox on October 24, 2012 at 4:56 pm

    Hi everyone just wondering if anyone has and tips on gettin rid of belly flab? I train quite a lot and can feel muscle under all that flab some where but want to break it free!hehe Iget so down heartened as my belly seems to bloat a lot and never seems to look flat. lately my weights really went on just my hips and belly. If anyone has ever acheived a six pack and has any tips or advice on diet and/or training it would b greaty appriciated!! Thanks 😀 

    Angie La replied 12 years, 4 months ago 24 Members · 56 Replies
  • 56 Replies
  • PlatinumAni

    October 24, 2012 at 5:10 pm

    I am sure you have heard this before, unfortunately it is true: You can't spot train fat loss. To expose the muscles underneath you have to lose fat period. That generally mean… Cardio. I am carrying a couple of extra pounds right now and my abs look nothing like they did 6 months ago. 🙁

  • chemgoddess1

    October 24, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    Look at your diet.  The only time in my life I ever had a flat belly was when I was eating clean (and doing cardio 3x a week).

  • abcollins1

    October 24, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    Losing fat is ALL about diet. In order to lose fat, your diet has to be correct. That means you need to be in the correct calorie deficet for your body. I suggest you track your calories for at least 3 days to see how much and when you are eating. If you are gaining weight then you are over eating your calories.

    PA, is correct you can not spot reduce fat loss, it comes from all over, not from where we choose it.

    If you carry a lot of weight in your stomach, you will probably have to be at a very low bodyfat percentage to get six pack abs. Going that low means you have to pay very close attention to diet and especially your mix of carbs, proteins and fats.

    Cardio does not make you lose fat, you can do all the cardio in the world, but if you are over eating you will not lose anything.  Cardio is the last part of the equation and is used to help burn calories to put you in a lower calorie deficet. You must control diet first.

    You can not out train, out supplement or out cardio a bad diet.

    Look to lose 1 – 2 pounds a week for safe effective weight loss. Any more that that and you will be losing  more muscle than fat, which is bad. Losing muscle you will not only lose some strength you also lose a valuble fat burning tool.

  • megan12

    October 24, 2012 at 7:16 pm

    Unfortunately some of it is genetics. Some people are more likely than others to be really thin or look super muscular. In terms of losing weights, others have made very good points. You cannot spot train to get thin. Cardio blasts a lot of calories but the real key is to weight lift. Women, in general, shy away from weight lifting as they see it as getting bulky or being masculine. Luckily in pole dancing, we use our own weight as resistance.  🙂 But I do still weightlift at the gym too. Muscle burns revs your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn in a day. Simple as that.

    In terms of diet, protein, protein, and more protein. Protein fills you up longer than any other category of food. Plus, protein is the building block of muscle. You can't build more muscle without proper protein intake. Plus our bodies have to work harder to break down protein so we burn more calories digesting it. I don't even eat carbs anymore because it makes me feel like crap. Don't drink calories. It's amazing how many calories you can consume in liquids.


  • chemgoddess1

    October 24, 2012 at 7:27 pm

    I highly suggest picking up the eat clean diet by Tosca Reno.  Pretty much any library carries it.  The fact that you are even asking is a step in the right direction!


  • abcollins1

    October 24, 2012 at 7:39 pm

    remember that fruits and veggies are carbs!! I find it very hard to believe someone who says "i dont eat carbs", so you are saying you only eat meat and nothing else? no beans, no apples, no dairy, no potatoes, no nuts,  nothing but meat. Hard to believe and not very balanced at all.

    And you really dont need more than 1 g of protein per pound of body weight, scientific studies have proven that anything over that amount does not help to lose weight or build muscle.

    And dont let genetics be an excuse, yes we all have different types of bodies, but it has nothing to do with losing fat. We all lose fat with the same scientific priniciples. Some are going to find it harder to lose than others, but the principles are all the same. I find a lot of people think that it is their genetics to be a certain way when in fact the way they eat and exercise is the reason they look the way they do. They use genetics as a crutch rather than making a change to their habits to look the way they want.


  • Dirty Girl POLEtice

    October 24, 2012 at 7:40 pm

    In addition to the great advise about cardio, there are 2 extrmely important things you can do that WILL help cut the fat.


    You MUST MUST MUST cut out ALL hydrogenated & interpersonified oils AND cut out ALL HFCS…these go straight to belly fat like velcro.

    I am genetically predisposed to gain fat in my belly (I have zero in the hip area!), within one month of quitting all of that, I lost almost 2 inches in my waist without doing anything extra!

    So off to research I go!  Turns out, I was essentially doing what's called the "Abs Diet". 

    These two food components are the devil!  Get rid of them ASAP! 

    Also, if you don't have access to grass fed beef and milk (especially raw milk), get a product called Tonalin CLA.  CLA is something that we don't get enough of anymore due to horrible cow diets, overprocessing of dairy and vegetarianism.  You need it.  Google it and you'll see the research on it.  It's great!

  • abcollins1

    October 24, 2012 at 7:59 pm

    hydrogenated oils do not "go to your belly". Hydrogenated oils actually tend to stick to our internall organs, more typically the heart, since it is a man made chemical which the body is uncertain what to do with.

     The reason why you lost weight is because these oils tend to be in highly processed foods high in calories (butter, some oils, some nut butters, etc). cutting out hydrogenated oils cut down in cals, hence the weight loss.

    There is no such thing as as "abs diet" since you can not spot reduce. There is no scientific evidence that CLA helps lose fat.

    There is also no such thing as clean eating, foods are not "clean" or "dirty". they are not good or bad. There is food that is more nutritios or less nutrious, but that is all. Labeling something clean or dirty is just a marketing ploy. this is the basis of food and body issues. Making something be "bad" or "the devil" is not a healthy way to look at anything. Look at foods as "is this the best most healthy thing to eat, or will this bring me closer to the goals i want" not Oh im bad cause i had a cupcake. Make an informed choice of what to eat and why. Not a thing of guilt and shame.

    Beware fad diets and false info. There is no substiture for eating a healthy well balanced diet.

  • megan12

    October 24, 2012 at 8:09 pm

    abcollins- I think you're misunderstanding my points. If you want to get technical, I don't eat carbs with a high glycemic index like white bread, pasta, etc. I don't think calling me out and trying to discredit me because you misunderstood my comment is very nice. A balanced diet is a good thing but many people fill up on carbs and liquid calories, so substituting a low fat protein source is a good option. It's not necessary to eat a ton of protein, I prefer to because it's the best option for my body. But what I said about protein is true, it keeps you full longer than carbs or fat and it takes more calories to digest it.

    And I'm not saying to use genetics as a crutch, I'm saying we all need to be realistic. Most people aren't going to look like a super model or Zoraya Judd or whoever. I think the media really does a number on us, with airbrushing and all that. No one is perfect, no one has perfect six pack abs all the time. So a more realistic goal would be to be the healthiest person you can be. By exercise and a good diet. That's the point I was trying to get across.

  • Dirty Girl POLEtice

    October 24, 2012 at 8:24 pm


    I completely disagree and there are studies upon studies upon studies that prove that the trans fats in foods caused by hydrogenated oils increase belly fat.  It's a fact.  I was not advocating any sort of "fad diet" in fact I'm very anti fad diet, what I said was Those are things that the abs diet advocates, of which I didn't know because when I cut those out, I had never heard of the abs diet.

    no bad food?  What?  Highly processed foods are bad. Period. 

    HFCS and hydrogenated oils and their cousin interpersonified oils are probably 2 of the worst "foods" you can put in your body. 

    There are different types of trans fats…the ones from beef are being found to be benificial in reducing belly fat, where as hydrogenation increases it. 

    essentiall margarine = bad    real butter = good.

    I have removed all margarine from our house, we only use real butter.  I have taken out all hydrogenated oils and hfcs also.  It's a scientific fact that these cause serious health issues.  Mainly the issues in the fatty liver thus increasing your overal body fat, but EXPECIALLY belly fat. 

    I was what you call "skinny fat"  while my outwardly body fat was low, my organs were wrapped in fat.  I was 5'7", 118lbs, fit, exercised, but my diet was high in hfcs and hyd oils.  so my cholesterol was 299…yes 299!  at 300 they put you on meds.

    Diet is 80% of your fat loss.  If you clean up your diet (meaning eating more whole foods vs. processed), you will lose weight.  If you don't then you need to look into other issues, especially thryoid (get checked for hashimotos).

    Barring any medical conditions diet will take care of a lot of your belly fat.

  • abcollins1

    October 24, 2012 at 8:25 pm

    Im not trying to be mean, but when someone is asking for help in losing fat, saying "i stopped eating any carbs" is false, misleading and can result in someone trying to cut carbs out of a diet, which can be unhealthy and is not the correct way to go about losing fat. Its best not to cut any food out of a diet barring any medical conditions. Which is why i commented on that fact so OP did not believe it was necessary or true. You did not stop eating all carbs as you stated. You simply cut some foods that were not good for you, which is a better way to state it.

    Even during competition diets, i still eat chocolate every day. I am easily able to work it into my plan and still lose 1 -2 lbs a week.  So eating "specific" foods to lose weight is unneccesary.

    OP specifically asked about abs, and genetics are only going to play a portion in that. if OP wants a six pack, its all in the diet, not in genetics. Im not saying she has to look "perfect" or like a "supermodel" but if you want your abs to pop, then its following a low cal diet until you reach the body fat level you need for them pop. How much fat we carry is not due to genetics. How much fat we carry is all in how much do we eat. Personally i can see abs at about 20% body fat, other women i know need to be at 16% which is very low for a woman.  Seeing abs is not genetic.

  • Dirty Girl POLEtice

    October 24, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    Oh, and here's your study on CLA



    Info on CLA…studies are still happening and are promising

  • abcollins1

    October 24, 2012 at 8:43 pm

    All of those studies include obese individuals who began an exercise program. ALL it proves is that you lose weight with exercise, not that the CLA ALONE was responsible for fat loss. Any obese person who begins an exercise program is goign to lose fat.

  • darling dearest

    October 24, 2012 at 8:49 pm

    I haven’t got lots of body fat (BMI is about 16.5)
    While I can see my abs, they are not washboard-defined. Does this mean that with more core work I can get those results without changing my diet?

  • megan12

    October 24, 2012 at 8:53 pm

    abcollins1- You're getting theoretical here. Most people in the general public don't consider fruits and vegetables to be carbs. Obviously, I'd be anorexic if all I ate was meat and my kidneys would probably be crap too. So I wasn't trying to be misleading in my initial comment.

    But you're misleading saying that you can get a six pack by diet alone. That is absolutely false. There is no way unless you starve yourself. You need exercise to build up the rest of the muscle in your body to increase the metabolism. Not to mention, it's just healthy. As Dirty Girl POLEtice mentions, you can be really thin but are really not healthy. Diet alone won't cut it.

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