Forums Discussions Getting started with Sexy movement

  • Tamarinda

    December 7, 2014 at 2:45 am

    Tracee Kafer is awesome. I remember when she posted some videos on here not too long ago. I went back and looked at her profile on here and she had some vids up from 2009. It was so inspiring to see her roots and where all her hard work got her today. It makes me feel good and like it is achievable. I know she is a pole beast and her flexibility, strength, body awareness, and technique are pro status, but it helps to see someone in their beginnings struggle. I know it will take years to be half as good as her but she shows with practice and work that progress does come. Another person that has old vids up is dirdybirdy on youtube. It truly feels good to see pros and people with great flow in their beginnings. I’m sorry for my long rant but I’m just so excited to sink my teeth into these challenges after finals and so glad Sparrow linked them.

    If anybody is unhappy with their progress or lack of being able to freestyle I strongly suggest to go back and look at these two polers beginning vids cuz it will breathe new air into you.

  • polergirl

    December 7, 2014 at 1:04 pm

    There’s an exercise I do with my students where I make them pick a single body part and touch only that body part for 60 seconds or more. The idea is to encourage them to play with what your hands and wrists and arms can do when it comes to telling a story with your dance. Think about the difference in the posture of your hands when you are feeling coy, shy, sexy, seductive, angry, happy, silly, sad. Large hand/arm movements. Tiny, almost imperceptible hand/arm movements.

    The idea behind isolating a single body part is that they are forced to really think about it and focus รขโ‚ฌโ€œ there is no room for absent-minded touching.

  • MommaDragon

    December 7, 2014 at 6:17 pm

    My dance studio teacher has us work on moving slowly. The idea is to move as slowly and as smoothly as molasses or honey. It takes awhile but you can do it of you practice at it.

  • SharkyHill

    December 7, 2014 at 9:39 pm

    I feel ya Runemist34! I am always going way too fast. It’s like my body doesn’t understand slow; although I wish it would because slow looks so good! I have been going to pole classes for almost four years and I am just barely starting to feel okay dancing “sexy.” I get super self-conscious when I’m dancing and think that I may be doing something wrong. If you ever get a chance to take a flow workshop with Marlo, DO IT!! She has some amazing exercises that were helpful to me in finding movement/flow. For example, she did one exercise where certain parts of your body could not leave the ground at all. We had to find out how to move/dance like that. It was awesome! I should really look into the Finding Your Freestyle stuff. People really seem to like that!

  • deb5600

    December 8, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    I am a dancer-comtemporary and modern and jazz are my genres. When you look at slower movement notice how the dancer “fills” each count. The movement begins at the top of the count…If you have a piece of music that has a slow 8, and you want to use the slow count think of the movement as starting at the top of the One and continuing to the Two and so on. The fluidity comes from sustaining each count as it flows into the next count. Slower movement is harder! It requires more body control and mental concentration. If you are familiar with musical notation use this analogy: the ‘tie’ or ‘slur’ or “legato’ these musical notations indicate how notes relate to one anothe. Staccato is sharp–hit hit hit. The slur is languid and fills the counts connecting each note.

  • Runemist34

    December 8, 2014 at 1:12 pm

    Hey Deb5600! I am, unfortunately, not a classically trained dancer of any kind. I’d love to take some dance classes, but the closest I got to them has been Pole and Belly dancing, and neither of those counted during music.
    I am trying to learn to read music, as I slowly (very slowly!) learn to play my harp, but unfortunately most of those terms are beyond me. I know what staccato is! lol
    I *think* that I understand your meaning, but… It’s not quite how I understand or relate to music.

  • Lucca Valentine

    December 8, 2014 at 2:32 pm

    ohhh i just love that 60 second idea!!

  • Lucca Valentine

    December 8, 2014 at 2:35 pm

    tamarinda, thank you for mentioning tracee’s videos! i had gone back into dirdy birdy’s youtube video vault to see what her dancing was like at the beginning but had never looked at tracee’s. it really is so encouraging to see everyone’s beginnings

  • deb5600

    December 9, 2014 at 8:33 pm

    Runemist…you needn’t be a classically trained dancer! Here is a better image…think of alowly pouring water into a vessel…glass ..whatever…for slower movement let the movement rise like your slowly filling a pitcher. Then let that overflow into the next move

  • tacha666

    December 29, 2014 at 7:06 am

    No, I don’t feel sexy all the time. Sometimes I’m the squirrel, sometimes the minion. But sometimes, I’m super sexy! Here are my tips:

    1. Try to feel every part of your Body. Be aware of all your limbs.
    2. Feel every movement, even the super small ones and try to exagerate every movement, for example try to really arch and round your back to the Maximum in a Body wave, when you lift a leg, at the end try to lift it one more inch
    3. Pretend that you are someone else. I often imagine I’m Alethea Austin or an exotic dancer in a Strip Club
    4. Dance for an audience, Keep eye contact and communicate with your movements. If you’re too shy, pretend there is an audience, works as well ๐Ÿ™‚ If it doesn’t work for you, Close your eyes
    5. Look for slow Music that you really like
    6. Turn down the lights
    7. heat up the room
    8. don’t do any tricks and stuff that you have to think about, Keep it simple – this helps switching off the head

  • tracee

    September 2, 2015 at 2:15 pm

    HI GUYS!!!! I just ran into this post, and noticed you were utilizing my old FYF videos. ๐Ÿ™‚ I AM ELATED THEY WERE HELPFUL!!!!! Please connect with my FB and Instagram profiles (Finding Your Freestyle) — as the challenges we do now seem to work better for people in shorter bursts. So the YouTube postings are more and more rare these days. I also have some things planned for the future so I’m just glad to see these videos were helpful for you. :):) If you are ever in NYC – I teach this class weekly at Body & Pole!!!!!!! Also …. I forgot I have like ALL MY pole videos on here from the beginning – YIkES! I will keep them up because I’m proud of where I came from! OMG it is nice to see how much my body composition, strength, and awareness changed over the years.

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