Forums Discussions Going too fast for comfort?

  • chipandchar

    July 4, 2012 at 12:40 am

    Um, yeah. I'd say you are definitely going too fast! I can't imagine doing that many new tricks in one week, every week. My hands were sore and blistered (literally my blisters ripped open from spinning so much) in the first week. Even if you have the skill and the strength conditioning to do it, you're my opinion..isn't ready. And by body, I mean, your skin isn't tough enough..and you have lots of little muscles you aren't used to using. Like your fingers and hand muscles…I don't care how fit you are, nobody's hands or wrists are usually that strong starting out. You don't see ppl at the gym doing wrist exercises.haha (Well, unless they play on a pole like us!) And I was COVERED in brusises. My family thought my bf was abusing me. haha Those didn't stop until my skin toughened up from mastering the moves. Ya know? It's just too painful starting out. I remember the pole sit nearly killed my inner thighs. If I were you, if there wasn't another pole studio nearby…i'd just take notes on technique during class..and do what i felt comfortable doing and then come home and work at it at my own pace. At least talk to your instructor.

  • chipandchar

    July 4, 2012 at 12:41 am

    Also if you can't get a pole right now…do what I did…I went to the nearest play ground…haha and had a nice go on that pole! haha (When there wasn't other ppl there…it's usually pretty deserted here lol)

  • Jemmie

    July 4, 2012 at 12:52 am

    @chipandchar, lol that's cute. I should look out for potential poles then. Yeah I was wondering why I'm not getting bruises. I was afraid of them but when I didn't get them it was like I didn't get my badge of honour LOL. When I climb I try avoiding using my feet because I really don't want to cut them. But I KNOW I shouldn't do that.

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