Forums Discussions Got a job offer…OMG scared

  • Got a job offer…OMG scared

    Posted by Dwiizie on August 9, 2013 at 4:01 pm

    So I got offered a job. I've been looking for 4 years. I'm scared shitless. Changing health insurance over, my 401k, its a big change, but I think it will be good. Right now I am very unhappy at my job and all I do is scan papers. My new job would be a property leasing manager overseeing 9 buildings downtown. I've never done this type of work before, but I feel confident in my ability to learn, and I think my skill set will transfer well. I have to decide over the weekend and either give it up or give notice on Monday. OMG OMG OMG freaking ouuuut. I'm going Sunday to walk through the buildings with the big boss and the woman that is currently in the position. She is a friend of mine, and a hooper, and suddenly decided to move to Cali. I didn't even know that she was leaving her job when I asked how she got it, because I tried for those jobs before and they always required experience. They're willing to take a chance on me, so my foot is finally in the door, why am I scared???? She is a really awesome friend and I'm sad to see her go, but it seems everything is right in line for me to get the job. I called in sick to my job and happened to land an interview that day, I NEVER would have been able to interview or get time off to do it if it hadn't been by chance. The boss man said he never would have interviewed me if I hadn't had such a stellar recomendation. So I'm weighing pros and cons and driving myself nuts!!! AHHHHH!

    aliceBheartless replied 11 years, 7 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Koidragon

    August 9, 2013 at 4:09 pm

    Do it – you already said you are unhappy in your job. Risks are scary, but if they weren't everyone would take them… haha. 🙂

    Jokes aside, there is an old method I use to make decisions with – and because of this method, I have travelled the world. lived in multiple countries and have had incredible experiences.

    Think of the worst possible outcome of staying, and the best possible outcome of staying. Then the worst possible outcome of moving, and the best possible outcome of moving. If the best possible outcome of action (moving) is worth the risk of the worst, then do it.

    My general thoughts though are, I would prefer to take action and fail, having tried and learnt something new, than to do nothing and experience nothing in the process.

    Well done! 🙂


  • Dwiizie

    August 9, 2013 at 5:02 pm

    Wow you sound a lot like me with your decision making. They always say do what scares you. This would be a blind leap but I have faith there are unseen spectacular nets to catch those willing to jump. The jump is still scary haha

    I think the best that could happen where I am is what’s happening. I go to work, get a paycheck, go home. The worst is they find out how much company time I spend on Veena and fire my ass lmao. My job performance is declining because its miserable and I just don’t want to be there I don’t feel good about the company. The worst thing that could happen at the new place is I suck and get fired. The best is that I get my foot in the door of yet another industry I’m building a resume and the job is something I can do anywhere in the world once I have experience. Theyre flexible if I have a paid gig. I can get to doctors appointments without constant harrassment. They even pay for my gas. I’d be the manager which is even better for the resume. I can organoze everything and be left alone to do my thing and do it awesomely. This is way better than a circle diagram to make this decision haha. I sometimes fear I’m looking through rose glasses though because of how unhappy my current job is. But in the last 6 months I’ve applied to other banks, retail stores, even the dollar tree because anything would be better. I was ready to quit with no backup. Why don’t I feel so up against the wall now? I guess cuz someone took the wall down. I used to say I felt like a trapped chess piece, unable to move in any direction, but a step in any direction would be better than stagnation I am in. I’m also really amazed cuz a psychic told me this was coming. Didnt write her off but didn’t bank on it either. I had been looking for four years. Wild.

  • Koidragon

    August 9, 2013 at 5:09 pm

    There is an old anecdote (and actual psychological thing) that is it human nature to move away from what we fear rather than towards what is good for us. That is, fear is a natural reactor within us psychologically, and we have to fight ourselves a little to take steps towards things that might well be good for us, that might open up wonderful doors, because of fear. By the sounds of it though, you already know what you are going to do 🙂 🙂

  • chemgoddess1

    August 9, 2013 at 5:11 pm

    There is nothing worse than "what ifs" and regrets in life.  We only live truly when we take risks.

  • calipolepixie

    August 9, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    Everything happens for a reason. You were in the right place at the right time and now this great opportunity is in your court. This is a blessing, don't throw it away. Sure risks and change are scary but it sounds like this is perfect for you and you will enjoy this job sooo much better than your current job. I say take a deep breath and take the job. Congrats!

  • Lyme Lyte

    August 9, 2013 at 11:09 pm

    If your not happy w ur current job, then why not? If this one doesn’t work out or you don’t like it then u can find something else. Life is always throwing us new adventures, it is the ones who decide to take it that go the farthest in life. Is some of them stressful? Sure the he’ll is, but nobody said life is a piece of cake!

  • tacha666

    August 10, 2013 at 1:09 am

    I think you already know what to do 😉
    You just need to have the balls to do it!

  • aliceBheartless

    August 10, 2013 at 1:44 am

    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. — Mae West

    Go for it! Trying and failing is second only to trying and succeeding. Not trying will only keep you right where you are, and it sounds like that is the last place you want to be. You can do it!

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