Forums Discussions Grip aids cause problems?

  • Grip aids cause problems?

    Posted by angygirl on October 2, 2009 at 3:30 am

    I am so upset. I struggle with pole and using grip aids help me hit all my tricks on the pole where a firm grip is need especially the thigh area! Well, tonight we were told the studio is no longer allowing us to use them because of a few girls being allergic, germs being passed because the grip remains on the pole…never mind that we share poles; sometimes 3 or more rotations. so I would think that is where the germs would be a problem. We do clean the poles after each lady uses it but…
    anyway, I am so upset I am ready to give up. Am I being to sensitive? any advice helpful.
    I don’t wear lotion, have very dry skin but was told tonight, lotion can stay around for days after you apply it, different times of the month will cause our skin to be oily, hair products, all these different reasons that will cause one to not be able to grip the pole…just a whole bunch of crap to me!
    Thanks in advance.


    SandyBrown replied 15 years ago 14 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Fleur

    October 2, 2009 at 6:51 am

    That does sound like a bummer I can understand why the studio would not want you to use grip aids, it is a pain to clean off the pole and not everyone likes the feel of it but at the same time I know some of my students have sweaty hands and struggle with grip. We only use rubbing alcohol at my studio, although there is no rule that you can’t use grip aid we prefer not to, I have one lady in particular who uses gloves in class because of her grip issues, this may be a good option for you?

    On another note, be aware that having dry skin can work against you. I lotion my entire body religiously every day (yes you read that right). I shower at night so most of it is rubbed off by the time I get on the pole the next day and it never causes problems for me but keeps my skin from feeling like paper (which slides!). Also, being sweaty is part of grip, if you are too dry you won’t be able to grip either!


  • bebeduckie

    October 2, 2009 at 5:34 pm

    i started using grip aids for a couple weeks and i find i am getting rashes where my skin is a little more sensitive (between my thighs, on the one side of my armpit, and on my bicep–basically every where that touches the pole!). i love using them too, and found that i think my skin is getting a little more used to them the more i use them, but having itchy, spotty rashes isn’t so much fun either =/.

    if you look on the bright side, at least you will be building more strength without it!! i find that putting a little bit of windex/alcohol on my hands helps.

  • angygirl

    October 2, 2009 at 10:35 pm

    Thank you ladies for the tips. I will try using more alcohol and also the windex tip. I saw the gloves on a site in the UK I really think that is worth a try. will continue to update.

  • Teegal

    October 3, 2009 at 8:26 am

    A couple of tips I’ve found useful. Invest in a set of hand grips to help you build up your grip strength. I’ve been using these for about a month now and have found them great. Sorry, no tips for improving thigh grip except keep clenching Kangaroo skin cycling gloves are also brilliant (apologies to any vegan/vegetarians out there).

    You can use Vaseline Essential Care moisturiser (yellow/cream) bottle up to 4 hours before a pole class and it doesn’t leave a residue.

    Good luck.

  • Dirdy Birdy

    October 3, 2009 at 12:40 pm

    Hey Angygirl, I don’t use any grip aid on my thighs or anywhere on my body besides my hands. Instead I use sorbelene cream. It’s a cheap moisturizer with no oil, fragrance and other fancy stuff. I can’t pole withough using it and I use it right before poling. I have very dry skin which is very slippery on the pole so I use a tiny amount which I rub in well to make my skin a little tackier.
    I don’t see a reason why you can’t use that. It won’t create more or spread more germs than your own skin.

  • angygirl

    October 4, 2009 at 4:06 am

    thank you ladies. I am writing down and trying all tips. I bought the hand grips today so hoping i can build the strength that I need. love you all!

  • amberpoledancer

    October 4, 2009 at 3:02 pm

    Hi I understand how hard it can be if you are used to grip aids and suddenly you have to go with out. But I really find its best to learn the basics first without any grip aids at all!. I first learned pole dancing 5 years ago and we had to master the pole without half the range of grip aids you get these days. Yes they can be a god send when u want better grip for inverted moves but you really should try and get the moves first without the aids before hand. As the name suggets its an aid…not a necessity,if you start poling from day one using grip aids you won’t bulid up the proper strength and natural grip you need so that if you have to go without its a shock to the body! I know this prob sounds a bit harsh but honestlyid advise practicing the basic spins and inverts without aids to get your skin and hands used to the burn and grip that comes naturally..then take it from there see how you go?
    You will prob be amazed at what you can do without the aids! X

  • angygirl

    October 4, 2009 at 8:10 pm

    Thank you so much Amber. I only recently started using aids when I moved up to pole 201 (intermediate). When I invert I feel more secure with the grip aid because my hands sweat a lot. I have a medical condition. The dr. suggested I use the Dri Sol he prescriped for my underarms to rub it on my hands. The sweat is actually dangerous when doing inverts as you know, and it scares me no having that secure grip. But I am going to do as you suggest and practice harder to build strength. Should I try lifting weights and running with the little leg weights to help my legs get stronger as well?

  • naddi

    October 4, 2009 at 11:00 pm

    Hi I actually run into the exact same problem while dancing…I can do the moves but my hands start sweating so easily and I am basically pole handicaped because of that. Not really great if you love pole dancing….I use alcohol a lot but after 3 -4 tricks I have to whip it again…which doesn’t make it look sexy. Dry sol didn’t help either. I also have leather gloves where the fingers are cut off but even my finger tips sweat so I cannot get enough grip and spins are so much harder as you almost stick too much…. I just ordered mighty grip so hope that might help my problem out just a bit…if you have any other tips let me know highly appreciated;)

  • angygirl

    October 4, 2009 at 11:27 pm

    Mighty Grip is excellent I was using that, or Pro Grip which I get from the bowling alley, it helps when you need to do thigh holds, liquid chalk helped, ITAC 2 which I ordered from Australia, and a resin bag-bowling alley. They were excellent I could hang and feel secure ya know? I had class today and I worked hard and will until I can get my hands on those gloves. Oh I bought some gloves from Walmart that have rubber dots on them. They are wonderful for grip and I tried climbing with those today. I had to use only upper body strength because the legs didn’t grip at all…I kept sliding. I used the gloves just for my invert moves climbing. Thank you for taking the time to reply it’s good to know I have a place to go to whine a little

  • amberpoledancer

    October 5, 2009 at 10:35 am

    Hi angygirl, the sweating problem sounds a pain,I know a few ppl with the same problem as you. Weights may certainly help, but when I was going to classes our instructor had us doing old fashioned pushups,crunches and squats to bulid up the strength. It certainly helped me strengthen my core and shoulder muscles more (before that id struggled to hold aninverted v/chopper move and couldn’t climb the pole very high without my arms burning!. Our class was only once per week she would email us our rep homework! Lol that instructor took no prisoners but she certainly got me strong in a short space of time. She also had this pine sap stuff that we sometimes used for grip aid in the more advanced tricks. Think she said she brought it back from the usa,I’m not sure if u know what I mean? It was liquid and smelled stronghly of pine,wed pour some on a towel and then rub the towel on our hands,the stuff was super sticky and was prob the best grip aid iv tryed.

  • allegra

    December 20, 2009 at 3:15 pm

    Hi Girls,
    At my studio we use Tite-Grip on our hands and shaving cream on our legs. Tite-grip is an antiperspirant, and I have sweaty hands so I can’t pole without it. Shaving cream makes you nice and sticky and helps a great deal with grip on the thighs, shins and waist. We use a small amount and pat it in. Dancers from other studios often find it surprising that we use shaving cream, but we swear by it.

    Miss Pole Dance Australia 2010

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 20, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    I find it interesting that we’ve become so strict about NOT using grip aides when so many other forms of gymnastics and sports use them. You would never hear of a gymnast not using rosin –

    If the pole is cleaned properly most grip products can be removed completely. Even Firm grip can be cleaned thoroughly if done properly.

    I believe grip aids have their place in learning until someone understands the mechanics of the move, then progress to doing it without the grip product.

    Even competitions are allowing the use of grip products.

  • RedSauce

    December 20, 2009 at 8:50 pm

    I just had the misfortune of trying Mighty Grip, and although it did help, it left a sticky, greasy mess on my pole (my pole is close to a radiator heater I will add). Although I will admit it probably mixed with existing oils and windex film, it was not easy to clean off. I had to use hot water and dish detergent to get all the gunk off. I think I can understand why the studio is no longer allowing it. Grip aids, multiple users, germs festering in the mess, GROSS.

  • hoho

    December 21, 2009 at 11:53 pm

    What type of shaving cream to you use (foam, gel, a polymer only known to Aussies)?


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