Forums Discussions Grip aids, never used them….

  • Grip aids, never used them….

    Posted by Dwiizie on April 17, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    So, since I started poling, I have never used grip aids. When I started poling, everyone said get a 50mm pole because that was the standard, and don't use grip aids because you will come to rely on them. It seems that EVERYONE is using some sort of grip aide. Particularly at the intermediate and advanced levels. So I've already downsized to a 45mm pole after watching the "standard" change. I have not gotten onto the grip aide wagon yet. I have never used gloves or anything grippy. I do feel like I could progress more quickly, but I don't want to feel like "If I didn't have "whatever grip aide" on me, I couldn't do that." I like accomplishing things and knowing I did it! Are there any other Veeners that have not used grip aids at all as they were learning? Anyone hardcore for or against it? Thanks!

    Dancing Paws replied 11 years, 10 months ago 10 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • portableninja

    April 17, 2013 at 12:47 pm

    I used grip aids a lot on my chrome pole, and used them occasionally while working on steel. I would only ever use them on my hands, not my body. It gave me the extra confidence to try something for the first time without having to worry about my hands getting sweaty from nervousness. Once I got the hang of the move, I stopped using the grip aid.

    Ever since I got my TG 45 I have not been using any grip aids. That doesn't mean I don't slip… it just means when I do, usually all I have to do is get off the pole, clean it, dry myself off and I'm back in business. I am glad I have the grip aids though, because I bring them to studio classes when I take them.

  • chemgoddess1

    April 17, 2013 at 1:12 pm

    Lots and lots of threads on here for and against grip aids.  Simply put, they did not exist when I started poling.  BUT, I have used them for pretty much every performance I have ever done.  I also found that when I was working on iguana mount my hands would sweat like crazy….a problem I do not normally have. 

    I have pretty much all of the grip aids out there that I keep in my bag.  I have 3 that are my standards depending on the situation; , liquid grip and my own powder from here at my job which is similar to mighty grip and dry hands combined.

  • Krista Bocko

    April 17, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    Probably every poler, once they get to a certain level, forays into the world of grip aides! While my goal is to be able to do moves without them, they definitely have their place, especially when learning new moves.

    Like Chem, I use grip aides in performances. I tried doing a performance without grip once, and while it was 'fine', I didn't stick as well as I would have liked, so I wasn't able to hold some of my moves. 

  • Veena

    April 17, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    I never used grip aids when I was first learning, I sometimes use them when I practice now but not often. They can sometimes make a mess of the pole and it ends up getting greasy. They come in REALLY handy for performing. The poles can be so cold and often, the room and your body isn't very warm either when performing, so I've learned to keep several types of grip aids in my bag.  

  • villainvixen

    April 17, 2013 at 8:34 pm

    I agree with Veena, it makes a mess of the pole. Lots of residue is left over after you finish whatever you're doing. But I think grip aids come in more handy for people who don't stick well. For me, I sweat so much and used to never reply on them simply because I thought it would help build up tolerance and I'd get use to the grip. That was far from the truth in the beginning. I flung myself across rooms numerous times because I'd slip right off if creating a lot of momentum. 

    And gloves were useless. 

  • Veena

    April 17, 2013 at 9:03 pm

    Sweating is something where grip aids are needed!! I’m so lucky I don’t have that issue!

  • calipolepixie

    April 17, 2013 at 9:18 pm

    When I first started poling, I didn’t really need grip aids but once I started inverting & climbing though, I began to sweat more, so I started using them & it has helped me through my lessons & at home practices. I know I wouldn’t be where I am without their assistance.

    I also have mighty grip gloves but I don’t use them that often at all usually only when I am working on a new SG or TG move. Then once I get used to the hand positioning & doing the move I ditch the MG gloves.

    I am envious of polers who never have to use grip aids…if you don’t need them, then don’t use em’ but some of us aren’t so lucky!

  • Kate O

    April 18, 2013 at 4:50 am

    I’ve tried them a couple of times when other girls offered in classes, but to be honest I really don’t like them – they feel horrible on my hands and leave nasty residue on the pole. I found my hands slipping a LOT when I first started, but I was determined not to start using grip aids and just get my body used to it, and over time it has definitely got better. I’ve found that I can hold onto a slippery pole much better now than I could a few months ago because my grip has got stronger and I feel like if I’d relied on grip aids that wouldn’t have happened. There are one or two people where I take lessons that put on grip aid before EVERY single move – not even inverts or anything beyond beginner level, and it really winds me up, especially if I’m sharing a pole with them because it wastes time and then leaves a weird texture on the pole that makes it harder for me to grip. I’m all for people using it to start off with when doing new or difficult moves, but applying them before every single spin, climb etc is just overkill. I just think its a really bad idea to become reliant on them.
    The point about performance is an interesting one, I can imagine that they would be helpful in that situation because your hands might be slippier due to nerves. I’m doing my first performance in June so I’ll have to consider using grip aid for that 🙂

  • chemgoddess1

    April 18, 2013 at 5:50 am

    When you perform you never know what the climate is going to be.  On top of that typically it is in a big open space that is kept of the cool side, especially if there are lots of spectators.

  • PoleDreamer

    April 18, 2013 at 8:00 am

    I never used grip aids in my past 2 years of poling, except when I was practicing at length at home and was extremely sweaty. Like a few of you have said, I also believe it has helped me to develop better technique and strength by not relying on it. But of course I've also flown off the pole in a dramatic reverse grab spin on occasion 😉

    Now that I am learning ayesha, allegra, etc I'm finding the need to occasionally apply grip. A muggy pole room seems to defeat me without it. 🙁

    I can definitely say that not using grip in most situations has helped for it to be more effective when I do need it (ie. doing a showcase where I am not warmed up sufficiently).

  • Dancing Paws

    April 18, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    I didn't use grip aids when I started, mainly because I didn't know about them. Some people need them though, period, Sweaty hands can be dangerous. Dry skin with no grip can be dangerous. This is just my opinion, but I think it is better to add grip and be safe than to struggle without it, against your body chemistry, and end up injured. Even hormones, weather, etc can affect grip on any given day. You may normally have great grip, then one day you struggle immensely (grip aid to the rescue!!!!)

    I can honestly say that had I known about grip aids sooner, I would have used them. 

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