• Grips

    Posted by lazarenka on May 17, 2015 at 6:35 pm

    I have strong hands from tennis, but I have a hard time holding on without slipping. I can’t even get manage the grips to hold your body away from the pole, or where only one leg is on the pole, like on moves like the chair or Hollywood. Also, I have an Xpole chrome spinny, and there are about 4 bolts that stick out around calf level. Those have sliced my leg up pretty well… Has anybody else had this problem??

    jsheridan replied 9 years, 9 months ago 10 Members · 42 Replies
  • 42 Replies
  • Wcox

    May 17, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    Mmm I have a chrome xpole and no bolts are sticking out. Have you tried to tighten them lately? I know sometimes mine come slightly undone so I frequently check on them but it should be quite smooth with no slicing. How long have you been doing pole? I found with grips that I have a preference. I have learned all grips but I personally love split grip. Sounds like you might need a bit more time building up muscle memory? Strength is important but so is muscle memory 🙂 I’m sure you will nail it soon!

  • kittyface

    May 17, 2015 at 8:51 pm

    Do you ever practice on static, or are you always practicing on spin mode? Because I have a really hard time doing any kind of ground spin in spin mode. When the pole is spinning, you have to exert more force to overcome the outward pull of the spin and stay on the pole. I’ve got quite a bit of strength but that’s still really challenging for me, maybe in part because I’m used to static.

    Alternatively, do you have sweaty hands? That could make hand grips quite a bit more difficult and make you slip. I use Dry Hands when I start to sweat, but there’s a variety of other grip products that could help if that’s your problem win hand grips 🙂

  • Runemist34

    May 17, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    Hey lazarenka!
    Strong hands is definitely a plus, but a lot of those holds and spins take a lot more than grip strength!
    Chrome is definitely a type of pole finish that you really need to warm up, and you have to be warm as well, in order to get proper grip! Things like humidity and ambient heat can also affect your grip. Many people on here recommend using grip aid, and it might be a good idea if you find your pole is super slippy all the time. Definitely make sure you’re warming up both yourself and the pole, though!
    As for those holds specifically, as I said, it takes a lot more than grip strength! Things like the split grip is very tricky, and you need a lot more strength and awareness in your lats, shoulders, and upper arms in order to do it safely (as well as proper hand positioning, to keep your wrists safe!!).
    For moves like the chair, for example, pulling down with your lat and your shoulder is really important so that you aren’t putting all your weight on the small stabilizer muscles in your shoulders, because they can’t really take that kind of punishment. If you’re new to the grip, too, it takes some time to get used to- sometimes you’ll slide right off, and sometimes you grip too much! Momentum is also something to take into consideration, as it can change how you hold, and how well you hold.
    And neither the Hollywood nor the Chair are beginner moves.

    As for the bolts that stick out, what happens if you tighten them? This sounds dangerous, and hopefully they aren’t some kind of factory defect. I wouldn’t dance on a pole with things sticking out! I’d cut up my legs something fierce!

  • skramamme

    May 17, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    You shouldn’t have any bolts sticking out- that sounds like a real problem. The way x-poles are designed is to give you as smooth and uniform pole as possible.
    There are 3 screws at around calf level to adjust the height of the pole but they must be tightened to stop the pole from unwinding. When they are tightened they go into the pole so there is nothing sticking out.
    Could you maybe upload a pic? Because honestly it sounds dangerous 🙁
    WRT grip, I also have a chrome pole and I sweat easily so I use dry hands on my palms which makes the biggest difference.
    But you also need a strong grip- I find working with the pole in static mode to be the better option when I train because it makes me slow everything down to be more precise and also forces me to work harder to spin, which in turn will make me stronger and more stable when I do use it on spinning mode.
    Hope that helps.
    And honestly, it may look easy but holding onto the pole and spinning is actually much harder than most people think… so much of it simply comes down to practice practice practice. After a while you will start to hold your body weight on the pole for longer periods of time and it *will* get easier 🙂

  • lazarenka

    May 18, 2015 at 10:15 pm

    Here’s a picture

  • lazarenka

    May 18, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    I have always had my pole on spin-mode. Should I go to static? I have been poling for about 2 months. No, I don’t have sweaty hands. I could just not be used to the split grip… As far as the pole moves I was talking about… Believe it or not, they are on all 3 of the beginner DVDs (The Art of Pole- Lesson 2; Felix Cane beginner pole; and I can’t remember the name of the other beginner pole dvd)… but it’s very frustrating!! And yes, I have tried to screw in those bolts even further, but they won’t budge. You should see these scars from those bolts!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! Thank you ALL for your responses.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    May 18, 2015 at 10:44 pm

    If youve only been poling for 2months you probably should learn all new tricks,spins on static first. then when you are secure with them on static you can try it out of spin mode. it might make things alot easier on you.when the pole is spinning, gravity wants to pull you aways from the pole. this requires much more strength to hold. i’ve been poling for almost2 years and am at a somewhat advanced level of pole, split grip is hard. it’s even harder on a spin pole for me. so working with a static pole might give you a better opportunity to build strength. but it’s great that you are already doing spin pole so early! some people avoid it for quite a while. as for the bolts sticking out. that should NOT be happening at all! if they wont go in then something is wrong and Xpole needs to be helping you out. give them a call. they have excellent customer service. if the screws wont screw in, is there a possiblity that they are stripped? when you put the hex key in what happens? does it just spin in place and nothing happens or does it feel tight and doesnt want to move. also try loosening the screws then re-tightening them to see if they will move at all. also, make sure you are tightening the right direction, I know that sounds obvious but sometimes you can get mixed up if you are reaching around the pole while screwing them. I’ve done it for sure. but definitely call xpole, they will help you. look inside the screws and see if they look like they are stripped to you. they will look kind of scratched up and you may see metal shavings. those bolts sticking out are unacceptable and dangerous. no reason you should have to pole with them like that. ouch!!!

  • skramamme

    May 18, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    You’ve got the screws put in wrong they don’t look like that at all when the pole is put together correctly.
    Sorry, but you really should take it down and fix it because that’s just dangerous 🙁
    Here’s a pic of mine;

  • lazarenka

    May 18, 2015 at 10:55 pm

    Lefty-loosy rightie-tightie…. They just get so tight I can’t move them in further. I will check with X pole… It was harder to put up than the videos portrayed.. Especially since I had to order 2 separate extensions. When I tried a static pole, I just kinda “SKREECHED” to a halt. I can do all the basic pole moves… front hook, back hook, pole sit, knee spin, etc.. on a spin pole… It would take a while to find out how to spin on a static. I figured that wasn’t the correct way for the pole to be, considering the gashes to my legs, but I was just really excited to actually FINALLY get the pole up that I just considered it a price to pay. You are AWESOME, thank you for the UNBELIEVABLY fast responses to problems!! This site and everybody on it are just FABULOUS!!

  • lazarenka

    May 18, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    Oh Snap! I just saw your picture!! yeah… ok… so I have to deconstruct my whole pole?! Crap. It hasn’t budged from the ceiling, but I see that it is wrong by the way yours is flush with the pole.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    May 18, 2015 at 11:01 pm

    , try taking them all the way out and maybe putting them back in. if that doesnt work then maybe re-do the pole. also, make sure its the correct screw size? but you can try re-doing just the screws before tearing down the whole pole.

  • skramamme

    May 18, 2015 at 11:01 pm

    Oh honey no! The pole might be painful in terms of bruising and pole burns but it should always be smooth and have no parts sticking out, that’s just so dangerous and I can imagine it would be unbelievably painful too!
    I accidentally popped one screw in backwards and, while it didn’t stick out, it did look more like your pics than when they are the right way in.
    Xpole’s customer service is really good and they will help you they don’t want customers with scars on their legs from cuts as it doesn’t do you or their brand any good either, you know?
    But that is definitely wrong, the screws are always either flush or sunken specifically to give you a smooth, uniform surface area.
    As for training with the spinning, you really will get a much better feel for the moves if you learn on static and your grip will improve a lot more too as you’re having to work harder to maintain momentum.
    Please let us know how you go wrt fixing the pole, I hope it isn’t too tricky.
    (btw I use leftie loosey and rightie tighty too! haha)

  • Phoenix Hunter

    May 18, 2015 at 11:02 pm

    but definitely dont force them in if they are hard to screw. thats when xpole may be able to help

  • Phoenix Hunter

    May 18, 2015 at 11:04 pm

    yes, my friend actually put one of hers in backwards in this same spot. she had to drill the screw out. 🙁 it was in there and it was not coming out. so if you can atleast get them out then you are off to a good start

  • skramamme

    May 18, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    Yeah I’d try taking them out and turning them around and seeing if they go in properly then.
    I also don’t have that small section on my pole either, the extension sections I have go at the top of the pole… but I have the pre 2014 model with the microbase (xx model I think?) so maybe yours is different?
    And yep, don’t force the screws or you could strip them which would be a real problem.
    If the screws won’t go in then you’ll have to call xpole and maybe take it down and reassemble it. That might be a hassle but you seriously cannot pole safely the way it is at the moment.

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