Forums Discussions Grrrrrr!

  • Grrrrrr!

    Posted by reenim on January 21, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    OH I AM STEAMING MAD!!! Read this article, the studio in West Allis he mentions is mine!!! Below is my email to the author.
    My name is Maureen Metzger and I, along with my business partner, own BLUSH Pole Fitness and Dance, the studio in West Allis you are referring to in your article. I take offense at your implication of our studio turning out strippers. First of all, neither I, nor my business partner, have ever been strippers. We are certified fitness instructors and the certification program we have taken is approved by the American College of Sports Medicine and provides CEC's for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America and the American Council of Exercise. We have taken classes all over the United States to insure we offer our clients, everyday women, a safe, great workout and confidence building fun.

    I resent that you have never set foot in my studio or asked me one thing about it but still made a judgment about my business. I teach something that is specifically designed to make women feel strong and empowered, something that makes them feel good about themselves as women. I have all kinds of women that participate in my classes. We have women from 19-75 years old that have taken our classes and are more fit and confident because of that experience. I have had doctors, fitness professionals, police officers, teachers, moms, grandmothers and lawyers as my students. You insulted everyone of them with your commentary. We are pole dancers, not strippers, NO ONE IN OUR STUDIO TAKES OFF THEIR CLOTHING. We are part of a world wide community of men and women that use athletic and artist skills to perform gymnastic type tricks on a pole, I challenge you to try a one hour class at my studio and then give me your opinion on what my studio is about.

    I am a 52 year old breast cancer survivor who credits pole dance with making it less difficult to go through my mastectomies. Participating in pole dance at the time of my cancer diagnosis was a blessing for me. I had been involved in pole fitness for about a year when I was diagnosed, I already had learned that being feminine, sexy and strong had nothing to do with breasts, I had a strong since of myself as a women, that had been enhanced by pole dance. The fact that cancer was taking my breasts was not the same trauma for me as it had been for some women I've known that have gone through something similar. I am grateful to have felt strong going into my cancer fight.

    I am proud of my studio and the women who come there to do something good for their bodies and their minds. I perform athletic tricks at my studio that sometimes I can't believe my 50+ year body can still do. I am a strong women mentally and physically and much of that strength has been enhanced by participating in pole dance. Again, I challenge you Jim Stingl, to meet me in my studio gym and try to give me a run for my money, maybe you will even find you owe me an apology.

    Maureen Metzger

    BLUSH Pole Fitness & Dance 

    Anonyma replied 13 years, 1 month ago 13 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Dancing Paws

    January 21, 2012 at 7:11 pm

    Good for you for letting that ignoramus really know what your studio stands for. That guy is a turd! Your response was wonderful.

  • KikiGeneres

    January 21, 2012 at 7:19 pm

    Very well put!  You worded many peoples feeling on pole danceing (mine included) perfectly!  Pole dance is an amazing work out that has done wonderful things for womens bodies and their self esteem.  Keep us posted on any new activity!  I would hope he would print some sort of appology or something, but you never know with someone of his low intellegence level. 

  • JeHanne

    January 21, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    The words in your reply and the passion behind them really touched me. I could feel the appreciation and santicty you hold for what you share with your students and the community of women that you support and interact with.

    Why was he so fascinated with the Groupon offering and how does a marketing initiative launched by your business relate to a love triangle? What is he even trying to communicate? I ask rhetorically because it is clear that he can not articulate a story or make correlations in a logical or meaningful way. He continues to criticize and draw attention to your marketing content and descriptions and then wanders back to the blurry description of the conflict. I think a blade of grass could write a better structured editorial.

    What a tool. 



  • Masked Loopy II

    January 21, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    This article makes me a little sad about my home state.  It seems he could have told his story without dragging your business into it.  By the way, I would love to come visit Blush the next time I'm in Milwaukee.

  • HotelChick

    January 22, 2012 at 12:05 am

    Wow. What a jackass. I fail to see the connection between your business and a domestic dispute. As a Wisconsin resident, I am embarrassed that the Journal Sentinel printed this pointless rambling. I absolutely love your reply. You articulated the feelings of intelligent, empowered women the world over. Kudos to you. I look forward to an update. Thank you!

  • PersianXcursian

    January 22, 2012 at 1:36 am

    you go girl!! you tell it to that uneductated ignorant man like it is. if he doesn't respond, that just shows how right you are. I hate how so many people still lump pole dancers in with strippers. I personally have nothing against strippers but I still find it insulting when people call me a stripper because I am not. most strippers dont even pole dance, they just walk around the pole and grind on it. If he wants to write an article hating on strippers he can do that. but when he starts bashing pole dancers by claiming we are talentless and a business he has never set foot inside, then he needs a good kick in the butt.

  • Polecat88

    January 22, 2012 at 2:10 am

    Good for you sticking up for yourself, let us knows if he gets back! x

  • tarah

    January 22, 2012 at 11:24 pm

    what a ridiculous article.  the guy seems like a total dingleberry!

  • Vertical Joes

    January 22, 2012 at 11:33 pm

    Get em gurl! he's an idiot btw……

  • jade s

    January 24, 2012 at 12:11 am

    Good for you Maureen!! It’s close minded individuals like this guy that makes it difficult for the pole community to eliminate the stigma that plagues us. Kudos to you for setting things straight!!!

  • StripXpertease

    January 27, 2012 at 2:43 pm

    I just read the second article he wrote..for those of you who didn't see the other thread about it :  It's hard to type cuz my eyes are all watery. You know the troubles I personally have had with this type of thing so I was pissed and sad to hear about this when it happend but I am so, and I mean SOOO F*#!KING PROUD OF YOU. You inspire so many people Maureen and I am priviledged and honored to have met you and danced beside you.

     Love you girl.


  • Anonyma

    January 27, 2012 at 3:57 pm

    hey strippers do dance, went for a drink yesterday at pigale and I was AMAZED  by the ladies and their moves 😛 


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