Forums Discussions HCG Injections for weight loss?

  • hottielolo

    January 10, 2010 at 6:10 am

    I took the HCG Injections last year and lost 20 pds in a month! The injections are $15/shot and I self administered the shot every Friday! The diet plan was okay….I couldn’t consume more than 20g of fat per day! I was also receiving the b12 shot monthly for energy and I was taking an prescription appetite suppres called addipex!! I hardly exercised nor followed the diet plan!! After I stopped taking the injections my menstral cycle stayed on for a month and a half….then I had one regular cycle….then no cycle for 5 months!!! Not sure if this was a side effect!!! But I loved the injections…and I have an appointment to back to the Bariatric Clinic to restart the program!!!

    The weight stayed off for a year…..and I didn’t diet or exercise!!!

  • Fleur

    January 10, 2010 at 7:43 am

    HCG meaning Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone???

  • Meleania

    January 10, 2010 at 8:33 am

    It sounds like basically, they inject you with a hormone that pregnant women naturally produce from the placenta to increase their metabolism to burn fat off so the baby gets the nutrients it needs. This in addition to a very low calorie/high protein diet (500 cal per day) burns fat off. It also claims to burn only fat and no muscle. After all what sense would it make in nature to take away the muscle of a pregnant woman? Also it says that the type of fat (there are 3 types) that it burns off is only the abdominal fat, or the type of fat that is mostly around your middle and not the kind of fat, for instance, that is on the soles of your feet to cushion your bones when you walk. The amount they give you is only a fraction of what a pregnant woman has in her body. I suppose that makes sense, imagine a pregnant woman goes on a diet, she would probably lose a ton of weight since her metabolism is kicked up so high. Not that it would be healthy for the baby o.O Ive researched it and so far no deaths have been recorded because of this. I wouldnt take my crappy researched word on it though. But since all they are injecting you with is a fraction of a hormone that is naturally produced in your body during pregnancy doesnt sound dangerous. What I wonder is, since its seems to be such a miracle fat cure, why is it sooo cheap? Less than $300 to burn off 30lbs or more in a month without invasive procedures or surgery or anything? Its not FDA approved either, but then again, Depo-provera IS FDA approved and it gave me osteopenia and im only 19 so I wouldnt base much on that

  • Dangerous

    January 10, 2010 at 8:36 am

    This sounds interesting. I’m thinking of trying this. How should I get started? Should I see a certain doctor as well as my own first? I checked out the website mentioned in this forum and glad to see a lot of good testimonials and some real info on any side affects and what to expect.

  • Fleur

    January 10, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    This is just my personal opinion:

    Ladies. There is no miracle cure for weightloss other than surgery which literally decreases the size of your stomach. Any supplement that claims you will lose lots of fat and no muscle without changing your diet or exercise in a limited amount of time is lying. Any supplement that is not approved by the FDA means that there is little known about the side effects of the drug or that what is known about it shows it is dangerous or ineffective (as pointed out earlier, some drugs approved by the FDA are still awful so what is in those that they don’t approve??!). Please do your research before trying these since there is no long-term study that shows the effect it could have on your body." onclick=";return false;

    It is far more likely that the low calorie diet it is paired with is causing weightloss or that the thought that the shots help you lose weigth makes you less stressed out about food and so you end up eating less (placebo effect). Trust me, if the drug was actually effective they would be charging up the A$$ for the stuff!!!
    Our bodies are VERY good at holding on to fat, they are designed to do so! To claim that you will lose only fat and no muscle even if you don’t work out is plainly unscientific. Your body WILL burn muscle before it does fat if you aren’t working out because muscle takes far more energy to maintain and our bodies are, once again, very good at conserving energy and holding on to fat.

    Weight loss is hard. It takes physical work. It takes mental energy. It takes discipline. Please don’t cheat yourself out of the feeling of accomplishment you will get when you do it all on your own! I personally wouldn’t take the risk of putting some substance whose effect is not trully known in my body, especially hormone which can serisouly wreak havoc on your entire system. Again, just my personal opinion, I am not trying to offend anyone.


  • Runemist34

    January 11, 2010 at 3:33 am

    Fleur, you took the words right out of my mouth, just with much, much better explanation and much less fervour. I agree entirely. Weight loss and health in our society takes a great deal of trying and dedication, and I wouldn’t want to use those "miracle" drugs to take away the sense of accomplishment I will have once I achieve my healthy lifestyle the way I want it.

  • Fleur

    January 11, 2010 at 3:40 am

    BTW, losing 30 lbs in 30 days means having a 3500 calories deficit per day. That would be like not eating and running for 6 hours every day (assuming you burn 600 per hour when running) . Sound too good to be true? It is!!!

  • amcut

    January 11, 2010 at 4:18 am

    Anything that makes you lose weight that fast leaves you with a shit ton of skin.
    My elasticity is excellent, but I’m not going to test it with something that rapid.

    I’d much rather lose the dreaded 1 lb a week and have my boobs keep up with their deflation than lose 30 lbs in a month and have saggy boob bags sitting on top of my saggy stomach bag, on top of my saggy pubic mound, on top of my saggy thighs. Can you hear my morbid fear of extra skin coming out? LOL

  • Meleania

    January 11, 2010 at 7:18 am

    More research:
    I have been researching this like a mad woman last couple days… I found out that HCG is mainly used for fertility treatments and IS a FDA approved drug for fertility but not for weight loss, for fertility treatments they inject you with 10,000 IU (international units) once a month, pregnant females have over 720,000 IU/L (international units per liter?) of HCG in them, and for this HCG ‘diet’ they only inject 200 IU once a week. Non pregnant females and males have less than 5IU in them normally. HCG is also the horomone pregnancy tests look for to determine pregnancy.
    Serious side effects of HCG for fertility (10,000 IU a month) include…
    severe pelvic pain, swelling of the hands or legs, stomach pain and swelling, shortness of breath, weight gain (from eating too much I imagine, HCG with this diet you would be eating 500 calories a day), diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, or urinating less than normal.
    Less serious side effects include…
    headache, feeling restless or irritable, mild swelling or water weight gain, depression, breast tenderness or swelling, pain, swelling, or irritation where the injection is given.

    It seems pretty safe as long as your getting it from a reputable doctor, I wouldnt trust these order over the internet sites. They are less expensive because you need a prescription for HCG and since you are ordering online it isnt legally obligated to require one if you get them that way. Online just seems alot more unsafe, on some sites it says alot of HCG has been contaminated from places like China and India. I would rather pay the extra amount and go see an actual doctor than risk getting a contaminated batch from some online site. I couldn’t find any reliable sources of information for HCG for the diet because people just bash it and dont have any sources for their information so I looked it up for fertility instead and base my results off that since its the same drug but used in much smaller doses for the diet purpose. I imagine anyone who says they had a serious side effect such as …tumors in their throat? must of gotten a contaminated drug because you dont get those sort of side effects from using much higher doses in fertility treatments, at least not that I have come across yet. I dont know, it seems pretty risk free, i mean, your using a drug thats already been FDA approved, albeit for other purposes, in a much smaller dose than said other purpose, has little serious side effects (and thats in the fertility treatment dosage 10k IU a month compared to 200IU per week for diet, so far every HCG diet site claims there to be zero side effects), REALLY TRULY SEEMS TO WORK (even if its just the placebo effect!) and is extremely cheap (in comparison to other methods..gastric bypass, lipo, ect) and non invasive, if I had the money to drop on this I definitely would. The only ‘bad’ thing seems to be the extremely low calorie diet, so I quote this site:

    "Another potential source of concern when following an HCG diet is the actual diet plan. In order to follow the HCG diet plan to its fullest, you are also supposed to maintain a diet of 500 calories per day. Although following a diet with such a small amount of calories would normally be considered unhealthy, it is safe to do while also receiving HCG diet injections. This is because HCG helps prevent the loss of muscle mass. It also helps dieters retain a high level of energy while suppressing the appetite. Therefore, while it generally would not be considered safe to follow a diet with so few calories, doing so while also receiving the HCG injection is both safe and effective as a weight loss strategy."" onclick=";return false;

    site for side effects:" onclick=";return false; and" onclick=";return false;

  • verucablue

    January 11, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    Everyone needs to make their own decisions when it comes to their diets but please don’t just take the word of the web site promoting the actual diet. Buyer beware…

    Every doctor that I spoke to has said this is a dangerous diet. Any diet where you are NOT supposed to exercise (and that includes playing on the pole ) and you are restricted to 500 calories a day is suspect. This *might* (and I say might not even really being sure) be something that if you are severely morbidly obese – might be worth it but otherwise I would avoid it like the plague.

    Here is a link to a blog that has one persons – again just one persons experience on the diet." onclick=";return false; and they did experience muscle loss as well as fat loss.

    -again I am not saying it doesn’t work…but anytime you drop down to a 500 calorie a day diet you will lose weight – but not in a healthy way.

  • Georgiapeach

    January 20, 2010 at 7:32 am

    that’s right every website is different and each doctor that I have spoken to have mixed emotions. I was also told that I could exercise and I do get Vit B injections as well.
    So far I have lost an average of 2 lbs per day. I am completely happy with the results so far. Not everyone has the same needs and wants as others as far as weight control. Nor does everyone have the money for surgery etc… I personally feel that if you find something that works for you, then good for you! Everyone 1 time or another has gone on a Fad diet and it not worked for them even going against a doctors suggestion, If this werent true then there were not be such a thing as Fad Diets.
    Everyone needs to do what they feel they can do on a diet. I personally am doing well but whoes to say the next person doesn’t? Everyone knows that all diets are not for everyone. I’m simply saying so far this one is doing well for me.
    Someone I saw asked if they were cheap? the injections if you go to a clinic are not cheap. They run anywhere from $450 – $750 for the 27 day or 40 day round. My Best Friend orders hers on line and paid right about $100 for the 27 Day round, this included the mixing kit and the HCG injections. She has had wonderful results she has lost 35 lbs in 40 days and has kept it off now for 3 months and is getting ready to do the smaller round of only 27 days I believe to lose the last 15 lbs she wanted to lose.

    Im just happy with my results so far.

  • PPF1

    January 22, 2010 at 5:32 am

    Where do you get HCG Injections and what kind of cost are we talking about? Please sue the doctor! Most lawyers will handle the case for a percent of what you get. That doctor needs to be put out of business

  • hottielolo

    January 24, 2010 at 4:51 am

    Ok guys….I think most of you misunderstood what I was saying…….I went to a Bariatric clinic which is a weight loss clinic!!! I was put on a diet that consisted of around 1300-1500 calories. I was also instructed to exercise 6 times a week!! The HCG injections are supposed to break up the fat in your belly, hips, and thighs!! You lose inches rather than pounds with the injection!!


  • benicebehappy

    February 1, 2010 at 7:39 pm

    Wow these injections sound brilliant!
    Does anyone know if there available in the UK or is it only in the US? Im about to start using xenical again. But these injections sound even better as the side effects with the xenical can be unpleasant

  • chemgoddess1

    February 1, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    I will just add a note here. HCG has been around for some time. It is quite common in the bodybuilding world when BBers are in a cutting phase and trying to negate the effects of steroid use. In men it is commonly prescribed to increase testosterone levels and in women it is commonly prescribed as a fertility drug. Albeit the dosing for both of these are quite a bit higher than the dosing for weight loss (2000-5000 IU a few times a week). This is what Manny Ramirez got nailed with in his blood and suspended, even though he did not test positive for steroids (supposedly he was prescribed it for low test levels).

    Just because something is not approved by the FDA does not mean it does not work. I can get high on a soap box about this but choose not to at this point. Lets just say I worked in pharmaceutical manufacturing and drug discovery for 10+ years. Also vitamins and supplements (protein powder anyone??) are not regulated nor approved by the FDA but there is loads of scientific evidence that they work.

    I have looked at a few Pubmed abstracts regarding this and it does appear to be a therapy for weight loss and one that is being studied quite actively. Of course there will be side effects but pretty much anything that we place into our bodies causes side effects (anyone ever have a hangover?? How about gas?). As intelligent humans all we can do is research, weigh the pros and cons and decide if it is a course of action we wish to take.

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