Forums Discussions HELP!! NEW POLES NEEDED!


    Posted by Missfox on February 22, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Have just set up a pole dancing society at the University of Southampton!
    We need to raise £2000 to buy four pole stages (we think we are gonna go for the X-stage), does anybody have any ideas how to raise the dosh?

    Missfox replied 14 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • halfjack

    February 23, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    Hold a themed clubnight/party and make everyone pay a certain amount to get in? If you already have a pole, you could make it a pole theme…I’m sure the idea of pole dancing would probably draw lots of people in…and then once they were there, if you had someone performing beautiful pole tricks they would probably wanna join your society!

    Me and my friends did the same thing, we were organising a charity event at uni, and we needed to raise 2000, we found a space through the uni, and held an Alice in Wonderland mad hatter party…everyone had to dress up as disney characters. The capacity of the venue was 500..and we charged £5 to get in.

    We avertised it LOADS, made flyers, told all our friends, and forced them to tell their friends, posted it on facebook and myspace loads, and just generally made it sound as cool as possible lol. We bought a bunch of CHEAP glowsticks on ebay, and made a bunch of cheap cupcakes and gave them out to people who came (obviously we didnt have enough to go round everyone) but we still avertised on our flyers "Amazing Alice in Wonderland disney rave…come early…free cupcakes and glowsticks!!" which just made it sound better. And people definitely appreciated it.
    We also bought loadsa stupid stuff like cheap candy and balloons and tacky stuff like that and made little party bags to give to people at the end of the night.

    Overall about 450 people came which was AMAZING and at £5 a head we made OVER 2000 in one night! Obviously there were some costs to cover so at the end of it all we had just under 2000, but not much under.
    I think it’s definitely the best way to go about it, especially as you are at University, and it’s generally easy to get cheap/free venues to hold events at, especially if you’re doing it as some sort of fundraiser.

    So yeah…get a venue, ask around everyone you know who is a DJ or in bands who would be willing to play for a couple of hours for free or for a MINIMAL fee, and just do a bunch of stuff on the cheap which will make the night sound awesome and promote it like mad. People will come, especially if its a relatively cheap price, and sounds amazing. Students are also pretty easy to please…I found that putting the words "RAVE! GLOWSTICKS! NEON!" tends to make any student wanna hand over their money! Haha.

    Good luck!

  • Missfox

    February 23, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    Thanks! Thats not a bad idea!!! I will put the events and publicity girls onto it!!!

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