Forums Discussions HELP!! Split training.

  • HELP!! Split training.

    Posted by Pole gal on October 9, 2012 at 3:32 am

    Hi all, where can I find proper exercises to do to learn the splits as I don’t have a subscription to studio veena. I’ve looked online but gtn told to all different stretches!! I use to be able to so th splits when I was you her a I was a disco dancer till I was 13, I’m now 24. Any help would be appreciated. xxx

    Pole gal replied 12 years, 4 months ago 9 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Runemist34

    October 9, 2012 at 3:53 am

    I think it really depends on what your body responds to! Try all kinds of different stretches, and see what gets the most results! I think that having a wide range of different stretches is best, rather than just a few.

    There are a lot of DVD's out there, too, such as Pure Splits and Flexibility for Pole, Felix's flexibility training, and such. Take a look around!

  • azblanco

    October 9, 2012 at 8:20 am

    I can honestly say- your answers for splits training lies here, especially if you are just starting back with it. The subscription is very reasonable in price and you will not get a better deal with quality instruction else where, inmh opinion.
    The other option is to order dvds. You probably will not find easy to use, mapped out instruction without paying some type of price for it 🙂
    Happy poling.

  • PinkPhoenix

    October 9, 2012 at 10:02 am

    I agree with Runemist34.  I have both of Felix Cane and Alethea Austins Pure Splits and they are both very good dvds.  Most of all since its been a while be patient with your body.  You can also find some stuff on Youtube as well there are a ton of cheerleading type tutorials and stretching tutorials, just look through them and see what you like.

  • Dancing Paws

    October 9, 2012 at 10:24 am

    this is what has helped me…stretch everything. I start from my head and go down to my ankles. For the lower body portion, stretch your sides, pigeon, opening the hips, the outside of the hips, straddle, hammies, calves, quads, etc. EVERYWHERE you can think of!

  • Veena

    October 9, 2012 at 2:08 pm

    Azblanco, is right, you've come to the right place!! I have individual stretching lessons that give you an in depth look at alignment so you'll get the most out of your stretches.There are a few stretches for each muscle group, and they are grouped together! Also we offer 3 stretching routines that are about 20 mins long. About the equivalent of 3 dvds. If you have any questions on about a stretch, you can leave a comment for me and I'll help you out. In addition to all of that, we have a foam roller section, which is great to use before stretching to increase range of motion and great for after workouts to relax muscles.

  • khrysie

    October 9, 2012 at 2:27 pm

    I got my front split, and box split after just seven months using most of Veenas stretches! 🙂 So thanks Veena!! xx

  • Pole gal

    October 9, 2012 at 3:03 pm

    Unfortunately I don’t hve the money to buy the subscription just 🙁 I have 2 kids and moneys Jst a bit tight at the momet 🙁 especially as just had my sons birthday n now got Xmas and thn my daughter birthday & my nieces & my sister, lol. I’ve googled it and there’s soo many things tellin you what to do?? 1 is sayin 2x a week another is sayin everyday?!? So what is right?? As I sed I use to be able to do the splits wen I was 13 but 11yrs apart from poling am basicay stuff as a board when it comes to flexabity, lol. xx

  • Cherished

    October 9, 2012 at 3:41 pm

    You can try The Splits in 6 Weeks Program. Here's the thread on it and people here have had success with it:

    I think though on average it seems to take someone not so fexible 6 months to a year of stretching at least 3 times a week (This is just my personal observation it's not based on any official study or anything)

    You will know how many times is right for you depending on how fast your body recovers from soreness. I did not stretch every day I just waited until my muscles didn't feel so sore that they hindered my stretches. Although I've read here it's okay to do light stretches every day.

    If you've already done the splits earlier in life you will probably get it sooner than six months. Using Alethea Austin's Pure Splits with the six weeks program really worked for me.

  • Pole gal

    October 9, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    Aw Thanx for tht huni 🙂 my body seems to recover from soreness & stuff pretty quick, I recovered well from n laparoscopy, I was we’ll enough to pole again within 2wks. I do leg stretches twice a day plus I also use my pole. I don’t push myself to hard BUT I do push myself if tht makes sense. I just really want my flexibility back it been gone since I had my daughter at 16. xxx

  • PinkPhoenix

    October 9, 2012 at 3:48 pm

    Try Youtube they have a bunch of videos on splits and flexibility and its FREE information.  When it comes to practice, do what your body can do, you don't want to hurt yourself trying to do the splits.  All of those suggestions are based on what those peoples bodies can do, when I first started out I did it every 2 days then as I got more comfortable I did every other day, now I do it every day while I'm watching television.  If you want to progress a little faster then I would say every other day give your body extra rest if it needs it.  If your legs are like screaming then don't force it.  Can not stress it enough, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!  Your body at 13 is way different from now.  When I was that age I could put my feet behind my head.  That is not the case now, but I'm working on it again and one day I'll have it, but I don't over do it.  Another thing is to keep your body warm and do something to warm your body up before you do the splits or you will really hurt yourself.  Since it is the summer I just don't turn on the AC in my apartment and I use the heat in my apartment to help loosen me up and stuff.  Sure I'm a soggy mess afterwards, but I'm good and stretched and it took little effort since I was nice and warm. 

  • Pole gal

    October 10, 2012 at 4:10 am

    Well I started the 6wks splits training last nyt! Managed them all apart from at the end where it says u have to go into a split as far as you can and hold it!! I have a rly crap pain threshold and end up Jumpin back upto my feet within seconds, how can I stop myself from doin tht, also my back leg Jst won’t stop bloody bendin >:-/
    Felt sore after it last nyt but my legs dnt feel too bad today so hopefully iv done it rite 🙂 xxx
    P.s. can u ass other stretches to it or do I have to stick with just they 1’s? xx

  • Cherished

    October 10, 2012 at 5:50 am

    Hi Pole gal,

    He says in the first week to only do the first five stretches and in week two add in the splits stretch.

    Also because I found my flexibility really low I used yoga blocks to help me control how much preasure I was putting on my legs like in this vid:

    I had also worked up to doing his stretches for 60 seconds (3x each side) 

    I benefited from adding other stretches (Aletha Austin Pure Splits)

    Also for the back legs the yoga pigeon stretch seems to be a good one along with getting better at the deep lunge stretch. From what I've read working on the hip flexor will help with that. Here is a link with Hip Flexor stretching info (I have not put those stretches in my routine yet so I have no personal experience with them) :

    Again I'm just telling you my methods of learning the splits. If someone here sees that any info I gave is incorrect please say something.

    The reason why I used 6 weeks and Alethea's stretches are because those are the two that more than a few times other people had tried and then said they were able to get their splits.

  • Pole gal

    October 10, 2012 at 2:47 pm

    That for all the info every1. I have also been Sittin with my lea wide apart and stretching tht way and Sittin against a wall and pushing myself closer. xx

  • PinkPhoenix

    October 10, 2012 at 3:28 pm

    Pole gal I would start lower to the ground, so it doesn't seem so far down to go.  In cheerleading we use to cheat by sitting on one butt cheek, parting our legs and then rolling forward putting ourselves in it.  If you don't go all the way down then that's fine when you can't stand it roll back to the side.  Or you can use yoga blocks to put under your thighs to help take the pressure off of your hip joints.  You want to stay in the stretch I know it hurts, but you have to stay in the stretch so you can continue to go further down.  If you pop up after 10 seconds you aren't doing anything, you have to try and hold it for 30 seconds or as close to 30 seconds as you can get.

  • joscelynsmom

    October 10, 2012 at 6:07 pm

    I would highly recommend Alethea Austins DVD's for either pure splits or stretching for pole.  After doing the DVD 3 times I could to the splits and I had never done them before in my life, not even as a kid.  Make sure with the wall stretches you don't just sit open.  Best wasy to lengthen muscles is to flex then relax.  So sit legs straight against the wall, toes pointed, muscles flexed for 30 seconds then drop to open, flex for 30 seconds more, then relax open for 30 seconds making sure that when you go from flexed to relaxed you are dropping open wider.  Then close and flex straight for 30 seconds….. repeat.  It will lengthen the muscle AND build muscle memory.

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