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Hate carpet! What can i do?
Posted by LizzyLiz810 on March 9, 2011 at 10:03 amI really need to start practicing at home with my shoes, but it just doesnt work with carpet. Is there anything i can put down in that area over the carpet so that its a smooth surface?
Thanks ladies
Lyme Lyte replied 12 years, 8 months ago 21 Members · 45 Replies -
45 Replies
Pick up a piece of bathroom panelling at a home store. A 4×8 piece will only run you about $20. I had one that was silver tile looking. They have some nice looking ones that are specifically made for bathrooms so that they look like time.
Basically this but in silver:
Some pole genius mentioned a long time ago that putting packing tape (the thin clear kind) on the soles of your shoes makes dancing on carpet much easier.
Yep, the tape really works!! It does come off after a while so u need to do it with each practise (or I did — I do drag my feet a lot though) It's so worth it 🙂
For a barefoot like experience has anyone every tried leather or canvas ballet or gymnastic shoes. If you're looking to cover just the balls of your feet an nothing else there's a great product called line you can find by googling "dance cats paws".
Yep, I use leather soled ballet slippers and love them! I can spin on the balls of my feet, pirouette well, and the tops of my feet are exposed for climbing. Pirouetting is still better in socks, but I can't climb with them so the slippers are a perfect compromise.
Once I needed a surface for a stagee that had a broken edge. First I put down a layer of soft and thick fabric, after that I put down some lovely gold fabric, that draped over the sides and looked very elegant. the part that held it all together that you can use over carpet is a large piece of the plastic that is used under desks so that chairs can roll easily. I bought mine online in a big one piece of 6 x 6 for a bout $50. I have seen better deals since that on pieces almost that big at office supplie stores.
Good luck!
just did some goggle searching on that and the biggest one I could find was 36 x 48 iches. and close to a 100 bucks 🙁
I think what I'm going to do is use plywood cover it with peel and stick tiles and hook them together somehow. I figure I will need 6 pieces of plywood and tile to cover.
Sorry, the piece I ordered was only 4' X 4'
Well, good luck
When i had carpet in my pole room the chair mats worked the best. They have little nubs on the back to dig into the carpet and hold it in place. They are doing to run close to $100 for a decent sized one which you can cut a hold in the center and slide it down over your pole.
It's worth it though and you can probably get one on sale or as mentioned on Ebay for less. Heck we easily spend $50 on a pair of shoes…a few more for better flooring is worth it!
I hate carpet sometimes too, until I think about how much more comfortable it is on my knees during floorwork. The packing tape DOES work on shoes though! Amcut was the one who first taught me that and it was a lifesaver! 🙂
@chemgoddess, did you get two pieces of the bathroom paneling and put side by side? If so, did you cut center to go around pole? Do they not slide around?
@ Empryean, I have a chair mat for my desk, but I got it without the nubs. We got new berber and I was concerned the nubs would snag. Do the nubs really keep it from sliding? It moves very little at my desk, but wondering about poling on it.
@eaglespirit, do you use those on carpet? I don't pole with shoes and just need something for pivoting on the carpet better.
what about those puzzle mats that gyms use? kmart and sportsuathority sell them at a fair price. i know amazon sells them in a wood finish too.
I have some of those but they are not really good for dancing in heels. We decided last night to cut the carpet up in the area around the two poles, then put in a cheap pergo type stuff. I would love to do the whole floor since it is my great room however there is water damage over by the bar that would have to be fixed first and neither my husband or I have the skill to do so.
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