Forums Discussions Headaches

  • Runemist34

    April 19, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    To create a caffeine addiction takes a very short amount of time; often one or two days, depending on how much you have, and your body chemistry. To come off it also depends on how much you are dependant. It took me two weeks to feel normal again after quitting caffeine (lol, sounds like smoking, doesn't it?)

    Since it sounds like your headaches are quite regular, it could either be something in your system that builds up quickly, or that you do at least once a week that causes it to get worse. Has this happened to you for your whole life? Did it start when you hit puberty?

    I usually try to figure these things out by asking lots of questions. If your normal doctor is unable to help, find a new one. Go to a specialist. Anything you have to do! I hate to see people live with pain!

  • XLauraX

    April 19, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    I went through a period about 6 months ago of having constant migraines, I would have about 4-5 a week, my doctor couldnt find a cause but suspected work related stress (I work as a carer) I was put on codeine for it, but that only took away some of the pain, but now I have switched shifts in work I have only had about 2 in the last 4 months.

    I do suffer from  bad headaches though, have done since I was a child, again Doctors could never figure out why, I am a pain killer junkie, I always make sure i have some form of pain killers on me at all times. 

  • Dancing Paws

    April 19, 2011 at 6:40 pm

    I think they started in high school, but they haven't gotten worse over the years. I don't work right now, so work stress isn't the trigger. I've seen 2 neuros, an ENT (resulting in surgery), and several GP's. They all say different things.


    I might have to get an allergy test done for foods.

  • senrysa

    April 19, 2011 at 7:49 pm

    Oh man I feel for you I have other medical but they could never out why.the headaches. So they called if complicated complex headaches which leads to migraine/cluster headaches which may last a few hours or a few weeks.
    They put me on disability not so much for the h/a AZ other things. They put me on 4 anti-depressants, migraine meds for an attack and pain meds when nothing else works. If pain
    ed don’t kick its off to ER where I try to explained I’m not there to get high but If they don’t help me basically I’m going g to throw myself under the next passing bus. Sometimes they call my Dr who promptly explains the situation. After that I go home and sleep 24 hrs and if I’m really lucky when I wake up the headache is gone. If not I start the cycle over again..
    The meds I take used to try and prevent the headaches by skiing something to the seratonin in my brain.
    They put me on disability almost 20 yes ago. People think I’m so lucky but they have no idea how bad you have to get disaster ility at that age and what it does to your life when your immune system is so compromised so much you can’t go to.a job everyday.
    a month ago I had to stay in hospital a week get IV antibiotics
    I had a headache for a week before that si I was lucky they gave me strong pain meds so when I came home it was gobe

    A good headache doctor helps because you dont have to explain it again and again they know about how they can destroy life as most people know it. It can destroy marriages cost friends who don’t get just because you look OK doesn’t mean your are.
    Some of the things you might consider somebody the triggers besides stress….diet, caffeine, additives in food, rebound headaches cache even be caused by taking the same otc medications like aspirin, tylenol., ibuprofen anything you take every day. It will stop working after a while and can actually cause your headaches, smoking (or not smoking.if you are trying to quit), and unfortunately chocolate which I adore. 🙁 I am prescribed maxalt which usually works but wont work on. Any other h/a but a migraine.
    there ate triggers during allergy season. I almost died when they thought my dogs Ans my horses may have contributes. Oh yes and alcohol…especially red wine.
    you can look on line for triggers you may not know about. Then keep a headache diary ( a total pain in the ass. But it can really help) when you get a h/a, what you have had to eat or drink, what time you go to sleep and when you wake up. Lots of people get headaches after a night of partying even if they don’t drink…why because the slept late the morning after.that always seemed whacky to me but its true for me.
    I am sorry every time someone they have chronic headaches because. I.have been in a dark closet, with a bucket to throw up in, an ice pack and a pillow. I hope you can find the source. BTW get yourself some.of those ice pack holders that have like ace bandage/Velcro. You slide an gel pack/ice bag into a sleeve and then you wrap around your head. I always feel dumb but it helps me. I think the pressure of it helps too si I don’t mind looking dumb. Hang in there.

  • Dancing Paws

    April 19, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    I am all to knowing about being locked up in my apartment, lights out, blinds closed, sunglasses on, with a trash can for barfing. Did that last night. Had my ice pack and heating pad with me. I've done hospital trips before too. The first time I did they gave me dilauded, which made me so unbelievably nauseous. Never again. I had to go to the hospital because it hurt to breathe one day and kaiser thought I might have been having a heart attack or something. Turns out I had such bad acid reflux from all the prescription naproxen I was taking, that my asophagus started freaking out causing the chest pain.


    I may start a headache journal. Uh, what a pain.

  • DreamStarr

    April 20, 2011 at 1:20 am

    IM not a doctor and the doctors i was seeing wasn't either…lol  I suffered from migraines often went to ER got all the good drugs, nothing worked. Found out what was triggering them the movie (Titanic) when the ship went down all the flashing light was triggering my migraines, how did i finally solve it…..EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE low and behold the main ingredient in it is….(hold your breath) CAFFEINE

    Worked for me and still do….IM not a Dr but i live by it











  • DreamStarr

    April 20, 2011 at 1:22 am

    oh yeah dont forget the extra strength….it helps too

  • anna2422

    April 20, 2011 at 7:13 am

    I suffer from migraines too.   Along with EVERYTHING the others have mentioned.  PICKLES can be a trigger too.  chocolate too, lots of things really.  The food diary  mentioned above is a pain, but it can help.  I saw an allergists, and while I do have some allergies (blue cheese being one of them, there is a difference between an allergy  and just having a reaction to the foods you eat.  They are mainly classified as an allergy, intolerance, or just plain old adverse reaction.   The body is a very strange and complicated machine.  Hope you find relief soon.  Huggles to ya…

  • danzn16

    April 20, 2011 at 10:29 am

    i've had migraines since i was 3 years old. recently they've become worse. i have about 2 a week. it's horrible. i've taken medication when i get them, which usually makes me feel worse before i get better. i am now taking topamax everyday as a preventative measure. i've only been taking it for about a month and a half now so i'm really hoping it will work but as of now no luck. i'm really interested in the food allergy aspect of it. i dont know how to get tested or if my insurance will even cover it but i am interested in seeing if am allergic to gluten or something like that. i know that some foods like, pickles, bananas, certain cheeses, lunch meats, are triggers for me. but i avoid those and still get random migraines 2x a week and still get headaches multiples times a week. i would love to get rid of these! i'm starting medical school in august and am on a mission to at least decrease them before then!!

  • Dancing Paws

    April 20, 2011 at 11:01 am

    Topamax didn't help me. I was on it for epilepsy actually, but I had headaches at the time. It made me super thin though. Lost all interest in food.

  • danzn16

    April 21, 2011 at 10:40 am

    i'm definitely enjoying the decrease in appetite that comes along with topamax but i would love a decrease in headaches as well! i may have to try a gluten free diet to see if that helps at all. i really hope i can find something that helps. i just can't go on like this! it also seems like exercise is a trigger, so poling can actually make it worse! 🙁

  • Samantha B

    April 21, 2011 at 10:47 am

    @dansn16  Try going wheat free, migranes are offten the wheat (which has gluten) not the gluten it'self. Get tested anyway for sure but it's easier to go wheat free for a few weeks to try it while you wait/save up for the tests. It didn't take very long for my 3-4 migranes a week to go away going wheat free.  Good luck.

  • bellavita16fb3980

    April 22, 2011 at 9:31 am

    i've decided i'm going to go get food allergy tested. no reason cutting out all my favorite foods for no reason if i don't have to! hopefully it wil be just as simple as that!

  • Dancing Paws

    May 15, 2011 at 10:10 am

    Can you get a headache from eating food cooked on the same grill with wheat products, even if your own dish did not have wheat?

  • glitterhips

    May 15, 2011 at 11:01 am

    Yep I work in a restaurant and if we have a customer with an allergy we have to cook their food on a completely separate grill to make sure it doesn't touch anything. There are varying degrees of food allergies so some people could eat something cooked on a grill with cross contamination and they would be fine, other people can't even come into contact with the item they are allergic to…so if you are allergic to wheat then yes it could be possible. I have a friend who was having horrible headaches so she started keeping a food diary and it turned out she was allergic to gluten, she has now gone gluten free and is headache free as well. I also have tummy aches when I eat a lot of bread and pasta so I dont think I'm allergic but i don't think wheat and things like that agree very well with my tummy so I try to avoid them. Good luck with everything please let me know how it goes!


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