Forums Discussions Headaches

  • Dancing Paws

    May 15, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    I have been eating wheat free for almost 2 weeks now. I went 1 1/2 weeks without a headache. The last 2 times I got a headache we had eaten at grill places. I had mongolian bbq first. Turns out those noodles have wheat. Friday I had pad thai noodles, but my fiancee had yakisoba which has wheat. I have had a hedache for the last 24 hours. The only other food sensitivity I can think it migt be is to soy.

  • glitterhips

    May 15, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    I think soy and wheat allergies sometimes can be related? From what I remember my gluten free friend can't have soy…Also I remember hearing a story about a girl who was so allergic to peanuts, her bf ate a pb sandwich and kissed her a few hours later and she died. Not saying your allergy is that extreme but it shows that you can be pretty sensitive to cross contamination like if your boyfriend had wheat and you share a drink or kiss, that could possibly cause an allergic reaction from you like a headache…but it is really awesome it seems that you are finding a solution!

  • Dancing Paws

    May 15, 2011 at 2:04 pm

    It is still too early to tell, but I can say that mongolian food has a trigger. I am at the point where I just want too know what is the issue so I can fix it, even if it means no cake, cookies, and other yummies.

  • Dawnella

    May 15, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    Preservatives in food and MSG will definitely do it.  MSG is the devil when it comes to headaches… and it's in EVERYTHING!  Campbell's soup contains MSG.  It's crazy.

    But I can't ignore the fact that your pattern of headaches sounds so similar to how my migraines USED to be.  I would get them on a regular cycle about every 3 to 4 days.  I kept a journal of what I was eating, but couldn't nail it down to one particular thing.  I too, had stiffness in the back of my neck.  The migraines I suffered from for about 10 years seemed to get a bit worse during the Winter months.  And I consistently WOKE UP with them.  It was awful.  I went to my doctor and he just gave me pain medication.  

    Then one day, I went into work following a day I had called off sick for a migraine.  My boss and I started sharing stories about "our migraines", only he didn't get his anymore.  He said, "This might sound like an odd question, but– do you use a feather pillow?"  I responded, "Yeah, actually, I do."  He said, "Get rid of it, immediately."  He further explained that he attributed, after years of agony with migraines, them to an allergy to down (goose feathers).  I thought, "No way.  It can't be as simple as that."

    But… I stopped sleeping with my beloved feather pillow.  And you know what?  My headaches stopped.  And then I realized my comforter, that I used for comfy warmth in the Winter time was also filled with goose down.  And that's why the headaches were worse in the Winter time.  I wasn't using that heavy comforter in the Summer.

    Sorry for the long story.  But… I couldn't believe it!  Years of suffering from Migraines… missing work, throwing up, missing events, and missing out on plans I made with friends… all because of a stupid feather pillow and an allergy to goose down?!?!  After speaking with my doctor, he did confirm that it could be true.  Like… WTF?!!

    Just a thought to let you know, that what could be contributing to your headaches, may very well be the unlikely.  Good luck sensualscimitar!  I really hope you figure out what the cause is!

  • Dancing Paws

    May 15, 2011 at 11:29 pm

    I do have a down comforter, but I haven't used it for a week or more…I'll keep that on the list to consider though.

  • Dancing Paws

    May 30, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    Sooooo, it has been 16 days since my last headache (versus the normal 5-7 days.) The only thing I have changed is I cut out wheat and soy. Oh lordie I hope this is the answer!!! I definately love you guys for your help! 😀

  • SpunBeauty

    May 30, 2011 at 8:08 pm

    Hi I get really bad migraines as well.  For the past 16 years (I'm 26).  I had tried EVERYthing.  I recently found Fever Few Leaves in capsule form. $10 on amazon. After a week they were gone. I still get some regular headaches and maybe a migraine here and there… but It's a lifesaver.  And i haven't found any interactions with them either.  I hope this helps.

  • polegypsy

    June 4, 2011 at 11:25 pm

    i had what i thought was a migraine a few months ago, i had to leave work at 2am and go to the er i was in so much pain and vomiting so bad. the doc that seem me told my b/f i was hard to talk with and that he thought it was just a migraine, but he said that they would hook me up to an IV just in case.

    After talking with my doc we came to the conclusion i had had a mini brain aneurysm. so i know what your going through via the pain, i wouldn't wish that on anyone.

  • polegypsy

    June 4, 2011 at 11:48 pm

    also if you any one has any of these symptoms with your headache, see a doc asap

    i had all of these, and what scared me the most and pushed me to go to the er was the loss of feeling in my hands and knees.

    Nausea and vomiting

    Stiff neck or neck pain

    Blurred vision or double vision

    Pain above and behind the eye

    Dilated pupils

    Sensitivity to light

    Loss of sensation

  • Dancing Paws

    June 5, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    I'm sotra afraid to take feverfew since I have to take epilepsy medications, and I don't want an interrraction. I got a headache the other day after having milk, so I think that may be a trigger. I hadn't had any animal products for the 16 days I was headache free, so I guess veganism is my future.

  • Candice Storm

    June 6, 2011 at 2:11 am

    I have heard dairy and chocolate can be a trigger!
    Stress and eye strain too. Pole Dancing: Also if I overdo it on the shoulder mounts my muscles spasm and cause headaches! So go easy there, don’t kill your neck and shoulder muscles.

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