Forums Discussions Hello from Los Angeles!

  • Hello from Los Angeles!

    Posted by logan on March 6, 2010 at 5:47 am

    Hey Polers.
    I just moved from New York to Los Angeles after a super-rough breakup. I packed my things into the car and drove across the country with the willingness to leave the anger behind me and the desire to do the next right thing for myself on the road back to joy.
    I don’t even know how the idea of pole-dancing entered my consciousness as I’ve really had no previous exposure to it but I am so grateful it did!
    A month after moving here I signed up for classes at Luscious Maven and became completely obsessed with all things Pole. I’ve been dancing for only a month and half now and have already bought an X-pole Xpert!
    It is re-storing my confidence and giving me a sense of myself as a capable, beautiful, woman of value.
    It is also introducing me to some hilarious and powerful women which is a great gift when healing a broken heart in a completely foreign city!
    And today I discovered StudioVeena and have already been inspired by Veena’s passion and generosity (and her interview with the Fargo firecracker: Litlbit!).
    I look forward to meeting, supporting, and laughing with, more of you in this FRICKIN’ AWESOME community.
    Love (cuz I believe in the stuff),

    logan replied 15 years ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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