Forums Discussions Help for beginner: gripping pole

  • Help for beginner: gripping pole

    Posted by xxhayleyxx on June 10, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    I am just on basics and started the 30 day start up videos. I am completely stuck on the Pole Hold Strength video on day 3. I can't even hold myself up for 1/2 a second without falling down! I grasp the pole just above my head with both hand, squeeze while on tippy toes and try to lift up but I just can't hold my weight! I usually just end up sliding down. I'm guessing I need some of that powder stuff for my hands? I'll be over here grabbing at this pole if anyone wants to suggest help!

    stephnicoleex3 replied 11 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • mystical

    June 10, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    I had the same problem when i first started, What i did was i just kept practicing and sometimes i would use my legs to help keep me up. On grip Veena has a hand strengthening lesson in the conditioning section, You can always buy grip aides like dry hands, tite grip, mighty grip, and dirty girl poletice, There are all kinds you can try. Welcome to the site hope you like it, Have fun.

  • calipolepixie

    June 10, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    It's normal, that happened to ALL of us here when we first started pole. It takes a few weeks to build up strength in your hands, arms and core. Just keep praticing. Give it a little time and you will start noticing a difference in your grip.

    Now if your issues of slippage seem to be due to sweaty hands, then a grip aid like dry hands or mighty grip might help.

  • Veena

    June 10, 2013 at 7:09 pm

    Its totally normal 🙂 if you take a look at some of the comments posted under the lesson you’ll see many others who had the same issue when starting. 😉

  • dustbunny

    June 10, 2013 at 9:10 pm

    I generally don’t encourage jumping to grip aids too soon. Give yourself Some time, hand strength will come with practice. 🙂

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    June 10, 2013 at 9:52 pm

    Clean your pole, warm up…and have patience. I once shook ms. Butterfly’s hand and it was like a firemans hand. I was in awe…that is a huge amount of work to calous up like that.

  • xxhayleyxx

    June 11, 2013 at 8:55 pm

    Thanks everyone! I can already see improvement in one day. I just keep gripping and lifting myself. Yesterday I could not get any lift even when trying to use my legs to keep me up there. Now, I'm getting a few seconds up there I'm hoping in a week I can hold myself for at least 10 seconds. Thanks for the encouragement guys!! 

  • portableninja

    June 12, 2013 at 9:38 am

    Yes, make sure the pole and your body are warm and free of anything like lotion. But a big part of grip issues, especially when poling at home, is mental. My grip was fine in the studio but terrible at home. I kept wondering what was different about my pole versus the studio, but the reality is… When it's just me alone with my pole in a room, it's easy to focus on how much I'm slipping in a move. And then it's self-fulfilling because I freak out about it and stop squeezing. When I'm in a class or workshop, trying to pay attention to the instructor and make sense of new moves or choreography, I have too much else to think about and the grip issues seem to improve by themselves. My recommendation is just to keep practicing, and don't worry too much about slippage. It will happen, but you will build up strength over time.

  • xxhayleyxx

    June 12, 2013 at 9:44 pm

    With the improvement I have seen in myself in only days I am more motivated than ever. It's exciting to know that I CAN do this. I am trying not to focus on the slipping and more on how much stronger my grip is, how much longer I am already able to stay on the pole and more importantly, having fun! My knees are bruised my muscles are aching but I have never been this excited about learning something new in my life. portableninja, since I have no access to studios I can only learn on my pole so I always have my SV lessons video handy to focus on:) Can't wait to see what tomorrows progress shows!

  • stephnicoleex3

    June 13, 2013 at 12:39 pm

    Lol. I was the same way! I started about a month and a half ago, and I love it! But, man was I discouraged when I first started. I couldn't do a pole hold at all! My upper body strength was nonexistent. Luckily, with my own willpower & the help and encouragement of the lovely ladies on this site, I stuck with it! I can now do a pole hold like a pro! :p I can do pretty much all of the beginner moves & am now working on my basic invert. Glad you are sticking with it too. I'm not doing any studio lessons either, besides Veenas:). If you ever want to Skype and practice together, especially since were both newbies & are pretty much going at the same pace, we can! Calipolepixie and I skype sometime, and it's a great help and encouragement. I was nervous to get on Skype at first lol….but it's good 🙂

  • xxhayleyxx

    June 13, 2013 at 12:52 pm

    I would love to skype with you guys:) For now I'll just be jumping at it and sliding down haha but it's definitely encouraging to know you only started almost 2 months ago and can already do so much. I checked out your pics and I'm like woaaah hope I can get that good that fast! Do you have any exercises you practiced to get the arm strength up enough to do a basic pole hold? I just keep trying to do it and that has already helped also I'm doing the exercises I'm learning from Veena's videos to strengthen up. 

  • portableninja

    June 13, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    So much of it is just building up your hand strength. Most women do not have a lot of grip strength to begin with unless they do other things like tennis, golf, rock climbing, etc. Veena has a couple videos on hand and wrist strengthening exercises that are very good. You can also do things like pushups and handstands (against the wall) and hanging from a pull up bar to strengthen your hands and fingers. It will get better with time, don't give up!

  • stephnicoleex3

    June 13, 2013 at 1:11 pm

    I inboxed you! 🙂

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