Forums Discussions Help me get my daughter taken off of YouTube

  • SissyBuns

    February 4, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    I offered martial arts to her a even encouraged it but she wasn’t interested. Maybe I should force it.

  • marle777

    February 5, 2010 at 2:07 am

    I’m glad the video situation has been resolved; I’d say if you’re going to attempt forcing martial arts perhaps start with just a women’s self defense class so the idea doesn’t leave a sour taste in her mouth, due to reason. She may become interested in the more dedicated styles just by watching other girls (or guys close to her age in the dojo. Good luck!

  • SissyBuns

    February 5, 2010 at 3:16 am

    I’m glad the video situation has been resolved; I’d say if you’re going to attempt forcing martial arts perhaps start with just a women’s self defense class so the idea doesn’t leave a sour taste in her mouth, due to reason. She may become interested in the more dedicated styles just by watching other girls (or guys close to her age in the dojo. Good luck!

    If there are cute boys there, she’s all in!

  • Bellz

    February 5, 2010 at 4:27 am

    I went to flag it but it’s already down!! Yay!!

  • Georgiapeach

    February 5, 2010 at 5:35 am

    I am so sorry that you and your daughter had to go through that.
    I didnt see the video, but I do hope you have made a copy of it straight off of youtube and take it to the school board and press charges against the little sh*t . Hopefully no one was hurt phyically, mentally and emotionally I do hope that your daughter is doing o.k.

  • PennyGirl

    February 5, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    I’m so sorry about your daughter…The video has been removed by the site for violence. That’s great news isn’t it? People get together and help each other out.

  • verucablue

    February 5, 2010 at 6:18 pm

    So glad they took the video down!

  • byrdgrrl

    February 5, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    I offered martial arts to her a even encouraged it but she wasn’t interested. Maybe I should force it.
    As a girl who has trained in martial arts for over ten years and who started in my teens, please don’t force her if she doesn’t want to. You’ll be doing her a dis-service and the art a dis-service. Instead, see if you can spark her interest. There are many styles of martial arts. Try to show her several different styles. Maybe she just doesn’t want to punch and kick. Maybe a more defensive style like Aikido would be more to her liking. Also, see if you can find a school that has women and girls training. See if she would be willing to watch class and see what goes on. A big inspiration for me was watching my instructor, who is a woman, and the other high-ranking women and girls in my class.

  • Angel1201

    February 7, 2010 at 2:15 am

    Hey Sissy. Hope your girl is OK. This whole thing must be so traumatic for her and to have it posted for the world to see is disgusting. Since I’m a school counselor, I’ve had these types of issues brought to me. I always try to work with the parties involved to mediate the dispute. I never hesitate to call the other kid’s parents to tell them what their kid is doing/has done. They really should see that video so they know how their kid is behaving. Since this took place off school grounds and deals with a website that all school systems block, there probably isn’t a whole lot the prinicipal can legally do. One principal I used to work for used to tell parents that they needed to contact the police to file harassment charges against the person who posted content and to print out any sort of threats/humiliation/intimidation for proof. A good principal will be able to help in conjunction with the school resource officer, the counselor, and the school psychologist. I often work with kids to identify what it is that is making them a target, I also work with them on social skills and staying safe. Just Friday I had to mediate between a bunch of high school girls who were threatening to ‘jump’ another girl. Turns out no one really wanted to fight and the girls were able to honestly discuss their feelings. The whole thing turned out waaay better than I expected and the girls decided they wanted to be friends. They promised each other that they would work on the things that were frustrating the other and then they went to eat lunch together. I couldn’t believe how little it took to fix the issue! It’s definitely not always that easy!!

    I think the problem is that young people are A) so impulsive and B) don’t have the social skills to resolve conflict. Fighting just becomes the quickest release for their tension.

    I hope there is a fantastic counselor up at that school. If your girl is getting picked on she needs someone in the building who can help her work things out. It sounds like this issue has been causing a lot of pain and I hope everything comes out in your baby girl’s favor!

  • PoleSkivvies

    February 26, 2010 at 10:06 am

    So glad you got it taken down! That is such a strong thing to do – to fight for that!

    My stepdaughter is just entering the preteen years and it scares the hell out of me. All the things I dealt with when I was young, I am scared of her having to deal with. I know everyone has to learn to cope, but it’s so hard when it’s your kid and not yourself.

    For kids not into martial arts, does anyone have any experience if basic mediation skills can help avoid fights like these? Not getting a mediator, but teaching conflict resolution skills?

  • SissyBuns

    February 26, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    The principal did have a mediation session with Shania and the other girl and they agreed to put their beef to rest and get over it. Then soon after the girl was heard talking trash again about wanting to fight Shania again. Sigh.

    This was weeks ago and it has since blown over, but my baby does get picked on a lot by the other girls. What I’m trying to figure out is what she’s doing (or not doing) that makes her such a target. Every month it’s a new crew of girls that want to jump her. She doesn’t have any close friends and spends pretty much every wekend and evening home with us.

  • PoleSkivvies

    February 26, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    That age is so hard …

  • AliiraAB

    April 14, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    I went to flag it too but it’s been taken down.
    It’s awesome that your daughter doesn’t pick fights, but is completely willing to defend herself. That’s a trait of strength that will serve her forever. Cheers to her!

  • Kristen PoleMonkey

    April 15, 2010 at 2:38 am

    They removed it! Sorry to hear about the situation, I hope everything works out!

  • Serzi

    April 16, 2010 at 12:58 am

    What I’m trying to figure out is what she’s doing (or not doing) that makes her such a target. Every month it’s a new crew of girls that want to jump her. She doesn’t have any close friends and spends pretty much every wekend and evening home with us.

    Your last sentence serves as a pretty good explanation as to why your daughter is being targeted. She’s also an individual who stands up for herself and doesn’t compromise herself for the sake of fitting in, right? People who aren’t as secure with themselves often feel threatened by anyone who deviates from "the pack". It’s disturbing, but not surprising, when they begin to verbally and (sometimes) physically threaten the lone wolf. I’m sorry to hear that your daughter is going through this, but if she continues to stand-up for herself and shows that she’s not afraid of their petty bullshit they will eventually back off.

    I hate to say this, but I wish I could have watched the video before it was taken down. (Aww, I was gonna flag it too! ) I wanted to see what happened exactly before I offered my advice to this post which, btw, I feel very strongly about because I was often targeted when I was younger. By what you mentioned, though, I think your girl is gonna be okay if she just toughs it out as best she can. So long as she is able to understand it and stays fearless, she’s gonna be alright.

    It must be hard to be a mom and have to let your children experience this world head-on. I salute you, Lady Sissybuns!

    ? ~*Serzi

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