Forums Discussions Help me in so many ways? lol

  • Help me in so many ways? lol

    Posted by Armanii on March 10, 2011 at 5:15 pm

    Helppp please I'm a beginner still – been at it for about a month. I do as much as I can per week but with school and work it gets hard to find time.

    I have a few issues…

    My sweatyness – this seems to be a real problem for being able to do anything on the pole. I bought the mightygrip gloves and leg warmers/ankle grabbers both with tack and I still have issues with how wet my hands get. How am I ever supposed to be able to build the strength and technique of inverts n spins? Also, spinning and sweaty hands… just makes me scared I'm gonna fall…

    My shoes – what kind of shoes are best to dance in? I've seen girls barefoot, socks, leg warmers, heels, "stripper shoes"… I can't find anything that works for me because my heels are peep toe and that hurts my toe to do toe drags… (lol)

    My THIGHS – goodness it is impossible to sit on the pole. I'm strong enough but I really think there's just too much fat deposit in my thighs to be able to hold on. ADVICE??? Lol

    And stretching – the only thing I've ever found that works for me (the tightest hamdstrings in the world quote from three personal trainers 🙁 ) is Bikram Yoga (107 degree hot yoga for 90 mins) but it's tooooo expensiveeee. Can anyone recommend something else? Normal stretching doesn't really do the trick. Or if it does – how often how much??

    ADVICE PLEASE I want to grow as a dancer and in strength. Watching you girls is incredible as well as jealousy-inducing lol.

    Love, Armanii

    Dancing Paws replied 14 years ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Runemist34

    March 11, 2011 at 2:35 am


    Trust me, all of these things are normal when you're just starting out!

    Since you've been at this for a month…are you taking lessons of any kind, or just working on your own from what you see online? Either way, you can get some decent dancing going (though it tends to be somewhat safer to have some sort of lesson).

    The sweat issue can be resolved a few ways. I know that there have been a few dancers here that have had this issue, and we've talked about a lot of things. I remember one saying that distilled white vinegar (I believe??) diluted with water really helps both with the pole and your hands. Personally, I wash or keep a damp cloth around, but I don't get THAT sweaty! 

    Shoes I think is a matter of personal preference. If you're wearing really tall platform heels with open toes, you don't have to go as far as putting your toes to the ground to slide, you can always just slide the tip of your shoes instead. Otherwise, I find many of us dance barefoot for some time, then get shoes and practice in those…but I've heard it all go either way. Like I said, personal preference: You like wearing the shoes and feel safe in them, go for it! If not, then barefoot, and practice with the shoes a bit till you're ready to dance!

    Thighs: I have me some thicker thighs, too. Most of my body fat is around the middle (boobs notwithstanding!) so I have far more fat on my thighs than most other places. I find that, actually, this helps me, as long as I get everything placed correctly! It's gonna hurt, trust me! Just remember to try to turn your knees in toward the pole…sitting, legs straight, anytime! And, you can even tilt your hips when in a pole sit, and it'll give you extra anchorage!

    Otherwise, don't try to rush things. Take it slow, and make sure you're comfortable with everything you try to do, rather than taking the risk and injuring yourself!

  • Armanii

    March 11, 2011 at 4:39 pm

    Thanks I appreciate that I do veenas lessons. And I really am that sweaty…my hands literally drip its fairly disgusting lol

  • Dancing Paws

    March 11, 2011 at 5:11 pm

    I have uber clammy hands when I exercise. I tried the distilled vinegar trick the other day. Helped me a lot. I wiped my pole with vinegar and sprayed some on my hands. I still sweat a little, but my grip was much better. I also have a 50 mm TG X-pole, so that helps me stick too. Don't bother with mighty grip. Didn't do didddly squat for me. I will try the iTac2 levels 2 and 4, with dry hands and let you know if that helps me (they just came in the mail today…yay!)

    I noticed when I was poling about a year ago that the calouses that developed on my hands helped me grip better, even with the sweat, so if you can stick with it and build up some rough hands, it should help a little.

    What kind of pole do you have? I would suggest using a grippier metal. I started out on a stailess steel in a desert climate and had slippage problems. I moved to OR, tried the SS again…I couldn't even grab on, my hands were so moist, so I bought the TG X-pole. I like it. It is just grippy enough that it doesn't hinder my spins too badly (I've heard brass is REALLY sticky and hard to spin on) and it is sticky enough for me to do skin grips and such. A good balance. 

    I don't know about you, but I get way sweatier near my period, so I don't even bother when I am around that time. No point.

  • Dancing Paws

    March 11, 2011 at 5:20 pm

    Oh, and in the way of shoes. I like 2 kinds. Look up pleaser shoes or ellie shoes.

    I like the normal stilettos if I just want to strengthen my tush, since they are pretty high heeled (I have 6 inchers.) The stilettos are really good if you want to do spins without the extra weight on your feet. A wide band over the top of your foot is a good thing to consider since it will help you with pole climps and such.I have these:

    I wouldn't get the pointed stilettos though. They are a little harder to walk in and, at least for me, can be easier to fall on your ass in. These are pointy stilettos that I have:

     If you want extra weight on your feet for a challenge on your legs and abs in spins, get the chunky heeled shoes. They are easy to walk it since the angle your foot sits in them it pretty level. I have these:

    You can look at my picture to see all the shoes I have. 

    Usually when I am practicing, I leave off the shoes and just dance barefoot, sometimes with leg warmers, but I will put shoes on for an extra challenge and to strengthen my legs.




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