Forums Discussions Help with pole posture..and posture in general…

  • Help with pole posture..and posture in general…

    Posted by Sieira on January 15, 2014 at 8:51 am

    Hey ladies…question. I have poor posture from just being on the taller side and doing hair for 20 years. Are there exercises or even something I could wear to get my body to have good posture? I know SV has shown some exercises on the invert post…but I’ve been standing like this for years and don’t know if I’m doing it right. Sigh. Is there anything I can do or buy so I’m not rounded shoulders around the pole? Thanks!

    Sieira replied 11 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Veena

    January 15, 2014 at 9:57 am

    The conditioning lessons here, and well, all of the lessons here will help!! I cover proper posture each time we go through a new move and the strength and conditioning will help train your body, the key is consistency and being aware of when you go back to your poor posture. Wanting to change, it and knowing its not right, is great, but you wont see an improvement until you start physically retraining the body and mind, muscle memory is a powerful thing!

    Here is a video that has suggestions for overall posture and proper abdominal contraction.

  • Sieira

    January 15, 2014 at 12:32 pm

    Thanks pretty lady! 😀 its not easy….I’m taking yoga and stretch classes also…and I’m gonna use your invert exercise also 🙂 just wish there was a harness or something to put on so I catch myself going back lol

  • dustbunny

    January 15, 2014 at 2:18 pm

    Veena’s right. Knowing your posture is bad and wanting to change is the right place to start, but don’t waste your money on any products when you already have what you need. Just practicing pole made a huge difference in my posture, and I had bad posture all my life. Strengthening the muscles of your core, back and stretching your chest and shoulders will help make the position more natural and easier to maintain. Remember just like anything, practice makes perfect!

  • Sieira

    January 15, 2014 at 3:37 pm

    Thanks! That makes me feel better that there’s hope lol! 🙂

  • kasanya

    January 15, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    If you have poor posture, then your pelvis is probably not in a healthy neutral position. You might find it helpful to have some sort of professional assess your posture and find out whether you have an anterior or posterior pelvis tilt. This is really, really important to know for sure, because if you have an anterior pelvic tilt and you’re doing corrective exercises that are more appropriate for a posterior pelvic tilt (or vice versa), you will actually end up making your posture worse. It may be pretty obvious though which position your pelvis is in if you do some Google research on anterior and posterior pelvic tilts, so start with that and keep the idea of a professional posture assessment in mind.

    For the upper body, the common problems are forward head posture, forward rolling shoulders, and a variety of issues with the shoulder blades. If you have problems with all of those areas, you probably have upper cross syndrome. Again, a professional posture assessment will help you figure out exactly what needs to be done to fix your specific problems, but you can also learn a lot from Google research.

    Moral of the story: there is no one-size-fits-all approach for fixing posture. You have to figure out exactly what issues YOU have before you can fix them.

  • Sieira

    January 15, 2014 at 7:41 pm

    I looked that up and I that could be a possibility! I have an internist appt next week and I’m gonna have him check it out thanks!

  • Sieira

    January 16, 2014 at 2:35 pm

    So I eneded up going to the chiropractor today because I was concerned about that upper cross syndrom..and my shoulders were killing me lol. Come to find out a have a lttle bit of scoliosis in my lower back and with doing hair for 20 years its aggrevated it! But as long as I get adjusted onve a month..well 2 weeks to start off…and do my yoga ans stretches it should help with my posture. This would of gotton worse with age! I’m soooo glad you siad something! You saved me bein old hunchback hairsdresser poler! And SV he said those exercozes will help to make the stipula stronge! Thanks ladies! I’m kinda upset I’m finding this out at almost 42 tho! Anyone else pole w scolosis?

  • Sieira

    January 16, 2014 at 2:40 pm

    Oh and this was found by an xray so we know that’s what it is…thank god its not horrible..level 5 out of 10.

  • FoolsErrand

    January 17, 2014 at 12:44 am

    I didn’t find I had a deeply problematic posture (anterior pelvis tilt) until a couple years ago, age 50, and even my chiropractor is only finding out now, because I’ve been exerting myself so hard to hide it. Since even the experts can miss things, I’d recommend asking loads of questions and follow-throughs, making sure the corrective exercises not only look right but FEEL the way they’re supposed to, to make sure you’re using the right muscles. Everyone I’ve heard who has “fixed” their posture reports it as a life-transforming experience, so I’m still gunning. Good luck!

  • Meg Smith

    January 17, 2014 at 2:26 am

    Pole has helped mine without trying. me and others realised I was now taller then them, when before had been same hight. it’s just now I stand up straight appearing taller. I’m 5’6 so not a short lady too 🙂

  • Sieira

    January 17, 2014 at 7:15 am

    Thanks girls…I spent last night frustrated. If my parent would of followed through It could of been corrected and now at 42 I have undo a lifetime of standing, cutting hair ect. I’m not gonna give up tho…I. In more sore because I’m using muscles that have hardly been used…but I. Still gonna take my classes and just got my xpole yesterday 🙂 it’s actually good because poling is a lot of stretching and I also take yoga. I’m just sooo glad I brought this up and got Into the chiropractor and got an X-ray…instead of guessing and worrying. 🙂

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