Hiatal Hernia
Well as some of you may know all ready , I had a endoscopy done last week. The doctor did come out to speak with me briefly and told me he found a sliding Hiatal Hernia. I been doing some research online to find out as much as possible before i go for my follow up appointment on the 21st of the month. With doing my research I am finding that
it say to Minimize heavy lifting, straining, bending over, but it says to exercise more. I was just wondering if anyone on the site have a hiatal hernia, and what restrictions to you have when it come to the pole.I just got off the phone with a good friend of mind that works in the medical field and she told me that I should back off from the inverts because the hernia can go into the diaphragm more and cause pain.
I am planing to talk to the doctor when I go and see him about the pole dancing . I just hope that wont have to give the inverting tricks , because it wont be as challenging for me.
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