Forums Discussions Hoop Help

  • Cynthia D

    October 13, 2009 at 5:07 am

    well i bought my hoop from this chick that was doing lessons near my residence. they are pretty big but i don’t have any idea what the weight is. she accepts paypal and ships hoops anywhere in the U.S. make sure you scheck out her videos!

  • Charley

    October 13, 2009 at 3:56 pm

    I am really enjoying the making of hoops if not as much as the actual hooping itself.
    Hooping is also a great warm up exercise too I have found.

    Cool, do you sell hoops?
    I also warm up with my hoop before poling

    I am getting into the business of making and selling hoops for clients but it is a long process and I have to do it late at night after working a day job and teaching or taking classes.

    Oh boy Trena! That’s a BIG bruise, I have never had anything quite that large! I am guessing this is like pole, your skin doesn’t necessarily toughen up but your movements become smoother so that you stop bruising yourself, make sense?

    Veena- I am hoping soon to have a pole room and a hoop room. All of these things just take up so much space eh? I bet hoopers and polers have very clean houses, lol! That’s the best part of all of this for me, no more messes.

  • Trena

    October 13, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    Trena wrote:
    I use a home-made pole that I bought from the studio I go to. Its made from plumbers piping which is quite hard and its filled with sand!!!
    and I hope you mean hoop and not pole, LOL
    Ha ha ha ha ha, I never even noticed this Tine!!

    well i bought my hoop from this chick that was doing lessons near my residence. they are pretty big but i don’t have any idea what the weight is. she accepts paypal and ships hoops anywhere in the U.S. make sure you scheck out her videos!
    Thanks Saldivar, but Im from Ireland and it would cost way too much to buy a hoop from the US.

    After looking at Veena hooping I realise that my hoop will never be good for anything besides waist hooping, no hips, legs and definately no chest or neck! LOL! Im gonna see if the studio has any better hoops that I could buy. I really really enjoyed hooping & watching TV so I really want a hoop that I can do stuff with. Thank you all so much for your help. You guys are great!

  • TastyRedHead

    October 14, 2009 at 10:18 pm

    Hi ladies! I’ve been bit by the hoop bug as well lol.. luckily I found tutorials to make my own before I went out and bought one. Just search youtube for "make your own hoop". There are tons of tutorials on how to make and tape them. I just went to Lowe’s and bought the 160psi 3/4 inch irigation tubing and connectors..100′ roll for $35! That way I can make a few different sizes to see what works best. Tracy

  • Beccagirl

    October 20, 2009 at 7:16 pm

    so are their lessons you can go and take or any videos out there?

  • Charley

    October 20, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    hoopnotica sells DVD’s and from what I have seen of them they are very well done with lots of close ups so you can actually see what they are doing.

    There are tutorials on youtube as well – I have found that some are better than others I recommend safirehoop.

    Kind of like with pole its better to get DVD’s or search out a hoop class because there are a lot of movements and hand stuff going on that you want corrected so you don’t get hurt.

  • Tine007

    October 20, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    I agree
    I rented the hoopnotica DVDs and I love them because every move is well explained and demonstated (close ups and slow motion) and they have a troubleshooting section that is extremely helpful

    The safirehoop tutorials on youtube are awesome, too

  • Beccagirl

    October 21, 2009 at 5:15 pm

    thanks guys! i youtube it the other day, and wow! Their some more neat tricks I didn’t know about Oh so yay me I got to go the opposite direction from going just right now I can go left Now the goal is get it up and stay up

  • LondonCalling

    November 14, 2009 at 6:54 pm

    I agree
    I rented the hoopnotica DVDs and I love them because every move is well explained and demonstated (close ups and slow motion) and they have a troubleshooting section that is extremely helpful

    The safirehoop tutorials on youtube are awesome, too

    Where were you able to rent the dvd’s from?

  • brownie

    November 18, 2009 at 9:06 am

    oh girl, i’ve bruised myself all over in the last year since i took up hoop dancing–hit myself in the face, bruised my lip, bruised my forehead, my hips all the time in the beginning, my shins, my nose, knocked myself in the teeth–don’t worry about it, whatever you do DON’T STOP HOOPING!–you’ll be fine. i had bruises on my shins almost every day when i was first learning to climb the pole, and still i kept climbing. you’re more resilient than you think–i think we all are! if you’re learning tosses or duck-outs, a lightweight hoop will definitely make things easier on your body when the hoop does land on you–i got a lightweight hoop right off, during my first "tosses" class, and it was so much less bruising–and easier to hoop with for longer periods of time–that i just kept it for on-the-body hoop practice as well. i haven’t gone back to heavier hoops since, actually, so that’s one option. the lighter hoops will feel harder/faster at first, but after the first couple of days, you’ll adjust, and those big heavy hoops will feel so…HEAVY, and SLOW. now i only use heavy hoops when i am first trying to learn a new move (unless it’s a new toss). when the lighter hoops hit you in the face, it’s still not pleasant, but you won’t have black and blue marks for days (maybe just half a day

  • Trena

    November 18, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    LOL thanks for your advice Brownie! I returned the hoop, it was just too heavy & sore. It was made from plumbers piping and filled with sand but wasnt fully filled so every time the hoop would rotate the sand would shift & pull the hoop against my hip! Ouchie!!! I havent gotten round to buying a lighter hoop but I plan on it as soon as I have some free time!

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