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How Long Did It Take You to Invert?
nataliejean103404 replied 6 years, 5 months ago 44 Members · 56 Replies
Trixie kicks, that is so true! I did the same a d was inverting with no momentum within 2 months!
I inverted on my fourth class and thought I was The Shizz!!!! Until I changed instructors a few weeks later and realised it was totally wrong ie kicking like mad. I also smashed my feet and legs a few times and fell on my arse because i had no control. Not cool. Wait until you're strong enough!!!
I inverted pretty immediately without kicking ( as in inverted in the first class we were asked to try it…about 4 months into our levels 1-12 training system) but that came from innverting on silks. When I first tried inverting on silks it was a hot kicking, foot-hooking mess and it took me maybe about two-three months of working on it to get it right, which still didn't mean it looked pretty.
Working on your core strength and building up to it with pole crunches and pull-ups as well as other ab/core work will really help your strength and form. Good luck…you'll get it!
Yes, you read that correctly. It has taken me four years of on-and-off dancing for me to do a basic invert. It still feels totally impossible, even though every time I try I can do it, now.
Seriously, there is so much more to work on than inverting. I've gotten really good at spins. I feel that spins are often neglected when people get into inversions, so you can work on those!Honestly though, don't feel bad. You'll get there, I promise. If I can do it, you can do it, too! Be patient with yourself. Everyone has their own struggle-moves, their own hangups. I'm terrified to do the inverted crucifix… but I'm almost there! 🙂
I have been poling since April 2012… I did my first invert in June or July …. But I still cannot do It from standing to kicking up into it… I just recently learned To do a hangback… Into handstand/split …. And back upright… U definitely need to have very strong legs & abs… So u can pull urself back up… It helps if u use itack or some type of very good grip aid…Everything comes in time and with practice … Practice and more practice. I have also been recording most of my practices so I can c where I need to improve and how I look… Don’t rush the hard stuff just to say u did it…. There r tricks i have been working on for a month or two before being successful … Learning correctly will prevent injury and encourage u to continue safely … It’s a good idea to have a spotter ( if avail) or crash mats. ( I use the thicker yoga type mat for the most part) … But knowing ur limitations is important also … Keep doing strength exercises so u can progress… I have jamilla’s art of pole series… Go to pole classes as much as I can… And do my own research from veenas lessons and other online sources … Don’t get discouraged if u don’t nail something right away… Some things just take longer … Stay positive and keep practicing. U will get it when u r ready 😉
I have been poling since April 2012… I did my first invert in June or July …. But I still cannot do It from standing to kicking up into it… I just recently learned To do a hangback… Into handstand/split …. And back upright… U definitely need to have very strong legs & abs… So u can pull urself back up… It helps if u use itack or some type of very good grip aid…Everything comes in time and with practice … Practice and more practice. I have also been recording most of my practices so I can c where I need to improve and how I look… Don’t rush the hard stuff just to say u did it…. There r tricks i have been working on for a month or two before being successful … Learning correctly will prevent injury and encourage u to continue safely … It’s a good idea to have a spotter ( if avail) or crash mats. ( I use the thicker yoga type mat for the most part) … But knowing ur limitations is important also … Keep doing strength exercises so u can progress… I have jamilla’s art of pole series… Go to pole classes as much as I can… And do my own research from veenas lessons and other online sources … Don’t get discouraged if u don’t nail something right away… Some things just take longer … Stay positive and keep practicing. U will get it when u r ready 😉
HI Glitter Gal, we are your neighbors over the bridge in St Pete 🙂 As a studio owner I would ask, are you taking invert strength or pole strength classes at your studio? This will help tremendously. Although it does seem like the holy grail, inverting is actually the tip of the iceberg for so many other things, if you rush it and learn it not from a point of control and strength, you will inevitably be frustrated shortly after as these techniques, moves, tricks, etc. are progressive like building blocks. Off the soapbox, enjoy the ride! It's a journey to be taken at YOUR pace <3 Sarah Impulse Pole Dance
Thanks Sarah! I think we might have met at Pole for a Purpose 🙂 I know that I need to take my time and get it right, it's just so frustrating when I want to go play with the big girls and I'm stuck working on Yoginis and Teddys all the time :/
One of my instructors gave me some strengthening excercises to do, and I go to pole tricks foundations class twice a week plus my other classes 🙂
just checked out your blog (stalker much?!) which led me back here and i just laughed out loud and snorted coffee on my desk in my office, which in itself is awkward as i'm in a room full of boring scientists who don't pole dance, but you think yoginis and teddy's aren't playing with the big girls?!?! man it took me MONTHS to get either of them and i know amazing inverters who still can't handle it!!! 😀
@Hazelnut – I love stalkers, makes me feel like I"m not just writing to myself 😀 And really? I mean, you can see by the pics that I'm not doing them WELL at all, but it's good to know that people who do the big girl stuff struggle with the stuff I can do 🙂
P.S. be careful with coffee, it's a pain to get out of keyboards!!! 😉
Ha, our studio doesn't incorporate inverts until after the first 24 weeks of classes. Talk about taking it slow!
I can't put that on my facebook, so I gotta put it somewhere!!! WOOO!! I'm just so friggin happy right now 😀 I was the last in my class to get it and I was trying to not let it get to me, but I found it wasn't my leg strength, but the fact my legs were too slippery!! I thought they weren't cos I don't really get sweaty or moisturise before pole, but today I decided to wipe down the insides of my legs with an alcohol skin solution and suddenly I COULD DO IT 😀 *jumps on the couch*
It took me 6 months to invert, but I hadn't tried it before then so who knows if I could do it sooner or not. Either way, 6 months in and I could do it, but I wasn't doing it properly. I was kicking into it which is how I was taught for beginners (a no-no), and it took me another 6 months before I was doing a slow and controlled straddle, without kicking. On my pole at home (funny story) I ended up breaking a lamp and slamming my foot into my mother's antique desk leaving a nice big hole in the wood- from not being able to hold my body up because I was kicking up! I ended up pulling some muscles in my back on my left side (which is my "strong side" where I invert) because I was overworking myself. I absolutely regret kicking into my inverts all those months, hell all that YEAR- because I was not strengthening my muscles and preparing my upper body and core for more advanced tricks later on. I had felt like such a badass for so long just because I could go upside down- once I started to plain old deadlift it and straddle could I feel the difference and how hard it is and how I was doing it wrong all that time. Once I started doing it correctly did I advance faster in my pole journey- now I'm able to invert and straddle with straight legs but still practicing, as my hip flexors are weak.
I started pole in August 2011, took classes at least 1-3 times every week, and did not even try inverting before February 2012, so that's seven months. After I first started trying I took it slow (trying too many times in one class would completely mess up my back), and I finally got good inverts in the end of March/start of April.
I honestly don't get why anyone would want to invert after only two months – what about all the other fun tricks and spins that you should learn first? Do people just skip those and go straight for the "cool upside down" tricks? And what studios would let anyone invert in their very first class ever? Scary stuff..:)
I literally just got it! Like yesterday, my video is up lol. I started pole dance in January of this year and learned the invert in April. I go to my studio 4 days a week and we condition as well as work on moves. It was extremely frustrating at first, but it took time, different instructors, and some really good grip. 7 months was my magic number, but like everyone said, everybody is different and learns at their own pace. My best advice is move on to other things like static holds in the air by climbing, or difficult spins. This might boost your confidence and make you feel a little better while you prepare for your invert. Good luck and don't give up! <33
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