Forums Discussions How Many Times A Day Should I Be Stretching?

  • How Many Times A Day Should I Be Stretching?

    Posted by Eden Body on July 24, 2012 at 1:10 pm

    Hey, quick question……how many times a day should I be stretching to achieve the splits (front & middle). I've been doing splits training for the past 6 weeks. I started out doing it every other day but lately I've been doing it once a day for several days in a row. I kinda feel like once a day is not enough, especially when I take a rest day the next day. It just seems like everything has shrunk back to tightness the next time I stretch. I'm generally a positive person but I have to admit that it's a bit frustrating and discouraging. I thought I would be in my splits by now because I've always been somewhat flexy. Also, the pain that I feel when I try to relax and let gravity do the work is so intense-mainly in the hip flexor of the back leg and hammie of the front leg. I don't really feel super sore as I'm going about my day-maybe a tiny bit tender. I've started taking MSM in hopes that it offers some relief and results with my training.

    Suggestions please, thanks

    psychoholicslag replied 12 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Veena

    July 24, 2012 at 3:19 pm

    You may want to look at a few things.

    Are you pushing too far? Sounds like you've been stretching for a while now, so you shouldn't be sore after every time. 

    Are you really, really warm, I cannot stress how much this helps!

    Are you also doing any running or strength building actives? These can reduce flexibility if you're not stretching well after training. 

    My first thought, is possible over training, if your feeling like things are just getting tighter. It's OK to take time off. Most important, listen to your body, everyone is different and we have to learn what works best for us.


  • Eden Body

    July 24, 2012 at 6:06 pm

    I guess I tend to think that if I take time off I'll lose whatever stretchiness I've gained and that the more I stretch the faster I'll get to my goal. I'm not doing any strength training yet. I plan to do your  strengthening routine when I get my pole. I'll make sure I stretch properly afterward. Looks like my problem may be over training do to impatience to get the splits. Next time I post something about splits training it will be a more succesful story…………even if its a year from now hehe

    Thanks for always being so helpful and patient Veena

  • Veena

    July 24, 2012 at 11:39 pm

    Try resting a bit longer between flexibility sessions, if that doesn't help then give me a shout and we'll re-evaluate.

  • psychoholicslag

    July 25, 2012 at 7:27 pm

    For me, my deep stretches go better with rest periods of a day or two.

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