Forums Discussions How Many Times Do You Practice per Week

  • verucablue

    April 11, 2013 at 7:48 pm

    I am trying to get into the mode of sticking to this schedule…it is however lately hit or miss: Monday night 1.5 hr Pole class, Tuesday night 1 hr BUTI class (hardest, sweatiest class I have ever done lol), Wed OFF , Thursday Morning 1 hr Hot Yoga, Friday OFF, Saturday 1 hr Hammock class & 1.5 hr Pole class, Sunday bike ride w/hubby & playing in our pool or surfing and margarita's when it gets a bit warmer



  • blondebird

    April 11, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    3 times per week!

  • smartinez41

    April 13, 2013 at 12:31 am

    This week I’ve been poling for 5 days for about an hour and definitely cutting back to 3 days a week since I’m super sore :/ and scared that I might injure myself

  • Serzi

    April 13, 2013 at 1:22 am

    When I started in ’09, my practice sessions were insanely excessive. I had just moved into a new home, was between jobs, had no children, and found myself averaging about 6-8 hours a day on the pole at least 5 days a week. My first month I looked beat to Hell! I was bruised in places that had never felt pain before, lol.

    Two months later, I started a new job full-time. My pole sessions were reduced to about 2-4 hours a day, 3 days a week (if I was feeling up to it which, usually, I wasn’t very often).

    It stayed that way, give-or-take, until December of 2010 when I found out I was pregnant. Pretty much all pole practice came to a halt from that moment on for a full year. I didn’t want risk injuring my baby or myself and I had a pretty rough time handling all the changes I was going through.

    Sometime in January of 2012, I began something resembling a practice routine. It became very spontaneous and scattered throughout the day. I’d say I only average about 1-2 quality
    hours a week on the pole now, but it’s usually spread across 4-6 days because I am fighting so hard to keep pole in my life. Juggling work, motherhood, and having to move everything in my bedroom just to set-up and take-down my X-Stage every time I want to dance…well, it’s a labor of love. lol

    Someday I know it won’t be such a struggle. I just keep doing what I can to keep my pole handy. Time changes everything. 🙂

  • Bethany F

    April 13, 2013 at 2:12 am

    This is a really interesting topic and a question that seems to come up a lot. It's cool to hear about people changing their training frequency based on how they feel. That is so important! Based on the training principles of adaptation and supercompensation, a major muscle group typically takes 48-72 hours to recover and compensate from an "average" application of stress/training. A body builder can still work out nearly every day because they can individually stress a different muscle group each day while the others rest. In pole the whole body is usually stressed with very high resistance so poling 2-3 times per week with moderate to high intensity would be very reasonable and generally optimum. Of course each individual is different so the most important thing is to listen to your body and remember that rest/recovery is just as important as stress/exercise.

  • Bethany F

    April 13, 2013 at 2:14 am

    This is a really interesting topic and a question that seems to come up a lot. It's cool to hear about people changing their training frequency based on how they feel. That is so important! Based on the training principles of adaptation and supercompensation, a major muscle group typically takes 48-72 hours to recover and compensate from an "average" application of stress/training. A body builder can still work out nearly every day because they can individually stress a different muscle group each day while the others rest. In pole the whole body is usually stressed with very high resistance so poling 2-3 times per week with moderate to high intensity would be very reasonable and generally optimum. Of course each individual is different so the most important thing is to listen to your body and remember that rest/recovery is just as important as stress/exercise.

  • calipolepixie

    April 13, 2013 at 6:28 am

    Used to pole 1-2x a week. 1 day in studio class & if my work schedule allowed it 1 day practice at home.

    Last week, I set a goal to try & pole 2x a week. I learned many months ago that 2 days week poling is my max especially if I am doing other workouts too, my poor body just can’t take too much!

    I’ve changed my workout routine a little because I’m on a mission to lose 8 pounds & be bikini ready by end of June, so this is my current regimen schedule:

    Sun Pole-30 mins-1 hour w/15-20 min warm up
    Mon Rest day but usually I’ll do some push ups, sit ups & light stretching throughout the day. Sometimes I’ll hit the gym instead, just depends on how pooped or sore I am.
    Tues Zumba Class
    Wens Gym–30 mins on treadmill & really light use of weight machines
    Thurs Zumba Toning class
    Fri Gym–30 mins on treadmill & really light use of weight machines
    Sat Rest day but usually I’ll do some push ups, sit ups & light stretching throughout the day

  • Legs4Days

    April 13, 2013 at 8:43 am

    Luvlee…I love lyrical as well but have had a hard time finding a class for adults here. I usually end up doing ballet. Yes, nite time practices work for me as well. I lock my door because lately, I have had a house full of people. My grandson cries when he sees me on it, becuz he wants to join in. He is 15 months old!

  • Yanille79

    April 13, 2013 at 8:53 am

    I’m a beginner as well. I’m in between level 1 and 2.i can climb but not yet invert. Since I restarted A month ago. I would say three times a week an hour and a half that includes the 25 min strength routine and about a hour of pole. I’d love to do more but full time single mom and full time night shift nurse. So that’s my best for right now. But I do see a difference if I stop for one week In my strength. So even if u do half of that is better then nothing. Good luck on your poke journey it’s. awesome !

  • stoneycook

    April 14, 2013 at 5:58 pm

    Pole usually ends up on days I'm not at the dance studio, which leaves open two days a week.  If I was smart, I'd pole right in the early afternoon following the mornings when I teach, take class or rehearse.  The key word here "if I was smart".  At those times I'm all warmed up and have been cranking for a few hours so the body is as ready to go as it will ever be.  I would literally kill for a someone to open a pole studio next to the dance studio.

  • Monicasaerialadventures

    April 15, 2013 at 3:18 pm

    I pole almost everyday because  teach, I try to give my body at least 2 days off a week.


    April 15, 2013 at 3:29 pm

    @Serzi, glad I'm not the only "fanatic" lol:) Someone recently said "wow, that's dedication about how much I pole and I was like what?! It's not dedication when it's something you love. It's like eating or breathing:) haha…


    I pole 3-6 days a week. I just started doing some cardio too.I ran 5 miles yesterday. I am pregnant and I don't have ANY nausea! So, I'm gonna "go hard" as long as I can lol 🙂

  • calipolepixie

    April 15, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    Left out that my plan is to pole on Tuesdays after Zumba. So Tues & Sunday & some Fridays if my body feels up to it.

  • Yanille79

    April 16, 2013 at 7:04 am

    You guys are my idols and hero’s. really look upto u girls .this is my second week going twice to studio and atleast once or twice at home
    With veenas classes. I hope nothing interferes in my life and I can pole more and progress to inverting asap

  • Serzi

    April 16, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    @ Organic Angel, when I was pregnant my doctor said it was okay to do my normal exercise routine pretty much up until my third trimester. She said so long as I wasn’t winded or exhausted or trying anything unfamiliar on the pole (or workouts, in general) I should be fine. Still, I was exhausted ALL the time, my balance was all screwy, and idk if it was my hormones or what but I constantly felt very NOT myself. To be honest, it took until my daughter was about three months old before I started feeling “normal” again. It was the strangest thing I’ve ever encountered. Not necessarily all bad, but it’s unsettling to start feeling and thinking like an entirely different person. To be a total stranger to yourself. It was as though somebody cranked up the volume on the stereo in my mind to the point where I couldn’t hear my own voice and the bass was so heavy it physically shook me outta my shoes or something. Very odd, entertaining at times, but put me very off-center. Pole wasn’t the furthest thing from my mind, but I kinda lost trust in my abilities due to the very alienated feeling that took over me.

    Anyway, that’s awesome you can run like that! Pregnancy is different for everyone, or so I’m told. Nausea was much of an issue for me either except a little in the beginning.

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