Forums Discussions How can I learn this safely?

  • How can I learn this safely?

    Posted by chumpchkin on July 31, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    I've always been obsessed with the move Oona does here at about 3:22:

    But, um, it's terrifying. I can never manage to try it without a hand on the pole because I'm convinced I'll fall right on my face. Does anyone have any tips on this? Ways to "warm up" to it? Or should I just have faith in my knee hold and go for it? I wouldn't even know where to put a pillow because I don't know where I'd hit the floor!

    Incidentally, I'm also not sure what it's called. I thought maybe someone referred to it as the "hurricane" at some point, but I could be wrong.

    rachelskye replied 12 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • CapFeb

    July 31, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    I thought that move was called, “cupid”, but I could also be wrong. My instructor told me that I could achieve this move by having a strong side/crab climb, and learning knee holds. Once you’re comfortable hands free for knee hold, you can keep on hand on the “closed” leg for cupid, if that makes sense.

  • chumpchkin

    July 31, 2012 at 5:08 pm

    I can do the hold itself, just not the part where you fall into it from standing. That's the scary part!

  • Elektra Vallens

    July 31, 2012 at 5:38 pm

    I've done this before, and I can tell you I went faster than I expected and was freaked out by the stress on my knee. In fact, I haven't done it since, because I think it's it's one of those moves that' too risky for your knee ligaments.  If you do it, I would suggest using a crash mat, and making sure your knee gets really good and warmed up first.  As for executing it, you sort of fall forward and hold on- there's no real trick to it, just don't let go.

  • amy

    July 31, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    It’s not so bad! Think about falling out- trying to get your upper body horizontal by pushing slowly with the back foot and pulling your weight away from the knee the entire time, rather than pitching forward and catching all your weight suddenly in the knee pit.

  • Saphyre

    July 31, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    I will never do this, but looking forward to a video of you nailing it!

  • chemgoddess1

    July 31, 2012 at 6:59 pm

    I have always known that as the floor sweeper or something like that.  Shadow does an extreme version of it where she spins crazily in it.  It is about 2:23 in this video.  She is more sideways on her spin in this one but I have seen her totally upside down in it too.


  • chemgoddess1

    July 31, 2012 at 8:06 pm

    There is a move called the shooting star/hero that I would consider a starting point for this.



    If you have the lessons Veena I believe has a lesson for it.

  • LillyBilly

    August 1, 2012 at 1:39 am

    Hmm… We work on moves like this a lot in the studio.

    Start from the shooting star. Make sure you are comfortable, and have a strong knee pit grip (I always tell my friends they should feel secure in this move while using only the top/bottom hand and switch between them).

    Then, do the marley from higer up the pole:

    You will need a different version fron Veena's though – hold both legs with your hands, the top leg with the top hand.

    Note that you can enter the marley from a shooting star, and that your position is similar to the spin position, you only need to extend your lower leg, so practice that as well.

    Now, do the "side spin":

    But extend it into shooting star position (don't stay tucked like Veena does). This is the height you will be in on the pole during Oona's spin. 

    When you feel comfortable with that, Move from shooting star to marley with extended lower leg while spinning. You can use your lower hand to make sure you don't smash your face into the floor while doind the transition. This is Oona's spin done safely.

    Then, you can try to go dircectly into the marley/knee hold position without going through shooting star first. Use a  crush mat for your first attempts…

    Good luck!

  • maurer rose

    August 1, 2012 at 6:17 am

    Now I am imagining trying to explain to friends, colleagues or my church family how I managed to get carpet burn on my face. Maybe I won't try this move on my new spin pole, lol. That's a beautiful move though!

  • rachelskye

    August 1, 2012 at 8:12 am

    This is one of my new favorite tricks to do on spinning mode! I'll be including it in my performance friday night. 😉 I was scared too trying to teach it to myself. I practiced using both hands: inside arm grabbing onto hooked leg and outside arm holding onto the pole for extra support (across the chest). Once I got comfortable with that, I started releasing the outside arm mid-spin. For me, I think the trick is making sure your inside leg is hooked as high as you can get it (hip level) and keep outside leg relatively close to the pole….and lean…making sure your knee (on outside leg) passes PAST the pole. The pole should be resting on your quad/thigh area. Otherwise you're gonna be banging your knee. I keep my legs a little wider for this whereas Oona's legs look like they're close together. Check out my video, you can see what I mean.

     It really is a leap of faith. I would get comfortable doing a side spin on static first to get the feel for the position. Defintely warm up your legs and knees! It is a strain on the knee ligaments :/  Good luck!! xoxo

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