Forums Discussions How different finishes grip?

  • How different finishes grip?

    Posted by Natalie on April 7, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    I was reading some threads that compare titanium gold to chrome and stainless steel, but I was wondering how do these finishes compare to brass? I took some pole dancing classes, and I believe the poles they had there were steel. I found spinning on them to be easy enough, but climbing/sitting really difficult – I kept sliding right off on most tries! The pole I have at home now is brass (by chance – someone was selling it on Craigslist and it was a bargain I couldn’t resist) and climbing is so much easier, I did a crucifix on my first try when I could never do it on the steel poles! But spinning on the brass is so much harder. My hand really sticks to this pole rather painfully when I spin around it a few times – I’m getting a blister even.

    So I guess the basic question is, of titanium gold and chrome, are either of these right between the way stainless steel and brass grip? Enough that I can climb better than on steel but spin better than on brass? I feel like I jumped from one extreme to the other! I need to find a happy medium for my next pole!

    violet replied 15 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Foxy_Rei

    April 7, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    I’ve never used anything other than chrome, but I hear stainless steel is the worst with grip. I think chrome is slightly better, and titanium and brass are the best. I think brass is better than titanium, but I can’t vouch for that…

    So I think the order from worst to best is:
    steel ~> chrome ~> titanium ~> brass

    but I’m not 100% sure (this is just assumptions from what I’ve heard) but it’s something along those lines, definitely.

    But yes, you really did go from one extreme to the other.

  • RoxyPink

    April 7, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    Ohhh..I’m so jealous. I would love to find a brass pole on cl for a deal. I look all of the time! I have a chrome xpole and yes brass is definitly more grippy. Try using sweatbands around your wrists if the brass is tearing it up. I would rate them the same way…steel being last and brass as best!

  • kerrierou

    April 7, 2009 at 10:13 pm

    i took a pole class where she had 3 painted poles and 1 stainless steel. we all loved the steel for spinngin b/c we went fast. but hated it for holding cuz it was slippery.
    in order from least sticky to stickiesy-
    stainless steel, painted, chrome, titanium gold, brass (jacq u were right on)
    for me i found the stainless to be too hard ot do holds on, and the painted were better.
    then i got my chrome x-pole. its more grippy than either, and i relaly like it. its not to grippy where you cant spin well, but grippy enuf to hold.
    in my opinion, if ur looking for a pole to do both inverts and spins, chrome is the best. though u can learn to spin on brass and invert on stainless, it takes more time to become accustomed to it

  • Foxy_Rei

    April 7, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    Oh ditto to Kerrie’s about getting the chrome x-pole! The grip on it is actually great (compared to my old pole, which was also chrome). It’s a nice medium. But then again, like I said, I haven’t used anything else, so… my opinion is rather biased. but I haven’t had any problems doing either spins or holds on my chrome; I’m very happy with it.

    Oh, and just a random side note: someone else on here, I can’t remember who, said that the titanium gold is slighty grippier than the titanium silver (which the titanium silver isn’t even available in the US, anyway). So you could add that to the list if you want.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 7, 2009 at 11:04 pm

    Oh, and just a random side note: someone else on here, I can’t remember who, said that the titanium gold is slighty grippier than the titanium silver (which the titanium silver isn’t even available in the US, anyway). So you could add that to the list if you want.
    That may have been me. I have titanium in both silver and gold at the studio and 8 steel poles.

    My ratings are slightly different: Powder coated (painted), chrome, steel and silver titanium equal, gold titanium. I’ve not tried brass, however, I’ve heard that Jamilla has used brass for a long time.

    I find the gold easier to use when learning a new move, I feel a little more secure. It’s also 45mm.
    Then I move to the steel poles. Steel needs to be churned up a bit before it gets grippy. Our more popular steel poles at the studio are the grippiest.

    I’ve used powder coated once and kept slipping off. Some love them, I hated them.
    Chrome is fine, but the surface does get cut up easily if you wear rings on it.
    Titanium is the toughest, the surface is less likely to scratch. Steel needs the little scratches to create good grip, but once it’s there, it’s great!

    Whatever you do, don’t clean with anything other than denatured alcohol / methylated spirits or soap and water. the other stuff can cause reactions on the skin and leave a film on the pole, making it slippery.

  • Veena

    April 8, 2009 at 2:20 am

    Here is my experience. In the order of least to most grippy Stainless steel, Chrome, Titanium Gold I have not tried brass or powder coated. I always here that brass is the best for grip. Keep in mind that with all poles the humidity level, pole temp, body temp, room temp, cleanliness of the pole, your skin type (dry oily) and size of pole all factor into the grip. Stainless steel is very hard to use in a cold dry climate, I like to perform my spins in static mode so Titanium Gold isn’t a good fit, if I ever get use to spin mode I may have to get a TG someday. I love the chrome the most…not too sticky not too slippery, its a good pole from beginner to advanced!

  • Natalie

    April 8, 2009 at 1:00 pm

    So when I do get a spinning pole, does the fact that the static brass pole sticks to my particular skin type enough to give me hand blisters imply that I might be able to hang on to chrome pretty well? Or would I still be better served by a titanium pole to hold on while in spinning mode? I still want to do static spins without this painful sticking to my hand though. The stainless steel poles at the studio are spinning (they are Platinum Stages I believe, guessing by the fact they have a pin instead of bolts) so the instructor has let us play with that a little and I found them harder, but not impossible, to hold on to while they spin. I also do like to grab onto random poles when I see them (a couple of bars around here have poles for people to mess around on near the dance floor and stuff) and I was reading that chrome will better prepare me for whatever I might encounter in the world, correct? So maybe chrome would be good for me?

  • monz1984

    April 14, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    I was reading some threads that compare titanium gold to chrome and stainless steel, but I was wondering how do these finishes compare to brass? I took some pole dancing classes, and I believe the poles they had there were steel. I found spinning on them to be easy enough, but climbing/sitting really difficult – I kept sliding right off on most tries! The pole I have at home now is brass . My hand really sticks to this pole rather painfully when I spin around it a few times – I’m getting a blister even.

    So I guess the basic question is, of titanium gold and chrome, are either of these right between the way stainless steel and brass grip?

    I was the opposite with your situation. I had brass poles and one chrome pole at the studio I took classes (all permanent) and now I have a lil mynx stainless steel at home. I knew that I hated the brass because my hands would actually hurt when doing spins. I was in a beginner class so thats all I was really doing. I loved the "silver" which I thought was stainless steel, but I learned that its not when I bought my stainless steel pole. I think it would be nice to have a happy medium like Veena said, but having an x-pole is not practical for me because I need to take it down in seconds if certain people suddenly stop by.

  • Jdub

    July 30, 2009 at 1:58 pm

    Okay, so Im getting a spinning pole. If I just got brass but the pole spins on its own, would I still have problems with my hands hurting? Cause technically I wouldnt have to use my hands for making myself move right? lol

  • PoleDanceABCs

    July 30, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    I have Platinum Stages pole and it is stainless steel. I hear steel poles that are broken in are just as grippy as any X-Pole. I wouldn’t know but I keep hearing that from other dancers.
    After my pole is warmed up it becomes really grippy. I can see how it might be harder to warm it up in winter.

  • violet

    July 31, 2009 at 6:13 am

    I have a chrome X-pole at the moment that I love love love but have been wanting to switch to a 45mm, and was thinking since im going to be changing that I might as well give the Titanium a go.

    My question, if anyone knows or if Veena or Webmaster could let me know… if the Titanium Xpole offered thru THIS site is the Gold? I’m guessing it is since a previous post here said titanium silver isnt offered in the US.. but just wanted to make SURE before ordering cause the Titanium Gold is the one I want. Thanks in advance

  • Foxy_Rei

    August 1, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    I have a chrome X-pole at the moment that I love love love but have been wanting to switch to a 45mm, and was thinking since im going to be changing that I might as well give the Titanium a go.

    My question, if anyone knows or if Veena or Webmaster could let me know… if the Titanium Xpole offered thru THIS site is the Gold? I’m guessing it is since a previous post here said titanium silver isnt offered in the US.. but just wanted to make SURE before ordering cause the Titanium Gold is the one I want. Thanks in advance

    Yes you’re right – you’d be getting the gold because the titanium silver isn’t available in the US. I wish it was, though… I’d rather have the silver, myself (if I could afford another pole, anyway

  • violet

    August 1, 2009 at 9:23 pm

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