Forums Discussions How does everyone structure their pole practices?

  • How does everyone structure their pole practices?

    Posted by glitterhips on January 4, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    Aside from a warmup and cool down, what does everyone do during their practice time? Mine is so unstructured and I have a tendency to jump around from move to move instead of having a certain order so I was curious about what everyone else does. I kind of want more structure so I wanted to see how many people do it the way I do or just do moves as they feel like it. Thanks everyone

    pole-twista replied 16 years, 2 months ago 10 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • angelx33

    January 4, 2009 at 7:21 pm

    Hmm. Well. as for me, i dont have a certain order in which i do moves. like i dont have a routine with moves in certain orders, blah blah. Honestly, i just do whatever comes to my head after doing the next move. and i try avoiding moves that. hm how do i put this. lets say if ive been doing too many left handed moves, ( as left being dominant) i try spinning around the other way, doing moves with my right hand (as i am better with my right in some cases) Then after i finish my workout, i stretch in the end since my muscles are all warmed up and have a bigger chance of increasing my flexibility. If your a beginner, as i am (only had it for a month up until now- exactly a month on the 6th) just stick with nailing the moves first, and then do them in a certain order as a challenge once you feel you’ve gotten them down, and see how youll do =)

  • Flosqito

    January 4, 2009 at 7:28 pm

    When I practice I have no structure what so ever! Haha I was kinda wondering the same thing. I usually just do differen moves one after another and then when I reach a move that I am really struggling with I just practise it for a while till I’m either really worn out with it or until I finally nail it then I move on. It’s hard for me to practice because my boyfriend has friends over alot and I feel weird when their there watching because they are so close minded! Haha but maybe one day I will get Into a routine workout!

  • Fleur

    January 4, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    I have a standard warm-up that I always follow, the same one I do when I teach. I never skip this! It’s too important! I start with a floor warm-up sequence that warms up the abs, the arms, and the legs, then I get on the pole and do some more total body warm-up, some pull ups, and stretch the arms. My actual dance practice usually start with a series of spins, alternating sides, until I feel warm or can’t think of any more variations! Then I do climbs, followed by inversions. By this time I’m really warm so I put on a song I like and just improvise for the full length of the song, trying to include spins, climbs, inversions, and floorwork. I do this for a few different songs and then at this point I stop dancing and just start working on one move at a time that I have decided to conquer for this practice. The best time to stretch is usually at this point in time but I skip out sometimes…

  • pole-twista

    January 4, 2009 at 9:40 pm

    i’m really glad you asked as i would love to have some sort of routine i think it would help alot with getting on the pole enough to gain strength and flexibility as well as keep me motivated right now its whenever and whatever i feel like freestlye is def. important, but knowing i’m doing certain things on set days to get closer to my goals would be great I don’t usually even warm up I just put on music and start doing spins/inverts
    I have read some good ideas in the forums about just doing easy dancing to warm up and putting on relaxing music til your ready to really start moving i am going to try some new moves tonight so will be warming up/stretching part of what i miss about class is knowing we had warm-up cool-down routine well i look foward to reading everyone elses ideas on this

  • LittleMissLola

    January 4, 2009 at 10:19 pm

    No routine whatsoever. To be honest I’m lucky if I can actually motivate myself enough to actually get on the pole these days

  • Poledancefan

    January 5, 2009 at 4:09 am

    This is my biggest problem in learning how to pole. I have no structure whatsoever. I pole every third day. I rotate weight machines at Bally’s on day 1, treadmill on day 2, pole on the third day. All workouts are two hours but the pole workout is mostly catching my breath between trying moves! Sometimes I copy stuff from the expert village tutorials. I worked a lot of material on Karol Redke71’s basic pole moves video. I have considered Veena’s on line tutorials also and if my life were less hectic, I would subscribe to them–maybe next summer during break.

    I really need to take lessons in a studio because I have a hard time disciplining myself and I don’t understand the "foundations" of the sport. Words and terms fly at me and I do get confused–Bracket, Half Bracket, Full, Split, Dominant, Subhand… I really wish I had some sort of schematic that would explain how moves build on each other–I think I would get this in a class. I’ve screwed up my wrist and my right achilles tendon already, LOL!

    But I am kind of bullheaded and stubborn. So the more irritating and frustrating it gets, the more determined I am to at least hit some of the markers–an invert, a gemini, this or that particular spin. I’m very aware of my age, so I do take it VERY VERY slow to avoid a serious injury, but I’m used to aches and pains.

    I think there is something to be said for just muddling through. Tempered with a little caution, I do believe that persistence and practice always pay off,even is it’s totally disorganized. But if you can, find a class because it’s just more efficient to learn from some one who already knows the pitfalls and the secrets of the game.


  • Veena

    January 6, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    Joel you should sign up! I think you would have no problem understanding. I never use crazy terms. I think its too confusing for beginners. RED has great tutorials (I was just trying her superman fall yesterday) but be careful with some of the expertvillage stuff, I’ve seen some of them. Some… not all, are poorly taught or even dangerous.

    As for the practice…well at this point with Henry needing my attention often I’m lucky to have any more than 30 to 45 min from start to finish to practice. I try to do a proper warm up…but usually I’m pressed for time. I ALWAYS make sure to warm my shoulders and wrists. I wont perform any difficult moves until I’ve danced around a bit to get my body temp up. I always stretch after even if its only 5 mins. On the weekends when my husband is home I’m able to have a proper practice from start to finish and thats when I learn the most and have the best results. Oh and I try to pole at least 4 days a week.

  • RoxyPink

    January 6, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    My practice usually consists of about 15 min warm up and then I work on spins, static holds/poses and then inverts….with a little dancing and stretching in between. Then I finish with more stretching. I used to figure skate and I got into the habit of working on spins first (to find my balance) and then footwork (for co-ordination) and then jumps. I would then practice my programs/routines.

  • SaschaPoles

    January 7, 2009 at 12:28 am

    what an awesome forum!! it was so interesting reading how everyone practices

    now that im back at my apartment at school i usually stretch and pole every day or every other day- did you guys know that muscle tissue can be gradually lengthened up to 1.5 times their former size with regular stretching?? if that doesn’t make me want to stretch i dunno what does. (i read that from a book that was written in the ’80s so that info is probably outdated, but still it’s interesting)

    i guess it depends on my mood- some days i just do whatever moves i feel like, other days i try to turn off my mind and let my body do whatever the music inspires it to (i know that sounds cheesy but you guys know what i mean). i actually made a binder of every single move ive ever heard of (yeah im a nerd lol) but then i just go through and do each move so i can better remember them or get better at the more advanced stuff. often during school classes if im not paying attention, im trying to create routines in my head which i try at home once i get out of class (bad student i know). or if im really into a song (like i am right now- framing hanley’s song lollipop is so incredible), i just keep it on repeat and try to choreograph different moves to different parts of a song and eventually a routine is formed (i feel so bad for my roommate, he must lose his mind when i keep a song on repeat for like 20 times lol).

  • pole-twista

    January 8, 2009 at 1:41 pm

    Thats so funny I also play that on repeat Love that song! have no idea how to make a routine as mentioned before just do tricks/spins would really like to have atleast 1 slow and 1 fast routine everytime I dance it’s freestyle thats fun and I love it, but sometimes when I watch routines on you tube or whatever I think it looks like a lot of fun will be easier once i get new pole to warm up/stretch and get on most days

    right now I have my pole in the attic as it is the only place with enough room to really swing out, but it is very cold in there in winter and takes over an hour to heat up when I want to be in there it makes it hard b/c I have to know atleast an hour ahead of time before I dance also very hot in summer with no ac and very small windows next 1 is going in bed room downstairs won’t be able to swing, but will be able to climb (other pole is too short) and do inverts of pole can’t do now as well looking foward to it I agree these forums are intresting, motivating, and a big help!

  • SaschaPoles

    January 8, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    OMG poles, seriously i think i have an addictive personality because i downloaded that song like 4 days ago and have listened to it over 200 times already (according to my itunes playcount thingy). the video to that song, *drools*, very hot. that song is SO GOOD for a routine, once i get a camcorder that will be a song ill do to upload on this site.

    sounds like a tough spot for your pole, it’d be nice for you to have a space where you could just dance and not have to worry about spins vs climbing and stuff like that.

  • pole-twista

    January 9, 2009 at 1:27 am

    ya I have seriously considered getting rid of couch and getting overstuffed bean bags for floor so could have the room and the height well as said will have gold downstairs as is grippy finish good for inverts/poses/climbing (and thats all will be able to do downstairs) and chrome which is better for spins upstairs where plenty of room to move but no height when I get rich someday (have to think positive) I’ll have my own studio and a pole in every room!! poles for everyone!!! lol I do wish I had a better set up for it, but am just grateful to have 1 at all

    I get like that too I drive people around me especially my BF crazy with my music I get hooked on a song and wear it out I have some ideas for songs to use in posted vids but have been checking pandora for other ideas when have more time will write a list for anyone looking for music ideas

  • Poledancefan

    January 9, 2009 at 6:54 am

    Veena, you’re right about some of the expert village stuff. One of the strangest aspects of their tutes is that they ALWAYS seem to be wearing long, loose fitting pants! I really like the one lady, Nikki, but her muscular strength is so way out of the normal range that I wonder if normal people understand that you need more SKIN to avoid falling down on your butt!

    I think they are really freaked out about perception on their channel, so they put the instructors in what looks like formal dinner attire to ward off criticism that it’s not wholesome.

    As far as the danger part–yes, the tutorial on what they call FALLS ( fast slides) is insane. In this vid, they demo the inverted crucifix drop, braking with a thigh squeeze. It’s a different instructor, she does use a mat–but she flies up into the move and just does it in one motion. She should have suggested doing it in increments, with a supporting hand first to gauge the move first! THey don’t even say–"Hey this is an advanced move, don’t try this until you are really experienced, with a good pole and body sense…"


  • pole-twista

    January 9, 2009 at 2:58 pm

    wow see I have basically used you tube 90% of the time from day 1 to learn moves some people really take the time to break down moves in an easy to understand manner Veena used to (and I think still does) have some great videos that had really helped me before she even had the studio and alot of time I would just watch and study where hands/legs went I would think something like expert village would have quality videos
    thanks for the heads up will know not to even bother that does sound dangerous joel as you were saying about the pole drops me myself I can get pretty brave sometimes, but I also know my limits your not going to see me attempting the death lay when I haven’t got the superman yet, but some people see these things and think "well that looks easy enough" not realizing how much strength/balance ect it takes and the potential for serious injury … uh-oh not good I really can’t understand why at the least they don’t warn people that you should be able to have mastered move A and B before attempting C I know one time I was in a club with poles (they are very close to the wall so no spins) and they are very tall i decided to climb to the top and slowly come down with legs in diffrent positions ect my friend was on the floor and she heard some girl standing behind her saying "..oh look at her..she thinks she’s all that cause she’s climbing the pole.." ect and i guess she thought it was super easy so she jumped up on the speaker ( the poles are on these huge speakers) and started trying to climb the pole she couldn’t get her feet off the ground now I’m glad she wasnt able to because she looked drunk and the pole was slippery so I have a feeling that could have ended badly but the point is people can look at some of these moves and think there’s nothing to it and end up seriously hurt these sites like expert village have a responsibility to there viewers to explain that this is fun, but if not done properly can be very dangerous
    at the very least they should recommend a spotter and a mat sorry for such a long post i just find that so irresponsible

  • SaschaPoles

    January 10, 2009 at 3:13 pm

    whats pandora poles??? is it a music site??

    and whats expertvillage?? wow im so out of the loop!!

    thats too funny about that girl at the bar trying to climb the pole- thankfully she didnt fall but that’s karma isnt it? to be making fun of someone and then look like a complete ass

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