Forums Discussions How has pole dancing changed your life?

  • How has pole dancing changed your life?

    Posted by Kaylie on February 15, 2012 at 8:56 pm

    I am curious on how your life is different since pole dancing. How has it changed your life physically, emotionally and spiritually? Thanks for sharing!!!

    Athena30 replied 12 years, 5 months ago 26 Members · 38 Replies
  • 38 Replies
  • Danielle Tillie

    February 15, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    It's very difficult to express exactly how much pole dancing has changed my life, so I'll just start babbling about it. I no longer really know or care how much I weigh. I used to check every once in a while, but now I'll see it when I have a doctor's appointment and think, oh that's where I am now? Ok. It doesn't matter what that number is, because I look and feel great. I'm more concerned about how slowly I can deadlift my shoulder mount than I am about the concentration of fat cells on my body. Picking things up, moving things, carrying things, and opening jars have all become easier. It's so wonderful to be strong, to know that I'm strong, and to be able to do things that before I would've had to grab a guy to help me with. 

    I love that I've discovered dancing through my experience with pole. Before I would just do my best at a dance club, but none of that was really personal or emotional in any way. Now I can express myself through my movements to songs that speak to me. I find that to be such an incredible release and I am so thankful to have this expressive outlet in my life. My horn playing is expressive, yes, but I am more-or-less regurgitating music that someone else wrote, as opposed to the free, spontaneous, and raw expression of a freestyled pole dance. I've discovered that I have the capacity to be graceful and beautiful, and it is powerful.

    Pole has also given me another job, though it doesn't feel like one. Teaching pole dance is a reward in itself. I love the look on my students' faces when they nail a new trick or complete a freestyle to their favorite song. I love when they discover, like I did, how beautiful and strong they really are and how much potential they have. I'm very thankful that I can bring this wonderful adventure to women in my community.

    Pole dancing has made me strong, keeps me strong, makes me feel beautiful, and motivates me to improve myself. I will always be in love with pole. <3

  • Cherished

    February 15, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    It has given me SO much confidence. I don't even mean confidence in being sexy but confidence to accomplish anything in any aspect of my life. Growing up I've always been bad in sports so discovering that my body is capable of doing things I never imagined is such a high for me. Also the process it has taken to learn certain moves really showed me that if I work at something and regularly put my time into it (even outside of pole) I can accomplish it. 

  • Kobajo84

    February 15, 2012 at 9:56 pm

    Pole changed my life in such a postive way.  (I actually wrote a blog about this in the past).

    To summarize, pole dancing has changed my entire lifestyle.  The community as a whole has taught me an enormous amount of invaluable information that has formed the dancer and instructor I am today.  It's been a lot of work on my part full of hours of research and dance but overall it's been a journey that I feel has impacted my health in a huge way.  Pole dancing is more than just a hobby to me.  It's embodied a lifestyle of healthy choices I feel will benefit me in the long run for my health physically and mentally.  As a bonus, I get to share my passion for dance with others.  There is nothing better than seeing someone glowing because they learned something from me.  It's moments like those I'll forever cherish. 

  • Lana Lee

    February 16, 2012 at 12:40 am

    For me, pole dancing has changed my outlook on my life and how I feel about my body.  As girls, we've all gone through that phase where we are awkward in our own skin and  insecure about the way we look.  At the age of 26, I was STILL stuck in the phase.  I never liked the way my stomach look or how flabby my arms always were or how blubbery my thighs were.  It came to the point where I was so unhappy about the way that I looked that it affected my self confidence.  I never felt sexy, I never felt like I could wear these really cute short shorts or tube tops without feeling ugly.  I had literally hit rock bottom during summer of 2011.  Having bipolar disorder did not help the fact that I hated the way I looked.

    I decided then and there that I really needed something that'll change the way I felt about myself.  I had always wanted to try pole dancing but was too insecure to go and try it out myself.  My best friend had already moved away to another city, so I didn't really have anyone I could ask to try pole dancing with.  I decided "it's now or never" and went and signed up for a Level 1 pole dancing class alone.  For the first 3 classes, I felt really awkward and out of place.  I kept asking myself "what the hell am I doing here?".  Before the 4th class of Level 1 started, I decided to buy a pair of Lulu Lemon "Boogie Shorts", quite literally the shortest shorts I've ever worn in my life (other than swim shorts).  After that, I've never looked back.

    Pole dancing at my studio has given me confidence in the way I look and feel about myself.  It's given me confidence in the things my body is able to do.  I feel sexy in whatever it is I choose to wear.  Pole dancing has helped me become healthier as a person not only by ensuring my heart gets a good workout, but the foods I choose to eat.  I've started to become particular about the things I put in my system by choosing to eat much healhier meals and snacks.  I am generally a lot happier and more positive about life.  I laugh more.  I am finally able to say that I love my body the way it is, even though it is not perfect.  I have never felt better.

  • Paunobs

    February 16, 2012 at 2:17 am

    Pole dancing has given me strength i never imagined i could have, it has given me the body i never imagined i would have, it has given me sex appeal and confidence i never thought i woud have, It has brought me the most joy and fun i never thought i could have, but  most of all it has given me the best friends i never though i would have. 

  • Tali Kat

    February 16, 2012 at 4:39 am

    All your responses are so inspiring!!! <3 <3 I can't really answer this question as I've only just started but reading these posts make me so happy and excited that I finally got around to giving pole a shot. I hope oneday I will have a similar post to share!! 😀

  • ShonaLancs

    February 16, 2012 at 7:27 am

    I only started poling in Oct last year but immediately became totally addicted and by the end of Nov I had my own xpole at home.
    I am still totally addicted and obsessed with getting better and better.
    In December in took a level 2 exam in pole dancing and achieved ‘highly commended’ for which I have register a certificate and a trophy. The trophy is a piece of tack but I am as proud of it as I am my degree, because I have never achieved anything in sport since I was a small child.
    Aside from my achievements so far, I am most proud that I have found something I love and always want to do. It’s all I think about all day everyday- my boyfriend laughs and mimicks me all the time saying ‘pole pole pole pole pole pole’ but he understands my addiction because he is equally addicted to jiu jitsu and MMA. Out mutual addictions have helped our relationship because I now understand why he wants to spend all his time doing that and he is pleased I want to spend time poling.
    The biggie is how my body has changed. I am pretty body confident anyway but prior to poling my body lacked any muscle definition at all, within 5 weeks the muscles on my arms starting popping up and then my bum moved upwards and my boobs got firmer and my stomach is hardcore underneath the layer of ‘chocolate and wine fat’ lol!!
    Overall, poling is one of the best decisions I have ever made 🙂 I love it !!

  • ShonaLancs

    February 16, 2012 at 7:29 am

    Plus poling takes guts to start which is a life achievement in itself 🙂

  • XxMyztikxX

    February 16, 2012 at 8:24 am

    You know how some ppl just dont know what to do anymore? Nothing seems to interest them. Or they just cant find something to stick to ? Where they dont know what to do with their lives.? Well pole dane to me, is that life time long goal that ive been searchin for. Never ending, never quits, never boring, never the same. Its always different and you can never stop learning.

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  • FuzzyNavel

    February 16, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    Oh wow, where to start…I think pole has honestly changed nearly every part of my life…during the course of this journey I lost a lot of excess weight (nearly 50lbs), I am more confident then I ever have been before, I have this amazing outlet for expression (it really is therapy). My marriage is better, my friendships are more honest and sincere, I have so many new wonderful friends who understand me in a way no one else can…now I work out to become a better poler! I love that…its no longer about the impending swimsuit season LOL…its about being strong and whatever the hell else I wanna bring to it! I could go on forever…I am more "me" now then I was for a very very long time.

  • SimpllySweet

    February 16, 2012 at 4:42 pm

    I started pole a month after my last surgery and after 4 years of laying in bed unable to do much due to cancer treatments.  Pole saved my life! 

    My journey started in Aug 08 when I stumbled across a video of Karol Helms and thought.  I love to dance, I loved gymnastics this would be a perfect way to build up my strength!  After talking my ex husband who was taking care of me at the time into buying me a pole my journey began.

    In the beginning it was all about getting strong agian but over time I learned that I could pour my emotions out when I dance weather anyone else got it or not and mentaly I felt better. 

    As my body has changed and I've gained some much needed weight I started learning that thin doesn't mean healthy and it's ok NOT to have a perfect body. 

    So basicaly pole has not only made me stronger, made me want to pay more attention to what I put into my body but has made me feel sexy.  Imperfections and all.

  • Missy27

    February 16, 2012 at 6:35 pm

    Pole also saved my life. I was very depressed about my life. Feeling stuck in the day to day rat race and being a Mom. Same job for years taking advantage of me. And I needed an adventure. Unfortunaly I found one and had an affair on my husband. When the whole thing came crashing down I was forced to look at WHY had this happened. Really I didn’t feel sexy, happy, secure, inspired, determined….Nothing. Pole gave me all those things!! Like some of the other comments, I would say as well that I was terrible in all sports in school. I could never really get into working out in a gym or running. so thankfully I have found an amazing excersice that I am addicted to.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    February 17, 2012 at 5:59 am

    Pole dancing is my distraction to my life long battle with anxiety and depression. I deal with anxiety and depression every single day and I just find that when I'm forcused on pole, I find a sense of relief. I also had major issues in self esteem and body image but I love how pole changed all that for me to a healther me. 🙂


  • tiggertail

    February 17, 2012 at 7:01 am

    I'm always amaze at how pole dance change our life and people still think were wanna be stripper lol.

    My story probably look like many of your, almost a lifetime dealing with depression. I can rely to so many things the other girls have already said. Pole change it for good, i'm stonger not only in a physical way but i have built some confidence i never thought i could have. Finding some amazing friend on my way is just the cherry on top.

    Simply i didn't know how bad your cancer was, i'm really happy you're back on your feets and even better than before.

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