Forums Discussions How much forearm pain is normal?

  • How much forearm pain is normal?

    Posted by vmaelstrom on October 2, 2014 at 4:50 am

    Hello guys, I’m new here! This is my first post sorry if I’m doing something wrong. Also I’m not a native english speaker so sorry if my grammar is wrong.

    I started dancing pole a while ago and I got pretty “way-too-excited” when I got my own pole so I think I over practiced (ooooppps).

    One day I noticed pain in both my forearms, and I figured out by myself that it came from doing the split grip. I hadn’t done it too much, just tried it out, but after reading a bit online I came to the conclusion that I probably shouldn’t had done it at all since I’m probably way too weak actually.

    The pain was a little worse in the left arm than the right arm, but I was drunk and fell on the ground the night before so I figured that it was because of that also (because I had literally small stones inside of my skin when I woke up).

    I rested a few days and the pain went away completely in my right forearm, and I haven’t felt any pain at all since then (I even tried doing a move with split grip, very carefully and just for a few seconds, last week that we practiced in class and I could do it without feeling any pain at all).

    However my left forearm has been experiencing some problems ever since. I don’t have any pain in the rest of the day EXCEPT from when I am practicing, and when I am practicing I am usually barely noticing it, except if I try leaning (not lifting up, just leaning) against the pole with a split grip because then it feel like someone is stabbing me with knifes and needles. Of course I have not done any split grips with that hand since then.

    But this monday in class, I started to feel pain again. I could easily hold myself up with the hand, it was not TOO bad, but I could definetly feel it.

    I decided to take a week break (bohooo I have pole withdrawal haha), should that be enough or do I need to do something else? Do I need to see a doctor?

    To be more precise: I feel pain when I LEAN on my hand, not when I hold myself up, except this monday in class but my class poles are 50 mm while mine is 45 so maybe that’s why.

    Carrington replied 10 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • RobynPoleDancer

    October 2, 2014 at 6:56 am

    This is why Split Grip is no longer taught as a beginner move.
    It is essentially a one-handed grip, with the 2nd hand stabilising. If your top arm (and shoulders) is not strong enough, your bottom arm compensates, and the pain you’re feeling is absolutely classic of this.
    Bottom wrist must be in neutral alignment, no bend at the wrist. and the hand should be relaxed, not squeezing the pole.

  • Lucy01

    October 2, 2014 at 8:19 pm

    The pain you’re experiencing could be tendinitis. It’s caused by lifting extreme weight beyond your ability therefore you’re damaging the tendons, at least that’s what my doctor told me. I’m suffering from it right now and my doctor told me to rest for a couple of weeks. It’s actually in my right arm and I can feel the pain around the forearm and elbow area. It’s sucks because I’m doing so well in doing Veena’s 30 day take off and abs challenge, and now I have to rest my arm. You may need to get it checked out and make sure it’s nothing serious. Again, I wouldn’t do anything too crazy as a beginner. Take your time and enjoy your pole journey… 😊

  • Veena

    October 2, 2014 at 11:47 pm

    Forearm pain isn’t ever normal. Having muscle soreness is normal and should improve in a day or two. If it hurts as you’ve described you need to take a break for a while! When you come back to poling be sure to start back with conditioning and strength work for the wrists, hands and shoulders. Also avoid spins and moves the use a split grip until you become stronger and more advanced to prevent this issue again. Also be sure to stretch the forearms at the end of every pole session! Feel better soon! 🙂

  • Allgold78

    October 3, 2014 at 3:28 am

    I had this exact problem and Veena is right, you need conditioning and strength work to improve it. I ignored it for a while and ended up with sore elbows and a shoulder injury through everything overcompensating so it’s really worth heeding everyone’s advice and stepping away from the stuff that aggravates it. Since mine started I have started all over conditioning workouts and I’m careful to work my forearms in my workouts and stretches too and it’s improved massively. I’m still not ready for split grip work but it’s definitely much stronger. Be patient and work on it and it’ll improve.

  • vmaelstrom

    October 3, 2014 at 5:13 am

    Hello thank you all for your answers!

    I have taken a break now since monday and I can feel it get better already. As I said I felt the same in both of my forearms before and the right arm pain went away completely so I hope the left arms pain does too! I think that the problem might have been that I didn’t rest even though I should have. The pain has went away between training sessions but have come back every now and then.

    Veena, how long break do you think I need to take? Could I go to class on monday (1 week break) and slowly try out how it feels or should I skip one class and go there after two weeks? Or more?

    And also yes I will defeintly not do any split grips anymore until I’m stronger! I promise haha! 😀

  • vmaelstrom

    October 3, 2014 at 5:18 am

    I googled tendonitis and I have to say that it doesn’t sound like it.

    It says that if I have tendonitis it should be red, swollen and hurt when I move it.

    My arm looks completely normal and almost only when i put pressure from above that it starts to hurt.

    I can move it sideways, up, down and in circles without any problem.

  • vmaelstrom

    October 3, 2014 at 5:56 am

    (Also I am completely aware that people on the internet is not suited for making a medical exam but I don’t feel like it’s necessary for me to go to a doctor – yet. If the pain doesn’t go away I will definetly do so. The thing is just that even though we are lucky enough to have free health care in Sweden the waiting lines where I live is super long and the doctors are always super stressed and usually you just get answers like “Wait a couple of weeks and then come here again”. Hope you understand)

  • missym357

    October 3, 2014 at 8:08 am

    I experienced a lot of forearm pain in my first year of pole dancing. Split grips set it off. I would just go easier and back off what caused the pain until it healed and then work on those moves more cautiously. Eventually I built up enough strength to not experience it.

  • vmaelstrom

    October 3, 2014 at 8:13 am

    Maybe it’s the same kind of pain, can you describe where it was? Did you experience it at any other occasions than the split grip?

  • AllysonKendal

    October 3, 2014 at 8:21 am

    Is it that sharp pain that almost feels like its your bone? I felt it in the upper half of my forearm (more towards my elbow)… It ended up just being muscle pain.

    Mine was set off by moved where all the weight was on the bottom arm… Like advanced plank.

    Veena’s forearm exercises help condition the forearm. Now I don’t really experience that pain…

  • Lucy01

    October 3, 2014 at 9:17 am

    Mine isn’t red or swollen but when I noticed the pain didn’t go away in a week, I knew it wasn’t just muscle pain. It happened prior to starting the Veena challenge though but I was being stubborn and started it despite the pain. Now I really have to stop and get elbow brace for awhile. I stopped at day 15 which is a couple days ago. I really hate having to stop half way but I need that. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!

  • missym357

    October 3, 2014 at 9:23 am

    For me, the pain ran deep in my forearm up to my elbow. I feel like it was from gripping so hard with my bottom arm in split grip trying to keep myself from rotating. The pain lasted longer than a few days which told me it was more than just sore muscles. I cannot say that I stayed off of the pole while it healed, but I did lay off of split grip moves until it healed.

  • RobynPoleDancer

    October 3, 2014 at 9:50 am

    You will stop rotating by keeping your top hand in neutral grip too. Web of the thumb should be pointing towards you. Also keep your shoulders straight, and keep your head centred.

  • missym357

    October 3, 2014 at 9:55 am

    I did get it worked out and positioning of the top arm and shoulders was a big part of it. Dr. Ken’s information is very helpful!

  • vmaelstrom

    October 3, 2014 at 11:16 am

    >Is it that sharp pain that almost feels like its your bone?

    This sounds exactly like what I am talking about. I am pretty sure that it’s just the muscle but it feels just like that, “almost like its in my bone”.

    AllysonKendal Did you take any break or did you just continue? How long did it last?

    missym357 Was not doing split grips enough for it to heal?

    Thank you guys so much for answers an links!

    Do you think this sounds good: I do not pole until monday, on monday I go to class and see how it feels (not doing any split grips) and if the pain doesn’t go away in another week I will go to the doctor?

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