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How much strength do CKR/CAR take?
Posted by Kate O on January 5, 2013 at 6:11 pmI'm just interested to know, because I watched this tutorial and the CKR really doesn't look as hard as a lot of other inverts, so I thought it might be a good first one to try, as I've already managed a horizontal hold (I think others call it a basic plank). How much harder is a cross knee release than a plank? And does it take particular types of strength (e.g mostly core?). Not planning to attempt it yet but I'm interested to know for when I do 🙂
Veena replied 12 years, 1 month ago 7 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
In my opinion, this move takes little strength, and is mostly an overcoming fear type thing. You're just holding with the inside of your thigh. Took me a while to get it, as i was afraid to just drop back like her.
I think it has to do somewhat with your fitness level. CKR isn't that difficult if you can hold with your thighs. I was pretty muscular before I started poling so I was able to do the CKR pretty quickly. Most of it is the fear of letting yourself drop backwards so it's good to have a spotter to help guide you down. It does take a lot of core to lift yourself back up and grab the pole. For beginners you might want to try and reach down to the floor with your hands and slide down instead of reaching up.
If you have Veena’s lessons, you should check it out. She recommends learning this from the floor first so you can be sure your core strength is enough. You should not attempt this move without knowing how to or being able to get out of it. Overall, I didn’t find it too hard, but my core strength is pretty good.
My instructor also had us pull on our crossed foot to make the grip tighter, until we got really comfortable with the laying back part. Once we were, then we did it without pulling the foot. It helped me get over the "Oh my gosh I'm about to fall on my head" fear
Personally, I was doing the CKR before I knew about the Basic Plank! Not exactly good of me to not do my research 😉
I find the CKR to be quite easy- Nonflexy has a good point, that you can grip your foot and allow yourself to hold on to that, keeping your grip a little tighter. I do that! I'm trying to teach myself out of the habit now, though.
It was my very first "upside down" move, and I still love it 😉
Try it from the ground, first! Wiggle your way so that your bum is up off the ground and resting on the pole, and see if you can get your legs into position strong enough that you can do a sit up into it. I find that to be a really good way of knowing if your positioning is correct, BEFORE you get into the proper aerial stuff! And, it'll help build your core up so that when you do the move up on the pole and don't have the ground to push off from, you can get out of the move by sitting up out of it!
I think it has alot to do with core & thigh muscle strength, & thigh skin tolerance build up. Like it took me a couple months to get my pole sit which is the first thigh hold you learn. Then plank, basic invert & inverted crucifix are other thigh hold dependent moves that generally help you build up to your CAR & CKR Once you get your pole sit, plank, basic invert, inverted crucifix down, the CAR will be a lil easier to “get” the mechanics of & execute. I do think core strength helps with these moves as well.
Thanks for all the info guys! Will bear it in mind 🙂 I doubt I've got the core strength up to scratch yet so I'll leave it for a while. Will ask my teacher when I get back to uni too 🙂
I start you off from the floor, its a great way to learn or test or your ab strength at a safe height.
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