Forums Discussions How old are you?!?!?

  • How old are you?!?!?

    Posted by RoxyPink on April 17, 2009 at 1:15 pm

    Well, I don’t know if this is a good idea or not. But I was reading some other threads where there was some mention of ages and poling. So I had a thought! Why not start a thread where we just flat out say how old we are and what kind of a life we live so that everyone can see how it dosen’t matter how old, skinny, fat, tall or short you are! We can all dance! There is not a "right" age or weight to be a poler!

    I’m 28…be 29 in September. I have two children ( 5yrs old and 17 mths). I am 5’6" and currently *cough* 158lbs…

    I do have an athletic background (gymnastics, figure skating and many rec sports) but I can honestly say that this is the most demanding (physically and mentally) sport I have ever done!

    I know this is probably corny…so if you don’t like it I can delete this thread!

    LittleMissLola replied 15 years, 11 months ago 37 Members · 45 Replies
  • 45 Replies
  • maggz

    April 17, 2009 at 2:39 pm

    I don’t think that’s corny at all

    I will be 25 this year although I look a lot younger, which can work to my advantage/disadvantage depending on the situation. I’m 5’3 and 124lbs…I have gained 6lbs of muscle since I started poling

    Pole dancing is such an amazing work out no matter what your age. It has interested me for a long time, but I was embarrassed about what other people would think (so silly) so it took me a long time to muster up the courage to start lessons. I have little to no athletic background and zero dance experience. I love this sport for its versatility and sensuality.

  • Veena

    April 17, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    My Bday is in Sept. too Roxy!! I’ll be 32. I thought for sure I would see all these really young girls just kicking ass in this sport, but to my surprise I found most of the fabulouse and well known dancers are over 30 yes there are great younger dancers too but it was nice to see something really athletic that wasn’t dominated by people barley old enough to drive. LOL I feel stronger younger and healthier than when I was 20.

    I have always felt behind the curve in any sport I wanted to do. So seeing women rocking to pole in their 30s and 40s was very exciting to me. I don’t have a background in anything oh I take that back I was a cheerleader in school but it was one of those tiny rural schools so we *say in happy cheer voice* S-U-C-K-E-D. I always got on the team because I could do the splits and a cartwheel. lol I had also taught myself how to figure skate as a child. I got a book from the library and my dad would be kind enough to flood a spot in the farm yard so I could do my thing. I did take lessons in high school, but they put me in with the little kids so it was kinda embarrassing and I quit after a few weeks. I went back to skating in my 20s and taught myself again, this time from the Kristi Yamaguchi book. But quit again thinking I’m too old why wast my time?? I had always dreamed of training for some sport as a child….thats ALL I wanted to do, I was a silly kid!

  • Foxypink

    April 17, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    Hi, this post has made me feel better about myself! I have being poling since January, I lost weight (about 10 lbs) and now I seem to be putting weight back on argh!!!! I feel more toned so I take it the extra few pounds are muscle!!???

  • Gsylass

    April 17, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    I’m a September baby too… 31 this year. I was a bit of a tomboy as a kid, climbing trees and suchlike, always wanted to do circus tricks but too accident-prone even if I’d had the opportunity. Never really got into sports as my eyesight is quite poor and if I wore my glasses they’d steam up, and if I didn’t then I couldn’t see so I assumed I was rubbish. I windsurfed in my teens though and luuuurved it, although my arm muscles got unladylike large just when I was wanting to start acting like a girly girl. Haven’t done any proper form of sport or exercise really since I was 18/19 or so, just walking to work, gardening, that sort of thing. I think my legs have toned up since poling, but nothing seems to shift the squishy belly, perhaps I should eat less cake!!

  • adamseve

    April 17, 2009 at 5:01 pm

    I’m 42 and the mother of 2 grown daughters age 25 & 22. I’ll be 43 Dec. 23rd!

    I’ve only been poling for about 3 months and I love it. I have never been athletic, although I used to think I could dance! Exercise of any form was totally boring to me so I wouldn’t do it. However, pole dancing is quite the opposite. I’m challenged and in the midst of the learning this awesome sport / dance my body is being nicely transformed. I feel sexier, healthier, and more confident all because of pole dancing.

  • drkfaery

    April 17, 2009 at 5:07 pm

    Hi all! Well I just turned the big 40 in October. Scary number! I’m mom to two boys (8 and 22, big age span!) 5’6" and 148. Hoping to lose at least 10 pounds. Used to do ballet for years until had some knee problems requiring surgery. Pole dancing has been the best work out for me! I hate hate the gym so this is just the most fun way to get in my cardio and strength train at the same time! I do feel my age at times with creaky joints and wonder what I’m doing taking up poling at this age(my husband thinks I’m crazy) But then I see all the beautiful, strong women of all ages and sizes rocking the pole and think, hey I can do this!! This is a great topic to get to know a little about everyone. Happy poling to all!!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    I’m nearly 38. (bloody Geminis!!!)

    5’9" and my weight is irrelevant as I develop muscle really quickly and easily, but have lost about 5 dress sizes since taking up pole, but the numbers didn’t change as dramatically as I thought they might squishy puku is still there, but slowly going.
    5 kids: twin girls 3, and 7 and 8 year old boys. (all go meow) and a 24" blue tongue skink.

    Ooooh, and a husband! Who gets bored of my pole obsession, but very sweetly ensures our x-poles are secure at the studio and does all the "manly" stuff. Most of our single students want to clone him.

    He’s also the one who I bug with video questions…

    edit: ooops, forgot to count Hermes as one of the kids!!

  • Foxy_Rei

    April 18, 2009 at 1:39 am

    I’m one of the young-ins – I’m 22, will be 23 in June. I’m a newlywed – married October of ’08. I have a daughter who is just about 18 months old. I’m 5′ 4" (look taller in my videos because we have short ceilings – only 7′ high). And I’m going to make some girls hate me but I only weigh 110 pounds (115 at most, like right after I’ve eaten ). I’ve been poling about 2.5 months now, all self-taught from watching everyone’s videos here and YouTube. I owe TaraKarina for getting me really interested in poling and also for finding this site – her videos have a link to SV.

    Since poling, I’ve learned really fast and have been amazed at myself. I’ve never been really athletic so the fact I’m able to do this is invigorating! I tried cheerleading in 6th grade but hated it. Did cross-country running 8th-10th grade and ran track 9th-10th, but I was the worst on the team and eventually got asthma from exposure to second-hand smoke for so long and quit… the asthma was activity and anxiety induced, and I haven’t had problems with it in a while.

    But I’ve always had self-esteem issues, and have issues with anxiety and panic attacks. I used to be on medication, but it made me miserable and instead of having panic attacks every day I had one huge one like once a week that completely shut me down. I stopped taking it when I got pregnant, and never started again. But between poling and cutting caffeine out of my diet I haven’t had as many panic attacks… maybe only 1 or 2 since I’ve started poling??? I still have other manifestations of stress (for instance I pull my eyelashes out… haven’t been quite able to stop that – have done that since I was like 6), but the fact I’m not having the panic attacks says a lot. My only complaint is that I’m tired a lot from more activity!

  • litlbit

    April 18, 2009 at 2:09 am

    OK! I think I have everybody beat here! LOL I’m 53…starting teaching myself when I was 51….a dancer I’m not! But it’s fun and has helped me immensely with my weight training…I’m hoping to be able to do my first Figure Bodybuilding Comp in Nov. I have no athletic or dance background whatsoever haha….I have two adult children, my daughter is 26 and my son is 23. I’ve been married for 28 years now. Let’s see…I’m 5′ 5.5" tall…I just posted a video from Jan 2008…I had just turned 52 Dec 07…so not poling a year yet when I made it.

  • cali

    April 18, 2009 at 4:39 am

    ok well im 21 my birthday is feb 28 1988 i have 2 kids both boys jason 4, and danny, almost 2. i have nothing other then reading to add to my childhood but awww well. better to start now im still a kid wat so maby this counts mmmmmmm i go to college! yay me! im 5’3 and im about 98-100 lb too small i know. try hitting your hip on the pole with that !!! OUCH!! i have been pole dancing for 1.5 or 2 months now???? off and on something like that. ow yes di have a TG X-POLE … cant think of anything esle to add.

  • benicebehappy

    April 18, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    Hello ladies,

    Im 26 years old (although not long to 27). Im 5ft 8" and weigh about 185lbs, i think, i try not to weigh myself as it ruins my whole day if i dont like what it says.

    I do poleing as a different way to excercise as the only sport ive ever done before this was kick boxing and while I was ok at it I found I wasnt aggressive enough and i was developing shoulders a rugby player would have been proud of xD Ive also done some running in my army days and used to be fairly fit, used to do 6miles every night in about 50mins, but quit the army and have since got fat and unfit.

    I havent lost anything yet but im hoping that will come later as Ill be able to pole for longer and do more moves so itll work me harder, if not then its still fun XD

    Hope everyone is ok and having fun, take care x

  • Woobidewoo

    April 18, 2009 at 5:04 pm

    Hi, 28, 5’7, 12 stone (168 lbs) I’m kind of normal sized and happy with it, I’m technically overweight by 9lbs according to bmi but I’ve built up a lot of muscle from pole and am a lot more toned even though I’ve not lost weight. Pole is great for that but it’s not really ‘aerobic’ exercise so it will tone you but not really loose fat so fast. I’m by no means the biggest girl at our school, judging from the other girls it doesn’t matter what size you are, you can still do pole.

  • lily

    April 18, 2009 at 11:50 pm

    Litlbit, I have to tell you how awesome you are!!! You look fantastic and so energetic, props for taking on a new sport like this at past 50, I’m truly inspired!

    I was 31 last February, I have a 1 year old son and 3 year old daughter. I did jazz and tap dance as a child, cheered in high school, been a regular runner for years and always loved being active. I gained and lost 50 pounds with each pregnancy, other than that my weight has been right around 105 since I hit 5’4" at 16. Pole dance is definitly helping me stay at that weight these days and has really firmed up my whole body like it’s never been, I LOVE it!!!!

  • cbr600girl

    April 19, 2009 at 12:26 am

    I am 29 and I’ll be the big 3-0 on December 8th. I am 5’3 and weigh 146. I need to lose at least 10 pounds, but would love to lose 15-20. I have a son who will be 7 on July 9th. I have many tattoos including a backpiece of candyland. I want to learn poling because its fun and low-impact. I have bad knees and shin splints so I am loving poling! Oh yea on here to meet great friends!


  • yogabeachbabe

    April 19, 2009 at 12:55 am

    I’ll be 41 in October (Libra) and I’ve got 1 son who is 3, as well as 3 dogs.
    I am one of those sticks–105lbs (not sure anymore, but haven’t changed much in years), but I’ve developed a nice layer of FAT on my belly in the past few months. I’ve been quite lazy. I’ve got no boobs, waist, or hips, so when I started getting flabby, it didn’t really show very much. Now that the weather has gotten nicer…well, let’s put it this way: my husband is STRONGLY encouraging me to run on the treadmill…
    I USED to have a lot of muscle, but not anymore!
    I think I’m on my way back to caring about how I look and feel. I lost some self-esteem last year and I think it all ties in together. It doesn’t matter too much if I "look" strong, but I miss having the ability (and youth!) to do certain tricks on the pole. I don’t yet have the stamina like some of the other ladies to dance/practice for hours. I think that I’m going to try to get in a 60 minute practice twice a week. I’d be really happy with that!

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