Forums Discussions How to Tell the Kids Not To Tell

  • megs982

    April 25, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    sharing it with my three kids, I don’t get as much time as I would like.

    I hear ya, there is no point in me even attempting to get a good workout with my kids when they are home…yesterday instead of me working out 7 year old wanted to learn how to do a cradle and reverse grab spin…the other 2 wanted to be monkeys and see who could touch the ceiling first (sigh)

  • Mindy4pole

    May 4, 2010 at 5:23 am

    I took a free Tango intro class tonight, and my hubby and little girl (2 yrs old) came in to pick me up. She loves my pole, and think she owns the place at any pole studio. So they come in and she is dancing in front of the mirrors. At a moment of silence she says, quizzically, "No poles?" I just say "yeah, no poles." No one seemed to notice, and I just kept moving! Later I explain to her that not all dance studios have poles!!


  • CaliPolePrincess

    September 20, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    I’ve been lucky so far. I have a 3 year old, a 6 year old & 18 year old. My 6 year old is being homeschooled right now, so not many people for him to blab to about it and thank god, my 3 year old doesn’t exactly get the pole yet either to blab about it to others just yet. My 18 year old thinks its gross and weird (even though of course I am fully clothed when I dance) that I pole dance but I think that’s because he only associates it with strippers and not as an art or fitness/exercise.

    My 6 year old is really good at climbing the pole actually and quick at it…he climbs it like a monkey. My 3 year old is pretty good at spinning around it lol I have to fight them some nights to stop fooling around on it, so I can practice!

    My pole is smack dab in the middle of my living room. My in laws, friends and other family know that I pole dance for fitness and fun. Some think it’s cool and others are not too sure about it but I don’t care what people think I LOVE it!

  • EvaRut

    September 20, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    I think telling them to not talked about it would confuse them and they would think the pole is a bad thing.

    Agree. I think the best thing is not telling your kids not to tell. Besides.. Kids always feel that urge to tell people about things they arent allowed to tell anyone about

  • goodie2shoes

    October 2, 2010 at 4:38 pm

    I’m really stuggling with this issue right now. I finally set up my pole room and have been spending as much time in there as my sore muscles allow. Right now we’re telling our 4 year old that mommy is exercising and needs some privacy. She’s happy to spend time with her daddy and she knows if she needs me she is welcome to come to the door and knock. We taught her about privacy when we began potty training and she knows mommy needs privacy when she studies for school so she gets the concept. She hasn’t asked why I need privacy to exercise, maybe she thinks it’s the same as when I take her to the gym day care when I work out. When the time comes we’ll show her and hope that she understands it’s not a bad thing, it’s not a secret…most of our friends and family know, but it’s something we keep private from people who aren’t close to us. It might be a good way to reinforce our right to privacy….or it might make her a secretive wierdo! I don’t know, it’s the best I can come up with right now.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 3, 2010 at 2:21 am

    I don’t have kids but if I did I think I’d just be honest about it. I’m doing ‘artistic pole fitness’, or I am practicing aerial pole, Chinese pole, vertical dance, vertical gymnastics, vertical ballet, etc… because that’s what it is, a legit form of exercise. Just don’t call it stripper pole dancing or something like that. I’d just not ever associate it with stripping. Kkeep it G rating around the kids and your fine .. but I do make it dirty for my hubby Maybe it’s easier said than done?? Maybe I will think differently when I am a mom?? I donno. I just see pole dancing becoming more mainstream regular fitness like anything else… LOL hell Yoga has some moves I believe should be x rated! Mmmmm x rated yoga… :p

  • stars2shame

    October 3, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    Once, at the school playground with my 6 yr old son, he grabbed me and dragged me over to the fire man pole and said "look mom! You can pole dance while I play!" I just laughed and said that not everybody knows what pole dancing is and they might not understand it so no thanks. I am a young mother (I look even younger and get mistaken for 18!) and I feel people already look at me funny with a 6 year old, I’d rather him not tell anyone that I pole dance too. But I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, he thinks there is nothing wrong with it, it is just exercise and dance, and I worry what will happen if he finds out from someone else about the negative connotations.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 3, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    Once, at the school playground with my 6 yr old son, he grabbed me and dragged me over to the fire man pole and said "look mom! You can pole dance while I play!" I just laughed and said that not everybody knows what pole dancing is and they might not understand it so no thanks. I am a young mother (I look even younger and get mistaken for 18!) and I feel people already look at me funny with a 6 year old, I’d rather him not tell anyone that I pole dance too. But I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, he thinks there is nothing wrong with it, it is just exercise and dance, and I worry what will happen if he finds out from someone else about the negative connotations.

    LOL! That’s going to be me when I’m a mom. I can’t wait to take them to the park to play!!!! LOL I already know all the parks in my neighborhood that have a fire man pole.

  • goodie2shoes

    October 4, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    I don’t have kids but if I did I think I’d just be honest about it. I’m doing ‘artistic pole fitness’, or I am practicing aerial pole, Chinese pole, vertical dance, vertical gymnastics, vertical ballet, etc… because that’s what it is, a legit form of exercise. Just don’t call it stripper pole dancing or something like that. I’d just not ever associate it with stripping. Kkeep it G rating around the kids and your fine .. but I do make it dirty for my hubby Maybe it’s easier said than done?? Maybe I will think differently when I am a mom?? I donno. I just see pole dancing becoming more mainstream regular fitness like anything else… LOL hell Yoga has some moves I believe should be x rated! Mmmmm x rated yoga… :p

    I like "vertical ballet". And your right about it getting more mainstream, I just saw an ad for a studio in a local parenting magazine. I guess I’m afraid of her telling someone and then they say something about stripping, or worse. Thanks for your suggestions, you’ve at least pointed me in the right direction.

  • Melrose

    October 17, 2010 at 6:57 pm

    My kids are 9 and almost 7 now (girl and boy). They both know what I pole dance, and they know it’s for fitness. When I had a pole up in the house, they knew they cldnt play in the "pole room" when their friends were over; I told them that not all mommies have a pole in the house so the door needs to stay closed. Last year my daughter started to get a little embarassed and said something about it being "ya know…weird, cause I’m shaking by butt and stuff" and I immediately told her there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with pole fitness, that I love it, it keeps my body strong, it keeps my heart healthy, and those are all very good things. (Of course, this is the same girl that, in first grade, declared me "the best at pole dancing" on one of her homework assignments…go figure!)

    I drive around with a big ‘ole magnet on the side of my car advertising DivaFit. Sure I get the occassional funny look at softball practice and at school, but oh well! Some people are just closed minded and that’s fine; however, I refuse to hide what I do bc of them. I honestly believe there is nothing wrong pole dance fitness and it is a big part of my life now, so it made sense to be upfront with the kids about it.

  • litlbit

    October 17, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    This is just my personal opinion. One when we were raising our kids the first thing we did was not hide things from them…especially things that we believed in and were not ashamed of, we never told them not to "tell" because that implicates something to hide. My thoughts are if you believe there is nothing wrong with what your doing then it shouldn’t be a "secret". If you are doing it for fitness or whatever reason, it IS FITNESS, and a form of gymnastics. So the easiest way in MHO is to simply tell them that’s what you are doing, no one questions gymnastics.

    I have a good friend that works with kids, she is a child psychiatrist. I asked her her professional opinion on this topic, she stated that if you try to sugar coat poling to make it easy for others to accept, then you yourself still have some questions and or uncertainty’s about what you are doing which your children will pick up on, and that if you truly believe what you are doing is not hurting anyone and or "illegal", then it doesn’t matter what others think as we all have our own beliefs, perceptions, and opinions no matter what. It is the younger generation that can make changes if we just plant a healthy seed and stay honest with our kids…kids don’t mess up kids, adults do. Just thought I’d share her thoughts with you.

  • Tania

    November 15, 2010 at 9:21 am

    I have 2 kids a 15 year old son and an 11 year old daughter – I have been straight with my kids from the begining. I told them I excerising on the pole and they can join me anytime. That now my daughter is better than some of the advanced girls I teach. My son decided to tell his friends at school pole dancer – does not mean stripper……it means dancer using the pole……stripper is a person who removes clothes….seriously is english that difficult to understand. He felt he could deal with their close mindedness as he saw how I benefitted from what I was doing and THAT is what mattered. I don’t know laws etc about kids knowing too much but considering this is not dirty in anyway – I feel, be proud and don’t let people that can’t open their eyes beat you down.

  • Glaminatrix

    November 15, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    haha me and my daughter were just discussing this. I’m a very young mother also, and my daughter is 5. I never hid the pole from her. She watched me put it together, she took some first spins with me and she grips better, holds better and basically blew me away being a natural at it the very first day lol. I took it out of the house so her friends parents wouldnt get to see and say anything about it and put it in our own studio. I dont tell her she can’t tell, I just tell her people don’t always like it and some just don’t "get it". The only person I definitely say for her not to tell is her daddy but he’s always looking for a fight to pick

    I don’t booty pop unless I am totally alone, and dont watch any videos like that with her (yes we watch youtube and SV together) I also like the vertical ballerina comparison and started to push some ballerina themed things on her. Maybe I will buy her a tutu haha.

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