How to evict my back fat?
So I've been working out A LOT lately. I've been doing flexibility training, toning up DAT BOOTY and legs, continuing to strengthen my arms, I almost have definition in my shoulders—but one thing I notice when I record myself is that disgusting backfat. I like the way I look, don't get me wrong–at 5'10 I was 200 lbs last August (I weigh 138 today, ^_^) . And I know I look damn sexy. And I like myself–But I don't like that backfat. I got over the fact that I'm just never going to have a flat-like-a-table stomach, and I'll just have one of those cute tiny bumps forever. But the backfat thing? Don't want to live with. I am kicking my backfat out. Get the monkeyfat off my back, please sirs and madames. It looks like an aerial rig–with my back fat flowing down my back like aerial silks. <— hyperbole, but that's how I feel when I watch a video of what I'm doing!
Is there any exercizes I can do to get ride of it? I've only been doing back bends and uh..chest stands? For my back mobility, plus simple diamond stretches, straddles, etc. Open to any and all suggestions, including lazering it off (but not really.)
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