Forums Discussions How to quit my job?

  • How to quit my job?

    Posted by adAstra on September 20, 2012 at 9:34 pm

    I work at a jewelry store and I am good in sales plus I enjoy getting to meet so many very different people. However, I am just not handling my current boss well. As my husband put it, "When was the last time you came back from work with a good story you were excited to tell? Or even when you came back in a good mood? You're always a wreck when you get back."

    My boss is crazy. Really. Since she became manager, this location has had an extremely high turnover rate, which is really telling since we are the most well known jewelry store. One of my co-workers described her as "flipping." As in, "Be careful, she just flipped," and everyone clears the way because she is suddenly in a mood where everything you do is wrong and if you happen to be short in sales you get pulled aside for a one-on-one, potentially a write up. Outfits that you've worn to work for months are suddenly "inappropriate" and cannot be worn to work again. Plus she consistently has this condescending way of talking to her employees as if they are stupid. Not one person in her store, which she has managed for 3 years, is part of the original crew from when she became manager. One walked away from her the day he quit saying, "You're crazy," shrugging, and laughing in disbelief. Etc. 

    I do really well when I have a great manager, and when I started I loved her. Then she showed her true colors, constantly making me feel like a slacker and an idiot. This is not easy for me to handle as I am a perfectionist. I have not been making my sales goals and I keep getting written up so I am ready to be done–but I hate the idea of quitting. A co-worker of mine got me the job and I hate to let her down, but I feel like I am making her look bad by sucking at my sales. 

    Every co-worker I have says, "You just have to be more confident!" I am confident, and I know I have tons of specialized knowledge and I can deliver on my promises. It is just hard to act confident when I am affraid of becoming a "liability" or "legality issue" or "customer service issue." Everyone else shrugs it off, but I need a new manager. It just sucks because the company itself is great and makes a great while-I-finish-college job and I don't know what I would be getting myself into going to a different chain. At least one jewelry store in the mall is hiring and although I'd like to stay with my current company, my numbers are crap and no manager would take me as a transfer. 

    I am really sorry that this turned out to be a rank–I only meant to leave a couple of paragraphs! But I was hoping maybe someone has gone through something similar 🙂 Or maybe some has tips on how to quit but not close any doors? It's kind of tricky to give an honest reason for quitting without ticking her off ("I quit because you're crazy and I can't work for you" haha).

    JhennD replied 12 years, 4 months ago 7 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • PersianXcursian

    September 20, 2012 at 11:25 pm

    let it all out girl! Lol, I'm probably gonna post a rant too in a little bit. What I would do is start looking for another job and then when you find one, put in your two weeks notice (or whatever notice you are supposed to give) and tell your boss you just couldn't work with someone who treats people that way.

  • Webmaster

    September 20, 2012 at 11:35 pm

    Having been on the hiring end of things several times I would suggest that you find another job first.  Employment breaks are huge red flags to employers and they will generally ask you to explain why you left one position before procuring another.

  • Leanne Love

    September 21, 2012 at 12:29 am

    Plus, finding another job first gives you something to look forward to AND no break in monkey-making! 🙂

  • Leanne Love

    September 21, 2012 at 12:29 am

    OMG hahaha I meant to type "money-making"

  • Mitzy Blue

    September 21, 2012 at 12:46 am

    Oh, I wish I could help you. Sadly I'm in the same boat right now. It's gotten to the point that I'm about…. a week away from turning in a two weeks notice- I made myself promise to wait a week before deciding.  I haven't done anything wrong but because I applied for the manager position before this new manager…. she's cut my hours down to 4 hours a week and harasses me. She's taken over all the work I used to do- does it wrong but still tells me I'm not needed. I cry all the time now. If a job lowers the quality of living/life down to a point that you are miserable- is it worth it to stick it out? Probably not.

    Well, if you do quit I always suggest doing so quietly. As tempting as it is to raise a fuss it's always better not to. The good thing is- with the holidays coming up people are hiring so there is a great chance of getting a new job (maybe not for long but it's a good start and sometimes holiday jobs keep who they hire.)

  • adAstra

    September 21, 2012 at 11:55 am

    Thank you for all the advice and support! My plan right now is to get a job that fills in my extra hours since my scheduling has been so poor, which will make it easier to get that new job. Then I will apply to a different jewelry store or even something else. It is kind of exciting to think of all the possibilities! On the plus side, I do interview very well 🙂

  • Trixie Kicks

    September 22, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    Can you address concerns with your manager’s supervisor? I agree with finding a job before quitting this one.

  • JhennD

    September 23, 2012 at 3:22 am

    A while ago that was me. I was uncomfortable, and felt unsafe to address issues to the boss. My boyfriend said to me- make finding another job your first job, the job you have your second priority. I’m currently at my first job, but I’m not as uneasy, I’m being more professional. And my boss got laid off from corporate office. I still need another job due to the evil coworker is the weird reason my boss was a freak and got laid off.
    Advice; job then quit. Money has a face, faces have mouths, mouths talk; Money talks. Speaks volumes- especially when it’s nowhere in your hand.

  • adAstra

    October 2, 2012 at 4:31 pm

    I printed some copies of my resume today! I've applied to a few "filler jobs" to pick up extra hours but haven't heard back so I will *gasp* actually be applying to a job at another jewelry store. The minute I am hired (I really think I will get this job) and tell my boss as much will be the last minute I can be there, so a two week's notice is kind of a joke.  Which feels… surprisingly exciting!

    Also, I read a <a href="">blog entry by aerial amy about gaslighting</a> and communication manipulation. It gave me chills! This is exactly what I've been dealing with on a daily basis. I have already written out my letter of resignation too, so I can stop making excuses, apply for a new job, and move on to better times 🙂


  • adAstra

    October 25, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    I quit!!! I came down to where it was so obvious I was freaking out about it that my boss started spreading rumors that "something was wrong with my home life." It was a great company to work for, but I didn't get scheduled enough and the drama was atrocious. Then yesterday I came to work to find out my schedule was changed and I missed my morning shift so my boss gave my assistant manager directions to "send her home when she gets here." I took my notice dated 9/15/12, signed it and put yesterdays date on it, and left it for her. 

    I'm free now! I settled on working from home–I'm going to do tutoring again and maybe some babysitting plus I am selling on ebay and posting deals on (if you don't know what that is this will give you an idea: ). I'm going to focus on school as the new semester comes in 🙂

  • JhennD

    October 25, 2012 at 11:08 pm

    Breathe! And good for you! Bests of luck, positive adventures, healthy outlook.

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