Forums Discussions How to tell future roommate about poling?

  • How to tell future roommate about poling?

    Posted by freakiel on April 22, 2010 at 4:18 am

    Okay, so this is awkward. I was offered an AMAZING opportunity this summer. One of my professors/directors offered to let me live in her home for free in exchange for house sitting/pet sitting the times that she is out of town. I accepted, and am now wondering how I tell her about my pole? I can’t imagine her caring that much, but I don’t want her to lose respect for me in any way, it wouldn’t be as big of a deal if she was just my roommate, but she is also a professor of mine and someone I need to have high respect for me. I will have my own room, I haven’t seen it yet, but if it is big enough I could always put it up and take it down when I am done, but I don’t want her to find out I’ve been keeping it from her or anything. Any advice on how to approach the situation?

    polergirl replied 14 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • witeroze

    April 22, 2010 at 4:43 am

    hey, if it was me, i’d just wait to move in, then i’d bring it up casually when she sees it (whether its up or down). Like oh yah, that’s my fitness pole… and if she seems surprised or unfamiliar with the concept, then i’d do the same as with anyone else- just educate them on what an amazing sport and workout it is. usually people understand, sometimes u need to go a step further and show them an impressive video, that always works. good luck

  • miss fern

    April 22, 2010 at 8:48 am

    If it’s her home, and especially since you’re staying it in for free, I think not only do you have to tell her about your pole… you have to ASK HER if it’s okay.

    Because yes, we know the X Pole is safe and doesn’t damage blah blah but ANY pole can come down – climate, carpet, excessive use, improper method of putting it up etc etc. and the next thing you know you’ve broken her mirror or made a dent in her wall or something.

    I think you should bring it up quite frankly like "I have something to ask you. I do pole fitness and I have a portable pole that I use in my home. I would hate to lose all my strength from not practicing so I wanted to see how you felt about me putting it up in your place?"

    Then you could go on to invite her to inspect it at your house, check out some videos online etc etc.

    As long as you don’t be all pushy and try to convert her into a fanatic (like we all are hahaha!), then it should come across as a polite and respectful conversation IMO.

  • minicoopergrl

    April 22, 2010 at 2:14 pm

    Very nicely put Georgiamarie! Id be upfront about it. Id explain to her that you do own a fitness pole and that is how you work out. Then ask if she wouldnt be upset if you put it up. She may have ground rules for it. As long as you both come up with a happy medium.

  • Solya

    April 22, 2010 at 2:15 pm

    I think the only reason you need to tell her is because of the possible damage the pole can do to the house. If she doesn’t know about it and the pole ends up cracking the ceiling or damaging the floor/carpet, you won’t seem very trustworthy to her. Definitely tell about it and ask what the ceiling and floor are made of, where the joists are etc.

    I agree with what the others said, explain to her that pole is a sport, show her some vids etc

  • witeroze

    April 22, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    hey, when i was answering this i was so caught up about the idea of telling her that you pole dance and still having her respect, that i totally forgot about the physical aspect of actually putting the pole up in HER house. but the others are right, come to think of it, my pole has left a tiny dent in my popcorn ceiling, although hardly visible, but if it’s her house she obviously should know about the possibility. and i guess you should also make it clear that if any damage occurs you would pay for it. i remember when my dad first saw my pole, he was more worried about the ceiling than the idea of me pole dancing.

  • freakiel

    April 23, 2010 at 2:34 am

    Thanks for all the replies ladies! Like you all said, I am most worried about it doing some sort of damage. I haven’t had any damage in my current room but that is because my ceilings are cement. I don’t think she’d be too upset by the actual pole dancing, I just really don’t want her to forbid it. I just got this pole and I can’t go the summer without it!

  • polergirl

    April 23, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    Get her into dancing and rock out some mad doubles routines!

    I do think you should talk to her about it, and explain the logistics, etc., simply because it’s her house and you’re going to be staying there.

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