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  • Aly77

    April 19, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    They are on Ebay, so you can check out there feedback there. 

    I'm pretty sure I ordered something from them, but its been a while back.  I don't remember anything bad, so I guess that's good!!!

  • Jenn PoleLush

    April 19, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    Good to know…thanks!

  • Aly77

    April 20, 2011 at 7:55 am

    You're welcome!!  Their store name is one you don't forget.

    The bikini is cute.  It wouldn't be a scrunch back on me though… would be a "munch back" because it would look like my butt had muched it up  haha

  • Jenn PoleLush

    April 20, 2011 at 9:52 am

    AAHHAHA omg MUNCH BACK that is hilarious…I just got the funniest visual (don't worry, not with your butt, my own!)

    Yeah, so I ordered from their eBay site because (I live in Canada) their shipping to Canada through the site was…gulp….$57!! But on eBay it is $12 or something.  Stymied as to how an item that could fit in a change purse can cost that much to ship but, meh, who am I to judge. I could ship it to my husband's work address in Detroit but…..he may not like the looks he gets when he opens it

    I think I put a friend request for you on FB…funny I think I was just looking at pics of you…through LuvLee I think, I dunno, was late last night

    Thanks friend!!

  • MsBKitty

    April 21, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    @Jenn, your gonna love this set. It was just released a few weeks ago and is getting great reviews.

  • PoleFitMom

    April 21, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    @MsBKitty – I love the look of the new Pole Fit wear, any idea when it will be available? (Hopefully something more than "soon"!!!) I am dying for some new stuff!


  • MsBKitty

    April 21, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Believe me we want it out quicker than you do!!! We had been waiting for this special folder for one of our machines, which unfortunately took over 4 weeks to get in, but we have it now!!!! So, long story short, we are going to be trickling the new designs in over the next 4 weeks. The first pieces will be the new Go-Go shorts in Red, Purple & Black and the Romper in just black. These will be released to the wholesalers this weekend for a one week exclusive and then available on the retail sites. 🙂 

  • Jenn PoleLush

    April 21, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    @MsBK…I am well acquainted with it (although somehow that beauty slipped through)…I just ordered the black studded wrap around top and hot short last week..I should buy stuff all at once because it is the shipping that gets me…

  • Adriibabii

    April 22, 2011 at 4:01 am

    i oderedmy pole from there, and everything was fine i was even able to get 20% off it…

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