Forums Discussions “IPDFA is fake and unfair. So,you should not go.” Umm, wtf?

  • “IPDFA is fake and unfair. So,you should not go.” Umm, wtf?

    Posted by Serzi on May 4, 2011 at 9:19 pm

    I came across a video of Felix Cane's performance in Zurich (which was excellent, btw) at the World Pole Sport and Fitness Championships. Here is the link:



    The second highest ranking comment had this to say:


    "World Champion!! This is official world competition. IPDFA is fake and unfair. So,you should not go."


    My first thought was "Whoa, where'd all the hate come from?" because I've seen some vids of the IPDFA competition and I think it's AWESOME. Then again, maybe there's something I don't know about the competition itself…? Idk, if someone can solve this mystery for me I would greatly appreciate it.

    Like, what is the difference between this competition and IPDFA's other than the fact that they are seperate international pole comps? Is one really more credible than the other or is this a matter of someone's own personal snarky opinion. I hate when people spit some venom and then do not illuminate further as to why because then it just sounds nasty. The competitors of the IPDFA train their a$$es off just like the competitors at Worlds (in fact, some of the competitors at World's were also at the IPDFA comp), so I'm just wondering how anyone could make such a brash statement and get so many others to agree w/ them. As I said, is there something about IPDFA I don't know? Very puzzled.





    Ekinkah replied 13 years, 9 months ago 9 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Charley

    May 4, 2011 at 9:47 pm

    Puzzling indeed!  I'm not sure why Felix didn't do well at IPDFA but I doubt it had anything to do with judging being unfair – even Felix has to have a bad night now and again, right?

    There's alot of heat in the pole kitchen these days and I suspect it's only going to heat up.

    With that said I'm gonna make some food!

  • Runemist34

    May 4, 2011 at 10:05 pm

    Well, from looking at the entries I could find, I have two things: Felix is looking as hot as ever, especially with her hair like that…

    And the Pole Champion they named, Mai Sato, was great. Seriously, she was. There were a lot of other tricks that Felix has never done (as far as I'm aware).

    Also, in looking at Sato's video, I took a peek at the comments…a whole bunch of them had been "Hidden due to too many Dislikes" if you get my meaning. Enough people on Youtube thought that these comments were inappropriate, or not to their liking in some way. You wanna know what they said? Things like "Wow, she's just amazing!" and "The next Felix Cane!"

    So, I'm thinking there may be some odd rivalry going on here. Lots of people love Felix, including me, because she has a very impressive style and she's very strong, and sensual. However, I get the impression that some people may not want to admit that she may no longer be the absolute epitome of what one can do on a pole!

    Think about it this way: The person that said the IPDFA was fake and unfair had their comment up that high because twelve people had "liked" it. These may be the exact same people that "disliked" those comments on Sato's videos…as well as her actual video. 30 people disliked it, versus 25 who liked it.

    I think it's just stupid rivalry.

    Here's Mai Sato's Video:

  • Runemist34

    May 4, 2011 at 10:22 pm

    Also, on Felix's website, it has that video filed under "

    So, perhaps something was misfiled? Or else she's perfectly happy with the place she got. She scored 3rd in the Women's Pole Fit section. I mean, 3rd is pretty good!

  • Serzi

    May 4, 2011 at 11:08 pm

    Hey, thanks for looking into it for me! I bet you're at least 90% right on w/ your rivalry theory! I hadn't even considered that! I was thinking there was something about the competition itself (unrelated to Felix not winning first place) that was causing people to go off on it. Anyways, thank you for the details, Runemist! 🙂

    And, Charley, I hear ya on the pole kitchen lately! LMAO I'm all for criticism and questioning things (that's how you find answers and keep judges fair, lol) So long as it's constructive VS. destructive criticism. I wish more people would put themselves on the line by giving details on how they formed their strong opinions rather than just spouting out some nasty crap as though it's the gospel truth without illuminating further. Like it or not, we all have our favorites but I can't stand when people whip theirs out at me like they think they have a bigger d@*! or something. Haha!

  • Mary Ellyn

    May 5, 2011 at 7:18 am

    The people I know of from the IPDFA are respectable and work hard for their organization and for the pole world in general.

    There is always some sort of out cry after competitions. Some people seem to be of the opinion that if the person or persons THEY felt were best didn't win that there must be something unfair about the competition.

    I heard plenty of the same complaints after the Worlds in Zurich as well! You will find complaints after EVERY competition from someone.

    We may not all agree with the results of a competition but that doesn't mean anything was unfair or underhanded. Planning my own comp now I realize that I may not even agree with the judges results when we complete the finals but we simply must accept that there is a bit of a human factor in every competition no matter how fairly we try to judge and that personal styles and preferences will have influence over the judges decisions.



  • chemgoddess1

    May 5, 2011 at 7:22 am

    If I remember correctly that competition not only has abilities on the pole as part of your scoring but they also place points on you from the moment you step onto the property and also what you have done in your career for the pole community.  There was a discussion on here a while back regarding their scoring. 


    Is this the competition where Jenyne fell not once but twice during her routine?  There was a LOT of controversy about the rigging and the stage lights/heat, improper cleaning of poles, etc etc etc after this competition.  This is probably where a lot of the nasty comments are coming from.  I also cannot remember if this is the one that you get into that is sort of a popularity contest…..they have online voting and the top vote getters are the ones who compete.

  • Serzi

    May 5, 2011 at 10:01 am

    I'm not 100% sure, but I am pretty sure that the comp where Jenyne fell was at the one in Zurich. I do not know anything about how either of these competitions are judged or how the competitors are chosen. That's kinda what I was trying to find out, lol! It appears that no one really knows for certain, wow. Makes me feel even more sure that I have no need to compete…EVER…we need more showcases!!! That's so much more what our very supportive community is about anyway! 😉

  • chemgoddess1

    May 5, 2011 at 10:06 am

    I did not realize that there were 2 competitions, both held in Zurich.  My bad.

  • Charley

    May 5, 2011 at 10:08 am

    IPDFA is held in Tokyo.  Worlds was held in Zurich I believe (where Jenyne fell) as was the recent Aerial Pole International.

  • Charley

    May 5, 2011 at 10:09 am

    IPDFA is the one that has a voting on finalists or semi finalist – can't remember now but that doesn't mean we vote the people into the comp, there is just one winner of the online votes and they get a free trip to IPDFA – I believe that was Zoraya last year?

  • Charley

    May 5, 2011 at 10:14 am

    Sorry for multiple postings I had to check out info and yes IPDFA is the one with online votes but it's just for a free trip I believe everyone whose video you see is IN the comp however many of them cannot afford to go to Tokyo which was Shadows problem last year because she was going to go defend her Pole Fit Champion title which went deservingly so to Rafaela.

    I have heard many great things about this competition from Shadow who was there in 2009 and last year I heard from a friend who is a friend of a friend – you get the picture, that was involved with it and said it was a fabulous comp and everyone did really great and worked so hard.  I've heard good things about Ania who runs it.

    Sounds like someone is just upset that Felix didn't win, but Felix's official title is World Champion and Mai Soto's title is IPDFA Ultimate Champion.  Make any sense?

  • Serzi

    May 5, 2011 at 10:44 am

    Yes, thank you Charley. IPDFA is held in Tokyo and Worlds was held in Zurich, Switzerland this year. I think Worlds was held in Jamaica the previous year, wasn't it? Hmmm…well, anyways, yes they are two completely different international pole competitions but I didn't always realize that. CONFUSING.


    As I said, I think we need more showcases with bigger venues and publicity. That's not to say that competitions don't have their place and purpose too, but there are a lot of really great dancers who either do not wish to compete or probably would at least appreciate more non-competitive atmoshperes to share their talents with the world. The pole community is so supportive, talented and diverse it would be nice to have big budget national or international showcases to reflect that side of it. I feel awkward about competitons because they typically do not reflect what I love most about pole dancing (but that may just be my own opinion). This is why I was never a sports-fan because even if I do favor someone or some team over another. I've never had the urge to be like "OUR TEAM RULES, YOURS SUCKS! OH, YEEEEEEAAAAAHHH! IN YOUR MOFO FACE!!!!" which would strike me as kinda ridiculous when it comes to pole dancing anyway.

    Idk, it's different strokes for different folks and all that but I just feel that the true nature of pole is so…non-competitive…or maybe has a more meaningful competitive edge. For the most part, we are appreciative of everyone's abilities despite our differences in taste and I do not know anyone (nor would I want to) who revels in another polers' misfortune when they are disqualified or fall short of their goals in a competition. Quite the opposite, I hear so many people coming back from the USPDF Nationals talking about how great and unique every single dancer there was and how much they enjoyed being there! That is what I feel is the true essence of pole (the LOVE of pole) and just being able to see everyone perform. When it comes to the judging aspect it seems to make a lot of people uncomfortable…I can't imagine the inner struggle those judges go through! I mean, no matter how air-tight you set your rules or how fair you feel your judgement is you KNOW some people are gonna be pissed off or at least disagree w/ you.


    Anyway, blahblahblah. All this has just been running through my mind lately w/ all the talk after the USPDF Nationals. Then I saw that comment on Felix's video and I realized "You know, this competition/judging aspect really does not reflect accurately or positively on the inner pole community. It's misleading to anyone who may be interested in taking up pole and it probably scares a lot of people away from ever starting."

  • Mary Ellyn

    May 5, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    Serzi I totally agree with your concept. I'm much more in favor of showcases rather than comps which is a really weird conflict since I am now organizing the Midwest Comp!

    I've always said that showcases are about "us" and comps are about "me" . I mean you have to go into a comp in some part of your mind hoping that other's dont do very well so that you look better and win.

    Yes…judging is a very difficult aspect of competitions. I'm not going to judge any aspect of this comp myself so that there is no concern about fairness but I'm certain there will be disagreements with the decisions in the end.

    But some people just enjoy competing and there is a need for it. I agree though that more showcases are better than too many comps.

  • Hana Granados

    May 6, 2011 at 1:02 am

    I love the idea of more showcases!!! It is heartbreaking for people to "lose" and so joyfull to see everyone perform! Also, some of the best performances with the most self expressiona and fun in them have been at showcases without the tension of competitions.  As far as all the different competitions go, I wish we would come up with some other letters for our accronyms! There are only so many ways to string together pole/dance/fitness/american/international/world and all the accronyms start to look to much alike!  🙂  One more thing…does any one know the connection between American Pole Fitness and Internatonal Pole FItness?

  • Serzi

    May 6, 2011 at 1:23 am

    And don't get me wrong, I am always chomping at the bit when I see the top competitors do their thing. I do feel that competition is necessary to evolve and progress and that it can be a positive thing. I just wish that there were more venues for polers to showcase their talents without that element always taking the center stage.

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