Forums Discussions I am buying a PS Star Stand Alone 3.0 tomorrow!!!

  • I am buying a PS Star Stand Alone 3.0 tomorrow!!!

    Posted by JBStarryEyedGirl on March 15, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    SOOO excited because I am FINALLY buying a Platinum Stages Star Stand Alone 3.0 Pole tomorrow!!!

    I got to try one out tonight and was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to put together and take apart. it literally took me 5 minutes to do this. The pole is quite sturdy, it does wobble a bit, but I jumped all over that pole TRYING to tip it over, and it stayed firm.

    The pole itself screwed together easily, and using it on spin mode (we didn't have the pin!! lol) The seem where the poles connect are totally smooth, no catching or scratching. I am getting a 2ft extender piece so I will have 9 feet of POLE!!! (drool!)

    I had no problem doing left handed spins without any fear that the pole would unscrew itself. Not sure about when it is static, but I'm a righty mostly so not quite as important to me.

    I will definatly be adding some additional weight to the bottom, I read a post about using steel posts inside the legs, which seems like a good idea to me! I will not be purchashing the carrying cases, I plan on using a heavy duty suitcase with wheels!

    Can't wait to order this, I hope shipping doesn't take FOREVER! (Shipping is flippin expensive! $130 bucks!) BUT I will be impatiently waiting like a mad woman!

    glitterhips replied 12 years, 2 months ago 17 Members · 50 Replies
  • 50 Replies
  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    March 15, 2011 at 10:18 pm

    And I will defintitely be posting a video of set up and take down of the pole. And maybe some new moves on spinny mode!!

  • crazykitten

    March 15, 2011 at 11:00 pm

    I'm curious to know how you like it!  I want a stage pole, but the X-Stage Lite is too tall for me.  Are you getting brass or stainless steel?

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    March 15, 2011 at 11:07 pm

    I'm ordering a 50mm stainless steel. I've never used a brass pole, and I've been usng our studio poles which are lil mynx, about 15- 20 feet or so?  The one I tried tonight was 45mm stainless steel, but I am used to having a 50mm so it was a little awkward to practice.

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    March 15, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    We also have a stage at our studio, it is older, about a foot off the ground, not sure if it is PS or XStage. It was a pain in the booty to move and take apart. You had to have 2 people too, because it was heavy to lug to outcall parties! It also wasn't very sturdy and we resorted to taking bags of kitty litter to weigh it down.

  • Anonyma

    March 16, 2011 at 1:52 am

    the PS unscrews when you go  "lefter"…also their customer service is not super nice… bought a  by 4 stage and there was damage to the pole it was brand new…. of course i threwed the package at the gargabe…but they were asking for it…

    also for carring the x stage around teyre making wheels now!!

    X stage all the way

  • Addiction Pole

    March 16, 2011 at 2:12 am

    I have a PS and Olivia is right, when you go left on static the pole comes unscrewed. Also I bought new bottem feet that were much better than the rinky dink ones it came with. I would love to see what x-stage has to offer in portables, because PS star stand alone is not worth the money $$$ …….However in their defense I use their super poles and have had alot of success with them as well as loving the fact that you can take it in and out of static very easily. I like the Idea of getting some steal plates for inside the legs to add x-tra weight though good call ;o) good luck with your purchase

  • chemgoddess1

    March 16, 2011 at 7:56 am

    Is this the new design for the PS Star Stand Alone?  I know they took the 45's off the market because they were totally unsafe and also there was a big problem with the unscrewing that people have mentioned.  Supposedly they were redesigning these….I hope this is the case with the pole you ordered.


    Things to watch out for:  Pie shapes popping off the base when you walk near the edges, case falling apart, pole walking across the floor while doing things like reverse grab, rust at seams, pole unscrewing while spinning, HORRIBLE customer service.  I don't want to rain on your parade, I just want you to be aware that there have been several issues with this design.


  • Charley

    March 16, 2011 at 9:20 am

    I have the original SSA and it's a peice of crap.  The warnings that come with it say that you cannot place any weight on it or spin on it – which means if this if you get hurt using this pos you cannot even come back at them because it's basically a $600 Peek a boo.

    Maybe the 3.0's are better but I doubt it.  Their customer service sucks!  I only bought this stage so I could do performances and when they were coming out with the 3.0's they said they'd upgrade me for *free* if I paid to ship the faulty parts back to them (which is the entire thing).  I have the 45 which is deemed by their own admission UNSAFE and it's extensions – I've never been offered a refund just to send things back at my own cost.  Why should I have to pay because they sold me an unsafe pole????

    Just saying!  I've personally sold many girls on buying PS products over the last 3 years and have owned 5 of their poles and this is how they treat a good returning customer?

    NowI have to buy an X-stage light so my stage costs are not something like $1600.  I wish I'd have saved and waited for the X-Stage Light.  I get so angry everytime I tihnk about it.

    The X-stage is so much better, well made and their customer service is AMAZING!!!!!

  • Anonyma

    March 16, 2011 at 11:03 am

    about their customer service:  when i ordered the stage (view previous post) i installed it…then i saw a dent in the pole… (the day after) OF COURSE i put the package to garbage,,,DUHHH

    they were asking me to go get the package and take pics…and then return the pole to my fees…

    I mean …really…. so i opened my studio now and guess what…. im not using platinum stages products 🙂 

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 16, 2011 at 11:52 am

    I will say this…when there is a significant difference in pricing of the same type of product you should ask why? Do you really think XStage would sell a product at a significantly higher price if they didnt' have to?

    XStages cost more due to the tiime put into developing the pole as well as the quality of the parts and product itself – it's heavy duty, safe, stays together the way it's meant to, and is durable. Having used an SSA I can say that the price difference is warranted.

    Every pole has it's share of problems but the Star has had more than any pole should have…especially for a product you are literally trusting your life to. I haven't heard anything about the differences in the "new 3.0" but I've head and dealt with many customer service issues with them over the past 6 years and that hasn't improved at all.

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    March 17, 2011 at 9:57 am

    Hey ladies, thanks for all your feedback, here are some points I addressed, as well as a few thoughts and questions of my own…


    To Olivia "the PS unscrews when you go  "lefter".

    I understand that is it more an issue when the pole is on static, and since I spin mostly right handed, I will practice my lefty spins on spin mode.


    To Charley  "I have the 45 which is deemed by their own admission UNSAFE"

    To ChemGoddess "I know they took the 45's off the market because they were totally unsafe"

    I tried a 45mm v.3 and did not find it unsafe? Is that written anywhere on their website or in any articles?? They are obviously still selling them.. I did my damndest to flip it over and had no success even with very aggressive spins.


    To ChemGoddess "Pie shapes popping off the base when you walk near the edges"

    Maybe this was an orginal design flaw? The pie shapes are placed on top of the feet, and the pole goes overtop of it, effectively locking them down. I had no issues with the base other than I thought it was more mat like, not plastic. But that doesn't bother me as I am used to hardwood and concrete floors lol.


    To Empryrean "when there is a significant difference in pricing of the same type of product you should ask why? Do you really think XStage would sell a product at a significantly higher price if they didnt' have to?"

    The xstage and xstage lite are both $799, the PS Star is $599. I would expect the difference to be because the base is lighter, therefore less costly to make. I don't find the price to be too varying to make me wonder about bad quality.


    It seems like a lot of people have had issues with customer service.. and while this does worry me, I think every company will have its share of happy and unhappy clients. However, my studio just ordered and received theirs just 2 weeks ago, and they said they had no problems with ordering or delivery…

    However, I definitely plan to film myself while opening the boxes and doing the initial set up.. that way if they try to say I did the damage I will have fresh evidence! LOL.

    Either way, I'm pretty happy with my choice as my BF will not let me put a pole in the house that will potentially damage any celiings before we sell our condo! And on the plus side, the weather has gotten nice so I definitely plan on taking this bad boy to the park!


  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    March 17, 2011 at 10:12 am

    OK, I meant to order the pole last night, but procrastination and such.. lol.

    I literally JUST got off the phone with Kevin @ Platinum Stages and he was very helpful, friendly and polite with me on the phone. Paid a grand total of $606.74 for my pole plus shipping! (which was $130 to St Louis if anyone is interested =) I used a 10% off code from their facebook page and saved $50 which I used to also purchase a 2 foot extender piece.

    I will keep everyone updated! Shipping is 10 -14 days so I will be begin waiting IMpatiently right NOW. lol

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    March 17, 2011 at 10:15 am

    And I forgot to mention.. there will be a lighting kit for the star coming out hopefully in June..

    And they also offered me a discount on new carrying cases they are redesigning that will be collapsable with wheels to make it easy to transport. For now, I will stick with my rolling suitcase idea.

  • chemgoddess1

    March 17, 2011 at 10:34 am

    There was a HUGE hoopla on FB a few months back where a lot of this came out.  I believe that the 45 issue was written in emails to people.  I will see if I can find the FB thing when I have a little more time.  It was started by Alethea and had close to 200 comments.  I had gotten an email from PS regarding my post, forwarded the info to my studio owner and they STILL ignored her phone calls.


    As far as customer service goes, they are great while ordering, no so much once they have your money.

  • chemgoddess1

    March 17, 2011 at 10:51 am

    Here we go:

    Star Stand Alone Stage – WARNING Well, I'm probably going to start a shitstorm with this, but the idea of someone getting hurt is much worse. I feel it is my responsibility as a pole dancer and teacher to give warning about this product.
    The Main Flaw is the pieces of the pole are just screwed together on threading and there is no loc…king mechanism to hold the pole pieces in place. If you spin against the threading, THE POLE WILL COME UNSCREWED IN YOUR HANDS. This has happened to me before, and even left me standing next to the stage with the top pole completely off in my hands. The first time I was on the Star Stand Alone I was on spin mode upsidown holding in my knee and noticed the threading in the middle joint was showing and the pole felt wobbly. I grabbed the bottom half with my hands and screwed the two back together until i could come down. The Base of the stage as well i do not feel like is heavy or sturdy enough. The collar around the pole does not fit well and the plastic triangle pieces of the base frequently pop up.
    I like Platnium Stages, they have a great one piece pole i am happy to use in competitions and in studios. But this particular product the Star Stand Alone is not made well and downright dangerous for pole dancing. I just don't want anyone to get hurt there are tons of options for safer poles out there. After my experiences i will not teach or perform on this product. Feel Free to tag yourself in this picture if you agree and or want to share your story.


    There are 180 comments following this.  It was posted on November 27 so if you are friends with Alethea you can keep hitting "older Posts" until you get to that date.


    I am not sure if this link will take you directly there.


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