Forums Discussions I feel like I got punched in the stomach…

  • I feel like I got punched in the stomach…

    Posted by portableninja on August 23, 2012 at 11:49 am

    I did Veena's pole strengthening workout on Tuesday. I felt pretty good that day and I had decent grip for once, so I pushed myself and did 10 knee tucks without touching my toes to the ground, as well as some advanced variations on the other moves. It wasn't easy, but I pushed through and finished it.

    Flash forward to this morning… ow. My The funny part is, I lay there in bed confused about why I was hurting, until I remembered what I'd done on Tuesday.

    Does anyone else have a 2-day delay when it comes to muscle soreness? How does this affect your workout schedule with regard to alternating rest days? I'm always sore 48 hours after the fact, so I usually feel great on my rest days and lousy when I'm supposed to be back "on."


    portableninja replied 12 years, 2 months ago 10 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • azblanco

    August 23, 2012 at 11:54 am

    I am almost always sore the next day, but I am always sorest (is that a word?) on the second day!
    There was a point I was doing a strength boot camp that was three days a week (mon,wed,fri) and by the time wednesday rolled around I was super sore, but pushed through the workout anway.

  • Saphyre

    August 23, 2012 at 12:47 pm

    I'm the same way. I think it's pretty common. Personally, if I work out when I'm a bit sore, I find that it actually works the acid out of my muscles and I feel better. Having said that, make sure you warm up really well, and then just listen to what your body tells you.  Good for you for getting in such an awesome workout! 

  • HyperHorsegirl

    August 23, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    I did a PoleFit class on Tuesday and man am I feeling it! I was feeling it yesterday too, but I can't decided if today is better or worse than that.

    I think I must have done 100 squats. We did 4 songs worth of circuits. The exercises were to do squats with a pulse (so really 2 squats) horizontally across the studio (50+ feet long) and then back the other way, then come to our mat and do 10 reps of downward dog into a tricep pushup and back into downward dog, then do 20 calf raises, using the pole for balance, then to climb up the pole twice, then do 50 jumping jacks. Then repeat. Every other rotation, we were to switch out the 50 jumping jacks for 50 full sit ups (not crunches). 4 songs is about 15 minutes and I made it through the circuit twice, plus one extra round of squats, down and back. Of course, this was after doing some light warm-up stretching, mild cardio, and a full ab work out to get us all warmed up. The ab workout alone was killer ("Chloe's revenge" plus 3 minutes of planks!?!) I feel like I'm going to die. I only took a week and a half off my normal fitness routine. I didn't expect to be so sore. I never got sore before doing this class. This sucks. All I can do is hope it is better tomorrow.

  • portableninja

    August 23, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    I'm no stranger to sore muscles and working through the pain – it was expected of me when I did karate 4 days a week. But I also did a lot of damage to my body in those days, mostly in my back, shoulders, and knees. I'm reaching the age where I really want to do things the right way going forward so I don't have lifelong chronic injuries.

    I appreciate the reassurance from everyone that I'm not weird! I think as long as I only have muscle soreness and not joint pain or sharp muscle pain then it's probably OK.

  • calipolepixie

    August 23, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    I usually am sore 2-3 days after a really intense workout. Or especially if i’m lazy dont pole at all during the week at home & then go to pole class..boy am i REALLY sore then.

    What helps me be less sore is a combination of things like stretching after an intense workout, using my infrared massager, epsom bath b4 bed, drinking coconut juice or water after working out.

  • klaus e berger9168

    August 23, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    You should be happy for your muscle soreness! Say to yourself: This is not a bad thing, this is nice! It shows that the workout has worked! If you work out often, more than twice a week, you will not get muscle soreness.

  • GiedreB

    August 24, 2012 at 4:41 am

    Klaus, my thoughts exactly! Whenever I feel soreness in my muscles, I say to my self ‘yeeeaaaah, I did good…’

  • RoseMay

    August 24, 2012 at 7:59 am

    From my experience there are people who get sore the next day and then there are people who get sore 2 days after exercizing. Not much you can do about it^^

    Maybe it's better for people who are sore 2 days later to workout two days in a row and then rest when you're sore? (If the soreness is that bad that you have to rest)

    I mean, better than working out one day and then resting 2 days. This way you'd only get around 2 workouts per week.

  • Veena

    August 24, 2012 at 11:05 am

    "DOMS" Delayed onset muscle soreness. Is normal. There is no way to speed up the recovery process but you can try a few things to help you feel better. Try going for a walk, sitting still can make you feel more stiff. Hot bath, foam rolling can feel good too, again though, it wont "fix" or repair the muscles any faster but it feels good!

  • HyperHorsegirl

    August 24, 2012 at 11:18 am

    I went swimming yesterday and it helped relax my muscles a bit. Still a little sore, but I felt better after just 10 minutes in the water. I'd recommend it. Not a cure, but it definitely helps the feeling by letting your muscles relax a bit.

  • klaus e berger9168

    August 24, 2012 at 11:23 am

    Foam rolling sore muscles? Sounds like a nice torture to me!

  • SunShineCJ

    August 24, 2012 at 11:37 am

    After any workout I usually take a hot bath with Epsom salt and massage the muscles and it does wonders to me. I sleep well and wake up the next day not feeling soooo sore. Hoe this helps! =)

  • SunShineCJ

    August 24, 2012 at 11:38 am

    LOL! typed to fast!  Hope it helps!

  • portableninja

    August 24, 2012 at 11:39 am

    Thank you for providing me with the technical term, Veena! Now I can geek out and read the Wikipedia article about it… It looks like anything from 24 to 72 hours to onset is considered normal. I also like this quote:

    Continued use of the sore muscle also has no adverse effect on recovery from soreness and does not exacerbate muscle damage. It is therefore unlikely that soreness is in fact a warning sign not to use the affected muscle.

    The more you know!

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