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I got robbed by some junkies and ..
Posted by polefairy on October 1, 2011 at 2:12 pmI want to give out about it!! This isn't pole related but just a wee vent really. But an important one I think. They took my bag which had pretty much everthing in it. My bank cards, bank details, my passport, my work rota, my keys to my house, my parents house, sister's house, grandparent's house etc. My money, make up, my new mp3 player – everything! The scumbags.
I dealt with it fine yesterday and everyone was saying how calm I was about the whole thing but today I am a little freaked, just because my keys were in there. I know that there is probably no way that they would know where I live but I had lots of receipts and things in my wallet as I never empty it out and I must admit, it's only in the last few hours that I have gotten slightly concerned at the possibilty that maybe SOMETHING in there had my address. I also hate that they have my work roster for the week too! And my picture. Ew! I've cancelled my cards and my passport won't be an issue because it's expired and the police took note of it anyway. But I am super annoyed. I didn't even see it happening, they were very quick and sneaky, I don't know how they even managed it.
Anyway, nothing can be done now obviously but I just wanted to vent and call them scumbags! hahaha
I guess I learned a lesson though, not to keep very important items in a handbag and to always keep some small cash and my phone in my pocket so I can at least get home if anything like that ever happens again. To hell with the scummers!!
Laura KittyCat replied 13 years, 3 months ago 12 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
I am sorry to hear abut that hun. I can't believe you are handling it so well. That happened to my fiancee about 2 year ago and he still get freaked out walking alone at night! He was waling to his car at night, in Santa Monica, after tutoring a student. A guy came up to him, pointed a GUN to his a chest, and took his wallet. It had his atm card, credit cards, the cash he had just earned from tutoring, and some sentimental things he kept with him. The thing we learned was to never carry cash. Credit cards can be cancelled and purchases can be protested, but cash cannot be gotten back.
I am glad that you are safe but sorry to hear so many personal things were taken. If you can, change your locks. It is way too easy to find addresses and you don't want anyone coming into your home.
Take care of yourself and hoping all this settles down soon for you and you can get back to your normal routine.
i'm so glad you weren't hurt and i would for sure be changing the locks as stated above it is way too easy to find out an address these days!!!! If i remember right your in the UK, but here in the states our drivers and non-drivers licenses have our address on them.
Ditto to changing the locks. Maybe tell your work to keep an eye out for the guy also since he has you schedule. I seriously doubt he'd come back though. Those kind's of situations occur mostly so they can get quick cash so they can get drugs. They don't want you stuff.
Thanks ladies. Wow sensualscimitar, what happened to your fiancee is HORRIBLE!! If that happened to me I'd be in bits. I'm very grateful they just snatched it sneakily instead of struggling with me for it. That would be awful.
I'm not sure how to go about changing the locks as it is not my property but I have told my landlord about the robbery and am still awaiting a reply. I'm in Ireland so our addresses aren't on as many items as in the US but (and perhaps it's just paranoia / realisation kicking in) I do worry that there was something in my wallet with my address. It's highly unlikely but I'm just a bit freaked out so my mind is thinking all sorts of possibilities. And it is very creepy knowing some scumbag as my name, birthday, picture etc. I'm beginning to feel angry today!!
Glad your ok. Hope you can feel secure again soon. Imagining all the things that could happen can drive you nuts. Take the steps you can take and try not to stress too much.
I've been traveling a lot for work lately. Spending a lot of time of time on the road and in airports. I always hated carrying a purse or bag. I bought one of these utlity vests at first just for travel, but I take it everywhere like a purse now. Makes me feel really secure about my stuff when I wear it.
All someone needs to know for an address is a name. They can go anywhere on the web and an address pulls up. I won't "teach" anyone here how to as I don't condone that kind of behavior but you should get your locks changed. Did you do a police report? That will help. Also check back with enforcement to see if anything shows up. My lil brothers belongings showed up when apprehending a suspect and he didn't even know he had been robbed!
Glad you are ok and hopefully you can get back to feeling safe.
So sorry to hear you are going through this. What an invasion….
Oh sweetie I am so sorry! Just 3 weeks ago my daughter found the lockk on her storage cut and everything of value gone and her stuff dumped all down the street. We were digging through ditches and trash all over town for baby pictures, birth certificates, baby teeth and all those things you can't replace. They caught them…10 of them!!! All a bunch of crack heads who called their family to the storage after they broke into it and let them haul off what they didn't want..It was devastating because when she lost her job and moved in with us with her little one we tried to teach her to be responsible and store her own I felt like S**t when it happened. We have pics of my little grandson going through the trash and finding his thomas the train parts and his kindergarten first day aart. We all felt so violated. The idiots took her big wrought iron bed set a block away and sold it and we found it and the police were all over it…
I know you feel so violated, please report it, change your locks and know we can't stop this from happening AND we can't let them take away our sense of freedom. Stay strong and make sure your lanmdlord knows how upset you are and that he should change the locks immediatley as his responsibility. Here if you need to vent…I know I have done a lot of crying and yelling and cusrsing… 🙂
Oh sweetie I am so sorry! Just 3 weeks ago my daughter found the lockk on her storage cut and everything of value gone and her stuff dumped all down the street. We were digging through ditches and trash all over town for baby pictures, birth certificates, baby teeth and all those things you can't replace. They caught them…10 of them!!! All a bunch of crack heads who called their family to the storage after they broke into it and let them haul off what they didn't want..It was devastating because when she lost her job and moved in with us with her little one we tried to teach her to be responsible and store her own I felt like S**t when it happened. We have pics of my little grandson going through the trash and finding his thomas the train parts and his kindergarten first day aart. We all felt so violated. The idiots took her big wrought iron bed set a block away and sold it and we found it and the police were all over it…
I know you feel so violated, please report it, change your locks and know we can't stop this from happening AND we can't let them take away our sense of freedom. Stay strong and make sure your lanmdlord knows how upset you are and that he should change the locks immediatley as his responsibility. Here if you need to vent…I know I have done a lot of crying and yelling and cusrsing… 🙂
Awe… I’m so sorry to hear that!!! 🙁
You might be going through the feeling of being violated..
I just had someone steal my sick ass silver electric bicycle, that I used fr everything, getting groceries, getting to work and everything else in between.
I dealt with my $2600 bike getting stolen but when they came back for the trailer for it a week later… That put over the edge of feeling like a target.I’ll keep you in my thoughts and hope that you can feel safe in your own home!
wow, that's terrible, polefairy i think there's some very good advice here. you can't be too careful, and even if those scumbags are not interested in bothering you, YOU will feel safer. but i'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this!! i'm just glad you were not physically hurt!
I am so sorry that happened to you! I was robbed a few years ago in my house. It was scary and i moved out shortly afterward. I kept having nightmares that the guy came back. The guy came back after taking $100 fromnme to steal my school laptop and video game consoles. He didnt bother with the old-as-dirt tv though 😉 Oddly enough, something that day told me to stay on campus for lunch instead of walking home. Always trust your instincts and be super aware of your surroundings. I now carry an air taser with me everywhere I go. I used to carry a gun, but they are getting increasingly picky about where you can carry and I woukd feel terrible if I had to use it and missed and hit an innocent person. I would suggest taking a self-defense class. Its a great confidence booster! Knowing that if someone grabs you and tries to have their way you can break their bones with some well placed strikes (thumb in the eye is my favorite) gives you a sense of peace and preparedness that is priceless. You will make it through this!
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