Forums Discussions I have NO waist… Anything I can do about it?

  • I have NO waist… Anything I can do about it?

    Posted by pink bubbles on March 25, 2011 at 1:47 am

    Hi! This one's for the girls!

    So watching the videos I make of my pole practice, I've noticed that my body really looks like a "T", wide shoulders, narrow waist and hips.. It looks weird to me, unbalanced and I really don't like that (on me).

    My Ideal body type would be the "X" type, or the way the women looked in the 50's, although I KNOW I will NEVER look like that, my bone structure will not change over night obviously, I was wondering if there were any exercises I could do to make my waist look a little more like… a waist!

    I've noticed that the more I strenghthen my abs and the less my waist is defined, but I need that strenghth for dancing….

    Do you think it has to be either one or the other?


    Have a great day!

    minicoopergrl replied 13 years, 11 months ago 12 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Runemist34

    March 25, 2011 at 2:01 am

    Hey hun!

    What you're wanting is also called the "hourglass figure" and I'll tell you…it's practically impossible to change your body type. I'm sorry, but…that's the truth of the matter.

    I would have suggested to work your abs, particularly your transverse abdominus, but if you're doing this already, then unfortunately, I think you're stuck with one or the other! 

    Much of it does depend on bone structure, and part is on where and how your body stores fat. When it gets to the point of being an athlete like many pole dancers, you barely have any fat on you, so that point becomes quite moot.

    I'll tell you this, though: An hourglass figure is not all it's cracked up to be, at least in the having. Both my sister and I have it, and we have endless issues finding clothing. I'm wider in the hips, she's wider in the…er, bra region, and we both have horrible issues. I recognize that many people are envious, but…I end up being envious of everyone else!

    I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but…I think the real endeavour for everyone is to be happy with what you have 🙂 Think about it this way: You don't have the giant hips I do that take up most of your body weight, and are VERY HEAVY to lift when learning pole! 😛

  • Polecat88

    March 25, 2011 at 2:40 am

    It will also help to work up extra muscle on your lower half, makin that bigger to match your top willl make your waist proportionately smaller. 

    I'm bottom heavy myself and working my upper body really helps. =)

  • chemgoddess1

    March 25, 2011 at 6:09 am

    I have very little waist but that is my body type.  Having a small chest does not help matters, either.  For me developing my lats and back has helped to make it appear that I have more of a waist than I do.  You know that V shape that men strive for…same thing goes here.  What has really made that has been a lot of upside down work.  I would check out the Oxygen site for exercises that will help you develop that V.


  • LoneStarDiva

    March 25, 2011 at 11:06 am

    I know this won't help much with your poling/dancing.. but in your 'waking life' there are a lot of 'fashion tricks' to Appear more hourglass shaped.  And then, of course there are all the padded items, bras, booty, etc.

    Wear dark on top, light on bottom, horiontal stripes on bottom, etc. Solid color top w/print bottom…  Anything to appear 'wider' on the bottom.  I'm sure there are whole websites devoted to it.

    As for me.. I have been 'blessed'.  J-Lo got nothin' on the women in my family. 😉  But like Runemist said.. fitting is a curse.  Lots of wardrobe tricks for us too! :):)  However.. I'm still wondering how I'm gonna hoist this big A** o'  mine up that POLE!! lol

  • ShellyBelly

    March 25, 2011 at 10:56 pm

    The only think I can really think of is tight lacing/corset training. But really, who wants to wear a corset 24/7!!!!

  • monica kay

    March 26, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    i got my first corset last week and WOW did it cinch in my waist.

    couldnt breath and put me in a pissy mood… but i looked amazing! ha ha.

  • Runemist34

    March 26, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    If you wanna talk corsets, it entirely depends on what you're going for. If you want to go the "real corset" way, that is basically tightlacing (at least to me) where your "size" is two inches smaller than your actual waist size, and you are expected to tighten to that point.

    Many other corsets don't necessarily do this, but they allow you to have the look of the corset, they may pull you in a bit, but they are often boned with plastic, and are of cheaper quality.

    The issue with "real" corsets and tightlacing is that it can have some serious health problems. For women way back in the day when the corset was THE piece of underwear, many of them (because of prolonged use) had their organs rearranged, so that everything was either too high, or too low. Just think about that…where would you put your stomach: In your diaphragm, or down into your uterus?

    I believe it took off about 5-10 years of life from the woman in question, too. That was one I heard quite a while ago, though, so don't quote me on that!

    YES, corsets look amazing, and yes, I love them to bits…but please don't wear them too often, too tight, or in a way that causes you pain or a lack of ability to breathe! Corsets are difficult to fit and good ones are hard to come by…you have to dish out hundreds of dollars for good ones, and those are often boned with metal, so that it really holds it's shape. It does wonders for "the girls" and lovely things for your waist…but PLEASE consider it a temporary thing!

    Unfortunately for me, because of my somewhat more extreme proportions, I have to be very careful with my corsets. I've had a few that bent so hard the bones would dig into my back, and I had red marks there for two days. Those were plastic bones, though…cheap corsets. I've never worn a "real" corset, and if I did, I'd be quite wary of anyone trying to lace me in too tight!

  • monica kay

    March 26, 2011 at 4:11 pm

    yes rune- you are totally right.  corsets reallys should be worn once only and awhile.  I heard that if you wear them too much, you will actually start NEEDING to wear them- like your back becomes so weak, you need the corset for the support or something.  eekk.

  • Veena

    March 26, 2011 at 7:15 pm

    Heavily working the obliques can cause some to loose the small waist look. Working on building up the latissimus can help make the waist look smaller. My suggestion to learn to love your body.

  • pink bubbles

    March 27, 2011 at 3:44 am

    Hi guys!

    Thanks for your answers, I'll definetely try all the exercices I can find.

    I had considered wearing a corset at some point, especially after seeing Dita VonTeese's tiny waist and learning about how she got is so small, but I think I just wouldn't stick to it very long…

    Veena, I would like to learn to love my body but I've had a lot of issues with it ever since I was a teenager and I guess I'm just not over all that yet… You have a stunning body, if I had it I would love it too!!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • moth

    March 27, 2011 at 4:13 am

    I know this isn't much help to you but, on corsets:

    Tightlacing involves wearing a corset for the bulk of your day – the more you wear them, the more your body gets used to them and the further you can lace down.  It's safe, provided you take reasonable precautions, like buying proper, custom fitted corsets and specifically exercising the muscles likely to atrophy.  Your internal organs get smooshed around when you're pregnant and it's a similar thing with corsetry.

    If a corset hurts or stops you from being able to breathe, it's laced too tightly and/or doesn't fit properly 😉  Unfortunately, they're unlikely to cause a permanent reduction of your natural waist size – I don't tightlace but I do often lace down about 6 inches and, as soon as the corset comes off, I just have my normal waist and some weird imprints in my skin hehe.


    I hope you find something to help, Pink Bubbles, but I bet you look a lot better than you give yourself credit for!

  • Veena

    March 27, 2011 at 9:33 am

    Pink..if you think I have never had body issues your wrong…..I would never tell someone to learn to accept and love their body if I had not had to go though dark times myself!

  • chemgoddess1

    March 27, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    Pink, have you actually looked at the majority of pole dancers?  NONE of them have waists.

    Seriously look at Alethea, Karol, Zoraya, Becca Butcher, Jenyne, Felix.  NONE of them have that hourglass figure.  Not a one.


    This is a pretty good photo album from the 2010 Miss Pole Dance Australia.  Look through it and really look at the lack of "waists".




  • chemgoddess1

    March 27, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    Alright…that did not paste right.  Might have some issues with the imbedding of the pole moves. See if this one works:



  • chemgoddess1

    March 27, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    I guess not.  This is really kinf of annoying.  Copy and paste the link starting at the http:

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