Forums Discussions I have to bring in my own students???

  • I have to bring in my own students???

    Posted by ShellyBelly on May 19, 2012 at 4:16 pm

    Hi everyone! I recently applied at a studio and they said, even before I’m considered, I have to bring in a few beginner dancers. That doesn’t seem completely fair to me.

    Can some of you give me your opinions and maybe some advice on how to recruit dancers to a studio that I don’t even work at yet? Thank you so much everyone!

    Charley replied 12 years, 9 months ago 12 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Lyme Lyte

    May 19, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    I don’t know anything about pole instructor positions,but bring in your own students? For what, so they can get them signed on? Sounds like they r using u to recruit!

  • ShellyBelly

    May 19, 2012 at 4:31 pm

    I just don’t want to work so hard on getting people and then get a “thanks, it was nice to meet you.” She hasn’t even seen me dance or met me in person. 🙁

  • JeHanne

    May 19, 2012 at 5:00 pm

    Trust your gut feeling. Why would you get students to sign up at a studio that you are not even teaching at? You plump their student roster and then what? What's in it for you? Personally I would pass and actively seek a different studio.

  • ShellyBelly

    May 19, 2012 at 5:11 pm

    I agree. It just sucks that they would do that 🙁

    Thank you guys for helping out!

  • ShellyBelly

    May 19, 2012 at 6:31 pm

    Should I try to talk to them at all or should I just move on completely?

  • Lyme Lyte

    May 19, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    I would move right along……something odd!!!

  • PersianXcursian

    May 19, 2012 at 7:05 pm

    Move on if you can. that is really fishy and if it smells like a fish, its most likely a fish.

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    May 19, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    My perspective—-WALK AWAY.

    I own a studio and would offer my staff commissions based on clients they bring in, but I would never expect them to "bring their own"

    I have only been open 8 weeks, so we are still very much in infancy stages.

    It would be another thing entirely if you were renting the space off them at an hourly rate, teaching students you already had……That would mean you were in business for yourself. Which—depending on where you are located, there are a whole lot of considerations and different laws about being a contractor/business owner. There are several wonderful threads on here about the topic……….MaryEllen is wonderful resource for answering them as well due to her ownership of studio, and her vast business background in the US. I am in Canada and things are a little different.

    Anyway, back to topic at hand………..I wouldn't entertain it if they are looking to hire you as a staff member and you bringing in your own students is contingent on if you are hired or not.

    Another note—if you bring the students in—-the studio will likely retain them. In some small prints, I have seen it written that the gym/studio/facility retains the proprietary rights to the students once you bring them in. Not sure how it would hold up in court if you took them with you if you left, but again—-might be another hassle that no one needs… tons of money spent on legal…..Again–MaryEllen has made some excellent replies on these topics if you search the forums.

    Just some thoughts………….

    Go with your instincts………..If it feels sketchy, I would look for an alternate studio to apply at.





  • whatup

    May 19, 2012 at 7:49 pm

    A pole studio owner offered me that "opporturnity" –I was like, if I want to build a practice, I can do that out of my OWN STUDIO! lol  You're doing the labor and building their business aka "good will"

    completely unfair- it was PureDelish in Culver City-no thank you… that's work and it takes money out of your pocket instead of putting it in!

  • tarah

    May 20, 2012 at 1:14 am

    if they need you to bring in students, they must not be doing very well.  i have had some similar experiences with massage therapy positions – where they wanted me to already have a clientele.  but HELLO, if i had my own clients, i would have them come to my house!!!

  • donnalee

    May 20, 2012 at 2:55 am

    I agree with the other posts that this is a bad job offer. I have heard of similar situations for jobs beyond classes and pole fitness. Someone I know who already had a current full time job interviewed at another company. At the interview this person was told, "If we hire you of course you will be required to turn in your current client list from where you are right now." The person thought, "No I would not do that. My current employer could sue me for such an action." 


    May 20, 2012 at 10:57 am

    Ask if they can have the session for free and just bring a friend or two- or your family. Otherwise, I'd just ask them to explain their stance. Maybe their thinking is that everything comes down to a representation of their studio so in case you "mess up" they haven't lost anything(current customers) and you'd excel since you are trying to gain the new students and win over the studio; however I don't agree with what they are asking. You could maybe compromise and teach the instructors to do a "mock class". That way you and the studio don't have anything to "lose" and they have an idea as to your teaching style. Good luck!

  • yogabeachbabe

    May 20, 2012 at 11:05 am

    I agree with everyone here. I own a studio and would never ask someone to bring in clients before I would even considering hiring them as an instructor. That has nothing to do with the quality of your instruction. On the other hand, AFTER you get hired, it may be part of your job to advertise your classes and encourage people to come, but that shouldn't be a pre-requisite in order for you to get the job. I would certainly question their motives.

  • studio409

    May 20, 2012 at 11:14 am


    I am the owner of Studio 409 for 4 years and when one of my instructor takes a student at Studio has always a percentage of profit. If she brings her own group, she rented the studio. Unfortunately all the studios are not like ours, of course you have to pay rent and make clear agreements but if you want to work in a positive atmosphere we must treat good the Instructors. Some schools are like factories, this is not what I chose and the mere fact that you asked the question answers it. You will find a better place dear.





  • ShellyBelly

    May 20, 2012 at 11:28 am

    Thank you everyone for being so kind and helpful 😀 obviously I am choosing to go with another studio. Unfortunately no one is looking for instructors 🙁 ONE DAY! 😀

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