Forums Discussions I just ordered INSANITY!

  • SissyBuns

    March 4, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    I think starting a progress thread would be a great idea. I’ve just done week 1 of the p90x, loving the excersice but I’m having trouble trying to eat better. I have no will power!! x

    Here’s a tip you might want to try to eat better…bodybuilders, figure, and fitness competitors prepare all their meals ahead. They portion them out to re-heat throughout the day as well as their snacks. I have been doing this for a year now for my training…it gets easier after the 1st wk because your body becomes used to it….I eat every 3 hours…by keeping yourself "unhungry" (is that a word?! LOL) you don’t crave the bad carbs because your blood sugar stays level…..that’s what causes you to crave the simple sugars, sweets etc. I have not had those craving for a long time so it’s not a struggle for me. It is the way our bodies were meant to work…to keep your metabolism burning high you need to fuel it consistently…it will feed your muscle to burn the fat. I’m sooo proud of you ladies for choosing better health habits…you guys ROCK!!!

    p.s Always eat something after working out/exercising that has protein and you can add a simple carb…piece of fruit or a handful of cold cereal…that’s when your body needs the simple carbs the most!

    Lilbit you’re my "body role model"!!!! LOL I wanna look just like you when I grow up!

    I eat often too to avoid getting hungry because when I get hungry I’ll eat whatever is in site, and lot’s of it!

  • louise_vaa

    March 4, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    Thank Lilbit, saw your pictures and I see its working well for you, your figure is amazing! I think I eat pretty well I just cant say no to cakes and sweets (we get loads brought into work!)

    Would you mind posting me the kinds of food you eat on an average day. I’m trying to increase my protien and have starting having protien shakes after workouts. I also have starting eating the protien bars which I do find pretty filling and as they’re quite sweet they take away my sugar cravings.

    Thanks again for replying. I really want to get my diet sorted as I’ll be so disapointed in myself if I make it through all the hardcore workouts but dont look much different because of my sweet tooth! xxx

  • rubberstarlet

    March 4, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    yes! a workout thread would be so cool! I just have to work on my eating -_- ughhh so hard in this house hold!

  • bebeduckie

    March 4, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    how do you incorporate this into your pole workouts? i got a copy of p90x finally and am hesitant to start bc i dont want it to interfere with my pole training!

  • Poleluver

    March 5, 2010 at 3:25 am

    pole class today, I’m sore and want to do my class so I didn’t do insanity, gonna do it tomorrow, I was thinking about the recovery shake all night but gotta take it after a heavy work out, I wonder if my pole class counts so I can have it tonight….also I should check it out to see if there is anything in there that will keep me awake late.

  • louise_vaa

    March 5, 2010 at 8:09 pm

    how do you incorporate this into your pole workouts? i got a copy of p90x finally and am hesitant to start bc i dont want it to interfere with my pole training!

    Ive been making sure I do one of the cardio DVD’s the day before rather than an arms one so i dont ache too much. On the days I do pole I’ll try and do the workout on the program is well but if I’m too tired I’ll just and carry on with the p90x the following day. x

  • Poler1984

    March 6, 2010 at 12:17 am

    SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my boyfriend comes home w some movies he got from his friend and whats at the bottom? INSANITY!!!!! Are you for real?? I had to do a double take! After reading this thread and seeing the guy on the Tyra Show (he is FIIIINE btw) i was really interested in it…. and now its in my home! omg! im scared! lol! These things scare me bc im afraid i wont stick to it (like the gym) and ive never truly had my ass kicked and stuck to a workout program in my life. And ive never been on a diet so the "nutrition plan" sounds scary to me lol Im not overweight but id really like to tone up and loose some body fat for summer (plus it will help with pole)…. im going to read all the material and see what its all about. Have you ladies started yet? hows it going? Are people posting progress photos/logs?

  • Poleluver

    March 6, 2010 at 2:35 am

    I did my fit test wed, was sore thurs and fri. Thurs night had basic pole classs, and today I worked out without the program. I am nervous abouut how the or my body can handle workout crazy especially high impact while already sore—I’m thinking I gotta work into insanity and do chalean extreme first. I’m super excited to see the changes in pole practice!

  • Poler1984

    March 6, 2010 at 3:09 am

    Yeah what exactly is the rule when it comes to sore muscles? Can you still work them even if they are sore after a day of rest?

  • RoxyPink

    March 6, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    I did my fit test wed, was sore thurs and fri. Thurs night had basic pole classs, and today I worked out without the program. I am nervous abouut how the or my body can handle workout crazy especially high impact while already sore—I’m thinking I gotta work into insanity and do chalean extreme first. I’m super excited to see the changes in pole practice!

    I’m doing P90X and I found that working out when still a little sore actually helps get the soreness out! As far as the recovery need to drink it within an hour of finishing the p90x or Insanity workout…that’s when your body will utilize it the most.

  • Poleluver

    April 10, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    o.k. so it’s day 21 of 60!!!! No weight change but my hips lost 2 inches and ankles 1.5 inches! My arms and thighs are a teeny tiny but larger but I feel more muscles there and I expect eventually it will come off. I’m not doing any insane eating stuff but the working out more makes me want to do better. It has effected my poling a little. I have some more core strength , I can pop my legs up a little higher for more, more invert practicing,( although I still am a fraidy cat when for hands free). I can climb more with my legs than before. I am excited to see more change. I actually did Insanity not for weight loss but to be able to do better and more pole stuff but for now with the difficult workout it actually pulls me away but I have added an extra day of studio play with friends.

  • kmahly

    April 11, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    I’ve done a few rounds of P90X, but have been too reluctant to try Insanity due to knee problems. The Beachbody programs are all really good, though. I swear by P90X for the upper body strength it gave me which translated to my pole work. Let us know what you think of Insanity, and if the jumping stuff gets to be too much, you could definitely try P90X or P90X+ and still get some awesome workouts!


  • mademoisELLA

    April 12, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    Oh wow, this sounds intense. Good luck. I thought I could do P90x until I found out that the 90 stood for 90 consecutive days. LOL

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